English Christian Song | "Practicing the Truth Is Real Testimony to God"

October 20, 2024


To bear testimony to God and to shame the great red dragon,

one must have a principle, and one must meet a condition:

One must love God in their heart and enter into His words.

If you don't enter into God's words,

then you will have no way of shaming Satan.

Through growth in your life,

you rebel against the great red dragon and bring utter humiliation upon it;

only this is truly to shame the great red dragon.

The more you are willing to practice God's words,

the greater the proof of your love of God

and your loathing of the great red dragon;

the more you submit to God's words,

the greater the proof of your longing for the truth.


People who don't long for God's words are people without life.

Such people are those outside God's words, who belong to religion.

People who truly believe in God have a more profound knowledge of God's words

through eating and drinking His words, through eating and drinking His words.

If you do not long for God's words,

then you cannot truly eat and drink His words,

cannot truly eat and drink His words,

and if you have no knowledge of God's words,

then you have no means of testifying to God or satisfying God.

If you do not long for God's words,

then you cannot truly eat and drink His words,

cannot truly eat and drink His words,

and if you have no knowledge of God's words,

then you have no means of testifying to God or satisfying God.

from The Word, Vol. 1. The Appearance and Work of God. Only Those Who Know the Work of God Today May Serve God

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