Christian Dance | "When I Lost God" | Praise Song

March 17, 2025


When I lost God,

I felt like a leaf adrift on the water, without anything to hold on to.

Without God's presence, life became so empty.

Relying on words of pleading is not enough to regain God's heart.

I hate myself for only clinging to fleshly pleasures,

and not pursuing the truth.

Oh God, I miss You. In my heart, I shout out Your name.

I live under Satan's power like a walking corpse.

Without Your guidance and enlightenment, how can I go on living?

I will pine for You in my heart until I can win You back with my love.


When I lost God,

I felt like a leaf adrift on the water, without anything to hold on to.

Without God's presence, life became so empty.

Seeing the great catastrophes have arrived, I feel extremely anxious.

Clinging to the flesh and straying from God's word,

how can I expect God's protection?

Oh God, I miss You. In my heart, I shout out Your name.

I cannot keep becoming more depraved,

I want to perform my duty to satisfy You.

I do not ask that You forgive me,

just that I may live the rest of my life for You.

I will pine for You in my heart until I can win You back with my love.

from Follow the Lamb and Sing New Songs

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