God Has Made a Group of Overcomers in China


A Time of Brutal Torture

By Chen Hui, China I grew up in an ordinary family in China. My father was in the military and because I had been molded and influenced by him from a…

Day After Day in a CCP Prison

By Yang Yi, China Almighty God says, “In many places, God has prophesied that He will be gaining a group of overcomers in the land of Sinim. Since it…

God Is My Strength in Life

By Xiaohe, Henan Province In what feels like the blink of an eye, I have followed Almighty God for 14 years. Throughout these years, I have experienc…

Rising Up From Dark Oppression

By Mo Zhijian, China Almighty God says, “In many places, God has prophesied that He will be gaining a group of overcomers in the land of Sinim. Since…
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