Work and Entry (10)

For mankind to have progressed this far is a situation without precedent. God’s work and the entry of man advance shoulder to shoulder, and thus God’s work, too, is a spectacular event without parallel. Man’s entry to date is a wonder never before imagined by man. God’s work has reached its zenith—and, subsequently, man’s “entry”[1] has also reached its peak. God has lowered Himself as far as He possibly could, and never has He protested to mankind or to the universe and all things. Man, meanwhile, stands upon God’s head, and man’s oppression of God has reached its peak; all has reached its peak, and it is time for the day of righteousness to appear. Why continue to let gloom cover the land, and darkness cloak all peoples? God has watched for several thousand years—for tens of thousands of years, even—and His tolerance has long since reached its limit. He has been watching mankind’s every move, He has been observing how long man’s unrighteousness would run riot, and yet man, who has long since grown numb, feels nothing. And who has ever observed the deeds of God? Who has ever raised their eyes and looked into the distance? Who has ever listened carefully? Who has ever been in the hands of the Almighty? People are all plagued by imaginary fears.[2] What use has a pile of hay and straw? The only thing they can do is torture the incarnate God to death. Though they are but heaps of hay and straw, there is still one thing that they do “best of all”:[3] torturing God to death and then crying that “it gladdens the people’s hearts.” What a bunch of shrimp soldiers and crab generals! Remarkably, amidst an unceasing stream of people, they focus their attention on God, encircling Him with an impenetrable blockade. Their fervor burning ever hotter,[4] they have surrounded God in hordes, so that He cannot move an inch. In their hands, they hold all manner of weapons, and look upon God as if looking at an enemy, their eyes full of anger; they are itching to “tear God limb from limb.” How perplexing! Why have man and God become such irreconcilable enemies? Could it be that there is rancor between God, the most lovely, and man? Could it be that God’s actions are of no benefit to man? Do they harm man? Man fixes an unwavering glare upon God, deeply fearful that He will break through man’s blockade, return to the third heaven, and once more cast man into the dungeon. Man is wary of God, he is on tenterhooks, and squirms across the ground at a distance, holding a “machine gun” aimed at the God among man. It is as if, at the slightest stirrings of God, man will wipe away everything of Him—His whole body and all that He wears—leaving nothing behind. The relationship between God and man is beyond repair. God is incomprehensible to man; man, meanwhile, deliberately shuts his eyes and fools around, totally unwilling to see My existence, and unforgiving of My judgment. Thus, when man does not expect it, I quietly float away, and no longer will I compare who is high and who is low with man. Mankind is the lowliest “animal” of all, and I wish to heed him no longer. I have long since taken the entirety of My grace back to the place where I peacefully reside; since man is so rebellious, what reason has he to enjoy any more of My precious grace? I am not willing to vainly bestow My grace upon the forces that are hostile to Me. I would confer My precious fruits upon those farmers of Canaan who are diligent, and welcome My return with eager assiduousness. I wish only for the heavens to last for eternity, and, more than that, for man to never grow old, for the heavens and man to be forever at rest, and those evergreen “pines and cypresses” to forever accompany God, and forever accompany the heavens in entering the ideal era together.

I have spent many days and nights with man, I have resided in the world together with man, and I have never made any more requirements of man; I merely guide man ever onward, I do nothing but guide man, and, for the sake of mankind’s destiny, I ceaselessly carry out the arrangement work. Who has ever understood the will of the heavenly Father? Who has traversed between heaven and earth? I do not wish to spend man’s “old age” with him any longer, for man is too old-fashioned, he understands nothing; the only thing he knows is gorging himself on the feast that I have laid out, aloof from all else, never giving thought to any other matter. Mankind is too miserly, the clamor, gloom, and danger among man is too great, and thus I do not wish to share the precious fruits of overcoming gained during the last days. Let man enjoy the rich blessings that he himself has created, for man does not welcome Me—why should I force mankind to feign a smile? Every corner of the world is bereft of warmth, there is no trace of spring throughout all the world’s landscapes, for, like a water-dwelling creature, man has not the slightest warmth, he is like a corpse, and even the blood that courses through his veins is like frozen ice that chills the heart. Where is the warmth? Man nailed God to the cross without reason, and afterward he felt not the slightest misgivings. Never has anyone felt regret, and these cruel tyrants are still planning to “capture alive”[5] the Son of man once more and bring Him before a firing squad, to put an end to the hate within their hearts. What benefit is there in Me remaining in this dangerous land? If I remain, the only thing I will bring man is conflict and violence, and no end of trouble, for I have never brought man peace, only war. The last days of mankind must be filled with war, and the destination of man must topple amid violence and conflict. I am unwilling to share in the “delight” of the war, I would not accompany the bloodshed and sacrifice of man, for man’s rejection has driven Me to “despondency,” and I have not the heart to look upon the wars of man—let man fight to his heart’s content. I wish to rest, I wish to sleep; let demons be mankind’s companion during his last days! Who knows My intentions? Because I am not welcomed by man, and he has never awaited Me, I can only bid him farewell, and I bestow mankind’s destination unto him, I leave all My riches to man, sprinkle My life upon man, plant the seed of My life in the field of man’s heart, leave him everlasting memories, leave all My love to mankind, and give all that man cherishes in Me to man, as the gift of love with which we long for each other. I would that we love each other forever, that our yesterday is the fine thing we give to each other, for I have already bestowed My entirety upon mankind—what complaints could man have? I have already left the entirety of My life to man, and without a word, I have toiled hard to plow the beautiful land of love for mankind; I have never made any equitable demands of man, and have done nothing but simply obey the arrangements of man and create a more beautiful tomorrow for mankind.

Though God’s work is rich and plentiful, man’s entry is very much wanting. Of the joint “enterprise” between man and God, almost all of it is the work of God; as for how much man has entered, he has almost nothing to show of it. Man, who is so impoverished and blind, even measures his strength against God of today with “ancient weapons” in his hands. These “primitive apes” are barely able to walk upright, and they find no shame in their “naked” bodies. What qualifies them to evaluate the work of God? The eyes of many of these four-limbed apes become filled with rage, and they pit themselves against God with ancient stone weapons in their hands, trying to initiate a contest of the ape men the likes of which the world has never seen before, to hold a contest of the last days between the ape men and God that will become famous throughout the land. Many of these half-upright ancient ape men, moreover, brim with complacency. The hair covering their faces matted together, full of murderous intent, and they raise their front legs. They have yet to fully evolve into modern man, so sometimes they stand upright, and sometimes they crawl, beads of sweat covering their forehead like closely-packed dewdrops—their eagerness is self-evident. Looking at the pristine, ancient ape man, their companion, standing on all fours, its four limbs bulky and slow, barely able to ward off blows and without the strength to fight back, they can barely contain themselves. In the blink of an eye—before there is time to see what happened—the “hero” in the ring tumbles to the ground, limbs in the air. Those limbs, postured wrongly upon the ground for all those years, have been suddenly flipped upside down, and the ape man no longer has any desire to resist. From this time onward, the most ancient of ape men is wiped from the face of the earth—it is truly “grievous.” This ancient ape man came to such a sudden end. Why did it have to hasten from the wonderful world of man so soon? Why did it not discuss the next step of strategy with its companions? What a pity it bid farewell to the world without leaving the secret of measuring one’s strength against God! How thoughtless it was for such an old ape man to have died without a whisper, leaving without passing on the “ancient culture and arts” to its descendants. There was no time for it to call those closest to it to its side to tell them of its love, it left no message upon a stone tablet, it did not discern the heavensun, and said nothing of its unspeakable hardship. As it breathed its last breath, it did not call its descendants to the side of its dying body to tell them “do not climb into the ring to challenge God” before it closed its eyes, four rigid limbs forever sticking upward like tree branches pointing skyward. It would seem it died a bitter death…. Suddenly, a roaring laugh erupts from beneath the ring; one of the half-upright ape men is beside itself; holding a “stone cudgel” for hunting antelopes or other wild prey that is more advanced than that of the old ape man, it leaps into the ring, full of rage, a well thought out plan in its mind.[6] It is as if it has done something meritorious. Using the “strength” of its stone cudgel it manages to stand up straight for “three minutes.” How great the “might” of this third “leg”! It held the big, clumsy, foolish half-upright ape man standing for three minutes—no wonder this venerable[7] old ape man is so domineering. Sure enough, the ancient stone implement “lives up to its reputation”: There is a knife handle, edge, and tip, the only flaw being the lack of luster to the edge—how lamentable that is. Look again at the “little hero” of ancient times, standing in the ring regarding those below with a contemptuous gaze, as if they are impotent inferiors, and it is the gallant hero. In its heart, it secretly detests those before the stage. “The country’s in trouble and each of us is responsible, why are you shying away? Could it be that you see the country faces catastrophe, but won’t engage in bloody battle? The country is on the verge of catastrophe—why are you not the first to show concern, and the last to enjoy yourselves? How can you stand to watch the country fail and its people fall into decay? Are you willing to bear the shame of national subjugation? What a bunch of good-for-nothings!” As it thinks this, brawls break out before the stage and its eyes grow even more incensed, as if about to shoot[8] flames. It is itching for God to fail before the fight, desperate to put God to death to make the people happy. Little does it know that, though its stone implement may be of deserved fame, it could never antagonize God. Before it has had time to defend itself, before it has had time to lie down and get to its feet, it rocks back and forth, the sight lost from both eyes. It tumbles down to its old ancestor and does not rise again; tightly clutching the ancient ape man, it cries out no more, and acknowledges its inferiority, no longer possessed of any desire to resist. Those two poor ape men die before the ring. How unfortunate it is that mankind’s ancestors, who have survived until the present day, died in ignorance on the day when the Sun of righteousness appeared! How foolish it is that they have let such a great blessing pass them by—that, on the day of their blessing, the ape men who have waited for thousands of years have taken the blessings to Hades to “enjoy” with the king of devils! Why not keep these blessings in the world of the living to enjoy with their sons and daughters? They are just asking for trouble! What a waste it is that, for the sake of a little status, reputation, and vanity, they suffer the misfortune of being slain, scrambling to be the first to open the gates of hell and become its sons. Such a price is so unnecessary. What a pity such old ancestors, who were so “full of national spirit,” could be so “strict on themselves but so tolerant of others,” shutting themselves in hell, and shutting those impotent inferiors outside. Where can the “people’s representatives” such as this be found? For the sake of the “well-being of their offspring” and the “peaceful lives of future generations,” they do not allow God to disturb, and so they do not pay any heed to their own lives. Without restraint, they dedicate themselves to the “national cause,” entering Hades without a word. Where can such nationalism be found? Battling with God, they do not fear death, nor bloodletting, much less do they worry about tomorrow. They simply take to the battlefield. What a pity that the only thing they get for their “spirit of devotion” is eternal regret and being consumed by the ever-burning flames of hell!

How intriguing! Why has the incarnation of God always been rejected and reviled by people? Why do people never have any understanding of God’s incarnation? Could it be that God has come at the wrong time? Could it be that God has come to the wrong place? Could it be that this happens because God has acted alone, without man’s “signature of approval”? Could it be because God made up His own mind without man’s permission? The facts state that God gave prior notice. God did no wrong in becoming flesh—does He have to ask for man’s consent? Moreover, God reminded man long ago, perhaps people have forgotten. They are not to blame, for man has long since been so corrupted by Satan that he can understand nothing of what goes on beneath the heavens, to say nothing of the happenings of the spiritual realm! What a shame it is that man’s ancestors, the ape men, died in the ring, but this is not surprising: Heaven and earth have never been compatible, and how could the ape men, whose minds are made of stone, conceive that God could become flesh again? How sad that an “old man” such as this who is in “its sixtieth year” died on the day of God’s appearance. Is it not a marvel that it left the world unblessed at the advent of such a great blessing? The incarnation of God has sent shockwaves through all religions and spheres, it has “thrown into disarray” the original order of the various religious communities, and it has shaken the hearts of all of those who yearn for the appearance of God. Who is not filled with admiration? Who does not long to see God? God has personally been among man for many years, yet man has never realized it. Today, God Himself has appeared, and disclosed His identity to the masses—how could this not bring delight to man’s heart? God once shared joys and sorrows, partings and reunions, with man, and today He has been reunited with mankind, and together they recount stories of their shared past. After God left Judea, people received no more news of Him. They all hoped to encounter God again, and today they have unexpectedly met with Him once more and been reunited with Him. How could this not stir memories of yesterday within them? Two thousand years ago today, Simon Barjona, descendant of the Jews, beheld Jesus the Savior, he ate at the same table as Him, and after following Him for many years he developed deeper feelings of friendship for Him: He loved Him from the bottom of his heart; he loved the Lord Jesus profoundly. The Jewish people knew nothing of how this golden-haired baby, born into a chilly manger, was the first image of God’s incarnation. They all thought that He was the same as them, no one thought Him any different—how could people recognize this common and ordinary Jesus? The Jewish people thought of Him as a Jewish son of the times. No one looked upon Him as a lovely God, and people did nothing but blindly make demands of Him, asking that He give them rich and plentiful graces, and peace, and joy. They knew only that, like a millionaire, He had everything one could ever wish for. Yet people never treated Him as one who was beloved; the people of that time did not love Him, and only protested against Him, and made irrational demands of Him. He never resisted, but constantly gave graces to man, even though man did not know Him. He did nothing but silently give man warmth, love, and mercy, and even more, He gave man new means of practice, leading man out of the bonds of the law. Man did not love Him, he only envied Him and recognized His exceptional talents. How could blind mankind know how great the humiliation suffered by the lovely Jesus the Savior when He came among mankind? No one considered His distress, no one knew of His love for God the Father, and no one could know of His loneliness; even though Mary was His birth mother, how could she know the thoughts in the heart of the merciful Lord Jesus? Who knew of the unspeakable suffering endured by the Son of man? After making requests of Him, the people of that time coldly put Him to the back of their minds and cast Him outside. He therefore wandered the streets, day after day, year after year, drifting for many years until He had lived for thirty-three hard years, years which had been both long and brief. When people needed Him, they invited Him into their homes with smiling faces, trying to make demands of Him—and after He had made His contribution to them, they immediately shoved Him out the door. People ate what was provided from His mouth, they drank His blood, they enjoyed the graces He bestowed upon them, yet they also opposed Him, for they had never known who had given them their lives. Ultimately, they nailed Him upon the cross, yet still He made no sound. Even today, He remains silent. People eat His flesh, they drink His blood, they eat the food He makes for them, and they walk the way He has opened up for them, yet they still intend to reject Him; they actually treat the God who has given them their lives as the enemy, and instead treat those who are slaves just like them as the heavenly Father. In this, do they not deliberately oppose Him? How did Jesus come to die upon the cross? Do you know? Was He not betrayed by Judas, who was closest to Him and had eaten Him, drunk Him, and enjoyed Him? Did Judas not betray Jesus because He was nothing more than an insignificant, normal teacher? If people had really seen that Jesus was extraordinary, and One who was of heaven, how could they have nailed Him alive to the cross for twenty-four hours, until He had no breath left in His body? Who can know God? People do nothing but enjoy God with insatiable greed, but they have never known Him. They were given an inch and have taken a mile, and they make “Jesus” totally obedient to their commands, to their orders. Who has ever shown anything of the way of mercy toward this Son of man, who has nowhere to lay His head? Who has ever thought of joining forces with Him to fulfill God the Father’s commission? Who has ever spared a thought for Him? Who has ever been considerate of His difficulties? Without the slightest love, man wrenches Him back and forth; man knows not where his light and life came from and does nothing but secretly plan how to once more crucify the “Jesus” of two thousand years ago, who has experienced pain among man. Does “Jesus” really inspire such hate? Has all that He did long been forgotten? The hate that coalesced for thousands of years will finally shoot outward. You, the ilk of the Jews! When has “Jesus” ever been hostile to you, that you should hate Him so much? He has done so much, and spoken so much—is none of it to your benefit? He has given His life to you without asking for anything in return, He has given you His entirety—do you really still want to eat Him alive? He has given His all to you without holding anything back, without ever enjoying worldly glory, the warmth among man, the love among man, or all of the blessings among man. People are so mean toward Him, He has never enjoyed all of the riches on earth, He devotes the entirety of His sincere, passionate heart to man, He has devoted His entirety to mankind—and who has ever given Him warmth? Who has ever given Him comfort? Man has piled all pressure upon Him, he has handed all misfortune to Him, he has forced the most unfortunate experiences among man on Him, he blames Him for all injustice, and He has tacitly accepted it. Has He ever protested to anyone? Has He ever asked for a little recompense from anyone? Who has ever shown any sympathy toward Him? As normal people, who of you did not have a romantic childhood? Who did not have a colorful youth? Who does not have the warmth of loved ones? Who is without the love of relatives and friends? Who is without the respect of others? Who is without a warm family? Who is without the comfort of their confidants? And has He ever enjoyed any of this? Who has ever given Him a little warmth? Who has ever given Him a shred of comfort? Who has ever shown Him a little human morality? Who has ever been tolerant of Him? Who has ever been with Him during difficult times? Who has ever passed the hard life with Him? Man has never relaxed his requirements of Him; he merely makes demands of Him without any scruples, as if, having come to the world of man, He has to be man’s ox or horse, his prisoner, and has to give His all to man; if not, man will never forgive Him, will never go easy on Him, will never call Him God, and will never hold Him in high esteem. Man is too severe in his attitude toward God, as if he is set upon tormenting God unto death, only after which will he loosen his requirements of God; otherwise man will never lower the standards of his requirements of God. How could man such as this not be despised by God? Is this not the tragedy of today? Man’s conscience is nowhere to be seen. He keeps saying he will repay God’s love, but he dissects God and tortures Him to death. Is this not the “secret recipe” to his faith of God, handed down from his ancestors? There is nowhere that the “Jews” are not found, and today they still do the same work, they still carry out the same work of opposing God, and yet believe they are holding God up high. How could man’s own eyes know God? How could man, who lives in the flesh, treat as God the God incarnate who has come from the Spirit? Who among man could know Him? Where is the truth among man? Where is true righteousness? Who is able to know the disposition of God? Who can compete with the God in heaven? No wonder that, when He has come among man, no one has known God, and He has been rejected. How can man tolerate the existence of God? How can he allow the light to drive out darkness of the world? Is this all not of the honorable devotion of man? Is this not the aboveboard entry of man? And is the work of God not centered around the entry of man? I would that you conflate God’s work with man’s entry, and establish a good relationship between man and God, and perform the duty that ought to be performed by man to the best of your abilities. In this way, God’s work will subsequently come to an end, with His gaining glory as its conclusion!


1. “Man’s ‘entry’” here indicates man’s rebellious behavior. Rather than referring to people’s entry into life—which is positive—it refers to their negative behavior and actions. It is broadly referring to all of the deeds of man that are in opposition to God.

2. “Plagued by imaginary fears” is used to mock man’s misguided life of humanity. It refers to the ugly state of the life of mankind, in which people live together with demons.

3. “Best of all” is said mockingly.

4. “Fervor burning ever hotter” is said mockingly, and it refers to the ugly state of man.

5. “Capture alive” refers to the violent and despicable behavior of man. Man is brutal and not the slightest bit forgiving toward God, and makes absurd demands of Him.

6. “A well thought out plan in its mind” is said mockingly, and this refers to how people do not know themselves and are ignorant of their real stature. This is a derogatory statement.

7. “Venerable” is said mockingly.

8. “Shoot” indicates the ugly state of people who fume with rage when they are defeated by God. It indicates the extent of their opposition to God.

Previous: Work and Entry (9)

Next: The Vision of God’s Work (1)

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