English Christian Song | "Noah's Faith and Submission to God"

October 15, 2024


In the course of building the ark,

the first thing Noah had to face was his family's lack of understanding,

their complaints, and even vilification,

their complaints, and even vilification.

Second was his being slandered, ridiculed,

and judged by every kind of person around him.

But Noah only had one attitude,

which was to obey God's words,

implement them to the very end, and never waver from this.

No matter what kind of difficulties he faced,

no matter what kind of mockery or slander he encountered,

he did not forsake what had been entrusted to him by God,

and constantly kept in mind

every single word of what God had said and commanded.

No matter how his environments changed, no matter how great the difficulty,

he trusted that none of this would go on forever,

that God's words alone would never pass away,

and only that which God commanded to be done would surely be accomplished.


Noah had in him true faith in God, and the submission that he ought to have,

and he continued to build the ark that God had asked him to build.

Day by day, year by year, Noah grew older,

but his faith did not diminish,

and there was no change in his attitude

and determination to complete God's commission.

Though there were times when his body felt exhausted, and he fell ill,

and in his heart he was weak,

his determination and perseverance toward completing God's commission

and submitting to God's words did not lessen.

During the years that Noah built the ark,

Noah was practicing listening to and submitting to the words God had said,

and he was also practicing an important truth

of a created being and ordinary person

needing to complete God's commission.

from The Word, Vol. 4. Exposing Antichrists. Excursus Three: How Noah and Abraham Obeyed God's Words and Submitted to Him (Part Two)

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