Christian Stage Play "Remembering a Departed Loved One" | Based on a True Story (English Dubbed)

December 9, 2021

2021 Christian Stage Play "Remembering a Departed Loved One" | Based on a True Story (English Dubbed)

Yang Huiying, her husband and daughter are a happy family of Christians. Then one day in March 2012, her husband, Liu Zhongshi, is arrested by the Chinese Communist Party while attempting to deliver books of God's words to the churches. Knowing she'll be next, Yang Huiying rushes to take all books of God's words out of their home and go into hiding. Then seven days later, she receives the terrible news that her husband was beaten to death by the police. She is overcome with pain and truly feels she cannot bear this tragedy. During his burial, Yang Huiying sneaks back to attend his funeral, but the police unexpectedly call one of her relatives in attendance to inquire after her whereabouts. She is forced to rush off as quickly as possible. Liu Zhongshi's death was a terrible blow to both his wife and daughter. Then how do the two of them manage through this tribulation, this trial? How do they get through this dark cloud of losing a husband, of losing a father?

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