English Gospel Song | "The Greatest Blessing That God Bestows Upon Man"

May 29, 2020

Verse 1

With the completion of God’s words,

the kingdom is taking shape.

With man returning to normal,

God’s kingdom is here.


Chorus 1

People of God in the kingdom,

you’ll recover the life meant for mankind.

Today, you live before God;

tomorrow, you’ll live in His kingdom.

All lands are filled with joy and warmth.

God’s kingdom is here on earth,

God’s kingdom is here on earth.


Verse 2

The frosty winter is replaced by a world

where spring is all year round,

when man won’t face the

world’s misery or suffer anymore.


Chorus 2

No more fighting among men,

no more war between nations.

No more carnage, no more blood.

Tomorrow, you’ll live in His kingdom.

All lands are filled with joy and warmth.

God’s kingdom is here,

God’s kingdom is here on earth.



God moves throughout this world,

enjoying it from His throne.

He’s living among the stars,

angels sing and dance for Him.

Angels cry no more for their weakness.

Angels sing and dance for Him.

Angels sing and dance for Him.

God will never hear the weeps of angels.

Angels sing and dance for Him.

Angels sing and dance for Him.


Verse 3

No one will complain of hardships.

Today, you live before God;

tomorrow, you’ll live in His kingdom.

Isn’t this the greatest blessing He gave man?


Chorus 1

People of God in the kingdom,

you’ll recover the life meant for mankind.

Today, you live before God;

tomorrow, you’ll live in His kingdom.

All lands are filled with joy and warmth.

God’s kingdom is here on earth,

God’s kingdom is here on earth.


from Follow the Lamb and Sing New Songs

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