English Christian Song | "The Attitude One Should Have Toward Investigating the True Way"
December 2, 2024
Today, God has done new work. You may not be able to accept these words, and they may seem odd to you, but I would advise you not to expose your naturalness, for only those who truly hunger and thirst for righteousness before God can obtain the truth, and only those who are truly devout can be enlightened and guided by Him. Results are obtained by seeking the truth with sober tranquility, not with quarrel and contention.
That "today, God has done new work" is referring to the matter of God's returning to the flesh. Perhaps these words don't bother you; perhaps you despise them; or even perhaps they are of great interest to you. Whatever the case, I hope that all those who truly yearn for God to appear can face this fact and give it their careful scrutiny, rather than jump to conclusions about it; that is what a wise person should do.
from The Word, Vol. 1. The Appearance and Work of God. Preface
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