Typical Cases of People from Christian Denominations and Sects and Catholic Churches in Anhui Province Who Were Punished for Resisting Almighty God

66. Wang XX, male, aged 60, from Laomiao Town in Fuyang City, a believer of the True Jesus Church. In August 1999, his whole family accepted Almighty God. He followed for over one month, and then dropped out because he doubted God’s word. He said to his wife, “If God’s word won’t be fulfilled, I’ll break your legs!” And he also spoke some words blaspheming God. Later, Wang swore at his family members and the brothers and sisters, and threatened to inform the Public Security Bureau. In August 2001, Wang got lung cancer, but he remained unrepentant. One day, Wang talked wildly about the matter of believing in Almighty God with the worldly people, but shortly afterward he fell and fainted with his tongue bitten. Over one month later after he got well, he again swore at his family members and the brothers and sisters. While he was swearing, he suddenly fell and fainted again. After he revived, he no longer dared to talk nonsense. Later, his condition got worse, and he could neither die nor live. On his deathbed he cried, “Almighty God, you are truly righteous. You alone are the true God in heaven and on earth. I resist you one day, and it’s right for you to punish me for three days. I’m in such a great pain. Please end my life quickly!” On January 20, 2002, Wang left this world miserably.

67. Yan XX, male, aged 58, from Changfeng County, a mid-level leader of the Justification by Faith Church. In the fall of 1998, after he heard the testimony of Almighty God’s end-time work, he not only refused to accept but condemned and blasphemed it. On February 25, 1999, someone else went to preach God’s end-time work to him, but he drove the gospel preacher away angrily and spoke many words blaspheming God. He also went everywhere to seal the meeting places. Four days after this (during the Spring Festival), Yan suddenly got an acute disease and died. Before he died, he was unable to speak, so he motioned for someone to give him a pen and wrote, “This is my sin.” As he finished, he gasped his last. It was too late to regret when death came upon!

68. Wang XX, male, aged 64, from Hemao Township in Wuwei County, a preacher of the Justification by Faith Church (sometimes he preached in other places). In early 1998, he learned that there were people preaching God’s end-time gospel in all the places, and he told his son, “‘the Eastern Lightning’ is false and a cult. You can’t listen.” In the winter of 1998, two brothers who were close to him went to his home and preached Almighty God’s end-time work to him. Instead of accepting it, he shouted abuse at them, “You people of ‘the Eastern Lightning’ worship the sun. I’d rather die than believe in it.” Then, he drove the two brothers away. Later, his son accepted God’s new work, and he asked the brothers and sisters to preach to his father again. So the brothers and sisters preached to Wang another three times, but he still remained stubborn and refused to accept, and also spoke some words of blasphemy against God. On December 20, 1998, several brothers and sisters who believed in Almighty God went to preach the gospel to his daughter. After he learned that, he rushed to his daughter’s home. Pulling the two brothers who were fellowshipping, he insisted on sending them to the township government. Only after his son tried all means to dissuade him did he give it up. Thereafter, he often hindered his son from attending the meetings, and he also blasphemed the name of God and incited his daughter-in-law to hinder his son. In March 1999, Wang felt difficulty in swallowing when he had meals. In May 1999, after being examined by the doctor, he was found to have esophageal cancer. Afterward, he often could not swallow food or water, and finally was reduced to skin and bones, not looking like a human being. Even his unbelieving elder cousin said that he was simply suffering punishment! On June 2, 2000, Wang died of his disease. His son said, “He did too much evil to resist God and was punished by God!”

69. Jiang XX, male, aged 50, from Yingzhou District in Fuyang City, a mid-level leader of the Worldliness Transcending Church. In the spring of 1999, two sisters went to his church to preach the gospel. No sooner had they sung a song than he drove them away. He even chased after them for about 2.5 km and threatened to inform the Public Security Bureau. Afterward, he spread rumors everywhere, saying, “‘the Eastern Lightning’ is false and a heresy.…” And he also blasphemed God’s flesh and spoke some fabricated and slanderous words. In July 1999, when someone else preached the end-time gospel to him, he said, “God cannot possibly come to do a new work now, and he cannot possibly be incarnated as a female. No matter how well you preach, I just won’t believe.” He also went everywhere to seal the meeting places. Before long, Jiang’s hepatitis B which had not recurred for years relapsed, but he still did not wake up. In January 2002, he even prayed in a meeting, “In the name of Jesus Christ, I curse ‘the Eastern Lightning.’” Several days after he said this, his disease got worse and turned into liver cancer. He spent nearly 10,000 yuan on the treatment, but to no avail. On April 8, 2002, he died painfully. Before his death, he said, “The Bible is over!” This fool did not seek the work of the Holy Spirit but judged the Bible!

70. Zhao XX, male, aged 45, from Yeji Town in Huoqiu County, a junior leader of the Local Church. In the winter of 1999, when he learned that some brothers and sisters had accepted God’s end-time new work, he resisted it vehemently. He went everywhere stirring people up and deceiving them with these words, “If I find any preacher of ‘the Eastern Lightning,’ I’ll let him come alive and leave dead. I’ll see who still dares to come!” In less than four months after he said this, that is, in the spring of 2000, Zhao suddenly could not eat. He went to the hospital for an examination, and was told that he had terminal esophageal cancer. At that moment, he realized that God’s punishment came upon him, and he was very frightened. He said to the brothers and sisters around him who had accepted Almighty God, “This is my retribution. Because I wanted to harm you in secret for your accepting the true way, and I also spoke many words blaspheming God. Now I am deserved to be punished by God.” Later, Zhao’s condition got worse. On August 10, 2000, he died with remorse. This time, it was he himself who left dead.

71. Wang XX, female, aged 70, from Xiaoyi Township of Macheng Town in Huaiyuan County, formerly a believer of the Eternal Salvation Church. Her family were all believers. The following is an account in her own words:

In early April of 1999, someone preached Almighty God’s end-time work to me. When my eldest daughter-in-law (who was a junior leader of the Eternal Salvation Church) learned of that, she tried desperately to stop me and dragged me back into my former church. In late April 1999, some other people preached God’s end-time work to my eldest daughter-in-law, but she refused to accept, and even said, “I’d rather go to hell than believe with you.…” Then she blasphemed God and cursed the gospel preachers. One day in the summer of 1999, when my eldest daughter-in-law was growing taros in the field, she suddenly stretched out her tongue long and fell into a dead faint with her mouth foaming. Later, she received medical treatment and got better. My eldest son did not wake up from this, and he even spread rumors outside, saying, “That’s a cult.…” On September 14, 2000, my son had a fever, and also stretched out his tongue long. He went to the hospital for an examination and was told that he only had a cold. But on September 24 of the same year, he died in agony. At his death, his nose and mouth ran bloody pus for about two hours. When my son died, he was only 47 years old. I felt bitterly remorseful and was awakened. I asked God’s family to readmit me, but my eldest daughter-in-law kept bothering me. However, God gave me another chance so that I could come back to God’s family again. In July 2001, my eldest daughter-in-law could not sleep all night, so she often took sleeping pills. Each time she took the pills, she would go into a coma for two or three days. On August 8, when she woke up, she ran into a pond to commit suicide, but was pulled out by others. On August 9, when unnoticed, she cut her neck with a kitchen knife, and got 8 stitches. Later, she crawled painfully from our house to the well, trying to kill herself. She could neither live nor die and made a fool of herself. On August 15, 2001, my eldest daughter-in-law finally died in agony. (Since the summer of 1999, my daughter-in-law had lost consciousness for more than 20 times. When she died, she was 49 years old.) Truly, God’s disposition is not allowed to be offended!

72. Zhou XX, female, aged 61, from Yijiang Town in Nanling County, formerly a treasurer of the Justification by Faith Church. In the first half of 1997, some people preached Almighty God’s end-time gospel to her, but she refused to accept. In October of the same year, they preached it to her again, but she said, “We’re not believing in the same spirit. You’re believing in the wrong one.” Then she went with her leader and sealed several churches by night. In January 1998, Zhou began to have a swelling on her thigh, which was the size of a cup. Soon after, she got another cup-sized swelling on her buttock, and still another one as big as a 2.5 kg watermelon on her waist, which caused her to walk with a stoop. These three swellings were all on the right side. She went to the hospital eight times, but the doctors were all afraid to operate on her, and they all said that they had never seen such big swellings. In February 1999, the swelling on her waist broke, and the blood and pus discharged from it filled a spittoon. It was not until June that she recovered. In December of 2000, when the gospel was preached to her once again, she accepted. And she realized that her disease was retribution for resisting Almighty God, and she regretted what she had done.

73. Peng XX, male, aged 67, from Qinji Town in Bengbu City, a ringleader of the Three-Self sect. In December 1998, the end-time gospel of Almighty God was spread to that area. Before Peng heard the testimony, he began to blaspheme Almighty God. When a sister who believed in Almighty God went to his home, he encouraged the sister to believe in God sincerely to her face. But behind her back, he spread these words: “Sister XX is believing in a cult.” And he also threatened to catch all the brothers and sisters who had accepted Almighty God and send them to the Public Security Bureau. On February 18, 1999, Peng did not feel well, and he went to the hospital for an examination, but the doctor could not find out what was wrong with him. On February 21 (during the Spring Festival), when he went for another examination, he learned that he had liver cancer. Thereafter, Peng’s condition worsened rapidly, and what he vomited and passed were all blood. On April 8, 1999, he died. On the very night after his death, he was struck by a thunderbolt with his mouth and nose bleeding and his belly bursting open. He really provoked the wrath of God and the resentment of men, and his sins were too deep!

74. Ma XX, female, aged 45, from Renzhai Township in Jieshou City, a believer of the Local Church. In 1998, some people preached God’s end-time work to her many times, but she refused to accept, and she even blasphemed God. In the spring of 2001, her younger sister also preached God’s end-time gospel to her many times, but she said, “I believe in God just for grace. Without grace, I’d rather die than accept it.” On the afternoon of August 9, 2001, when Ma’s family was building a house, the scaffolding collapsed. Her husband tried to escape but failed, and an iron pole struck right on his head, blood spouting nearly two meters away. After he was sent to the hospital, he breathed his last. Ma did not know that the Age of the Grace has ended, and the age of the judgment and chastisement has long begun. How can the wicked who only ask for grace but refuse to accept the truth escape punishment?

75. Li XX, male, aged 53, from Bozhou city, a leader of the Hua Xuehe sect. In 1998, when the brothers and sisters who believed in Almighty God testified to him God’s end-time work, he not only refused to listen, but said arrogantly, “As long as I, Li XX, live, no one can believe in Almighty God!” He also warned the people of his sect: Do not receive any believer in Almighty God. At the end of November of the same year, he did not feel well. So he took medicine for his illness, but to no avail. In March 1999, upon examination, he was found to have lung cancer. He spent about 10,000 yuan, but was not cured. At the end of November 1999, he died. This guy always tried to compete with God for people, and he was truly satan by nature. Eventually he was punished to death.

76. Chen XX, male, aged 42, from Jieshou City, a junior leader of the Local Church. In 1998, some people preached God’s end-time work to him many times, but he did not believe it, and he even said haughtily, “Even if I have to die tomorrow, I will not believe.” On November 20, 1998, Chen drove his motor tricycle to deliver pigs. As the tricycle was driving on, it stopped by itself, so he got off and lay under it to make repairs. The several pigs in the tricycle jostled and moved violently, which caused the tricycle to be out of control and roll automatically. A wheel just ran over his head and he was killed outright. Chen had said that he would rather die than believe, and his oath was fulfilled.

77. Mei XX, male, aged 68, from Jiangtang Town of Yingquan District in Fuyang City, a junior leader of the Justification by Faith Church. In March 1999, a brother of that church who had accepted God’s end-time work went to Mei’s meeting place to testify the new work of Almighty God. Mei stared at him and said, “Get out! Don’t stay here! Since God has come, where is he? Bring him here and let me see!” And he also spoke many blasphemous words against God. On July 21, 2000, when spraying pesticide on his cotton plants, Mei got poisoned, and he stayed in the hospital for seven days. On July 30, Mei felt a little better and wanted to eat something, so his wife gave him a steamed bread. When he took the last bite, he choked on it, and then died. In this way, this devil that resisted God was cursed to death!

78. Li XX, female, aged 56, from Yingdong District in Fuyang City, a deaconess of the Three-Self sect (who could heal the sick and drive out demons). In May 1999, someone who had accepted Almighty God invited her to hear the testimony, but she said, “Pharaoh is hard, but I’m harder than Pharaoh. Even if I have to be cast into the eighteenth hell, I won’t hear it.” She also sealed the meetinghouse. A few days later, Li’s second daughter-in-law went insane. She was insane for a month and only swore at Li. At midday on January 5, 2000, Li suddenly suffered a cerebral hemorrhage and became completely paralyzed. She stayed in the hospital for nineteen days and got better, and a month later, she could walk. The treatment cost her a total of over 6,400 yuan, but now she is still not fully recovered and often has to take medicine. Right on the tenth day of her hospitalization, her second daughter-in-law got appendicitis, and the operation cost over 1,600 yuan. In June 2000, her husband suddenly lost consciousness for several hours. On September 26, 2001, at four o’clock in the morning, her granddaughter also suddenly became unconscious, and the treatment cost 200 yuan. On March 13, 2002, her eldest daughter-in-law also went insane, who was insane for seventeen days, and the treatment cost over 600 yuan. Such a devil that is harder than Pharaoh has begun to “enjoy” God’s punishment! We wonder if the life in “the eighteenth hell” where she was willing to go will be more wonderful than this.

79. Li XX, female, aged 49, from Huainan City, a mid-level leader of the Local Church. Before 1999, some people had tried many times to preach the end-time work of Almighty God to her, but she always refused to listen, and she even shut them outside the door. In the spring of 1999, after her younger sister accepted Almighty God, she preached to her over the phone, but she condemned and blasphemed right away, “It is false. Don’t move till I get back.…” But before she could go back, her headache suddenly worsened. She cried with pain, could not sit or lie at ease, and writhed on the bed. She went to the hospital for an examination, but the cause of her illness could not be found. The doctor said that he could give her a surgery to check if there were worms in her brain. Then he performed a surgery on her head and also did a tracheotomy to give her oxygen. But though the surgery cost her a total of about 20,000 yuan, the cause was still not found. On June 25, 1999, she finally died in agony. Only within a few months from her doing evil to her death did her “work” of resisting God come to an end!

80. Xu XX, male, aged 34, from Runhe Town in Yingshang County, a worker of the Pentecostal Church. His family were all believers. In July 1999, when someone preached Almighty God’s end-time gospel to him, his wife held a booklet on resisting Almighty God and spoke some words condemning and blaspheming God. Then, he himself took a book of publicity material against God and spread these words in every meeting place, “It is false and a heresy. Whoever believes in ‘the Eastern Lightning’ will never be able to get out.…” And he also blasphemed God. As a result, the people of his church were so frightened that they all did not dare to go out to hear God’s end-time gospel. On February 10, 2000, Xu went to Shanghai to start a small business of selling vegetables. On February 20 (in the first month of the Chinese New Year), he went out to sell vegetables. Feeling tired, he sat by the roadside resting. When a passing tanker pulled in front of him, it suddenly overturned, and he was instantly crushed into a pulp, his blood spattering very far, with only one foot left intact. Truly, when disaster comes from heaven, it is impossible to defend!

81. Zhao XX, male, aged 44, from Songdian Township in Guzhen County, a junior leader of the Justification by Faith Church. In October 1999, someone preached God’s end-time work to him, and he accepted it then. But one month later, because he was disturbed by a wicked servant and had no mind of his own, he denied God. Moreover, he spoke many words blaspheming God, and also many words testing God like: “Since your God is almighty, why hasn’t he taken my life?” One day in mid-July 2000, a high-tension power line in Zhao’s village fell on the ground. At that time, there were many people present. Some of them tried to raise the line to hang it back to the electricity pole, but all failed, yet nothing happened to them. However, when Zhao tried to do so, he was electrocuted on the spot. He dared to challenge God, so how could he escape death?

82. Wang X, male, aged 45, from Yuanzhai Town of Yingdong District in Fuyang City, whose family was a host family of the Worldliness Transcending Church. In March 2001, when he learned that several sisters in his church had accepted God’s end-time work, he went to disturb them and said, “I don’t believe God has come. Where is God? I’ll go have a look!” And he also spoke some blasphemies against God. He kept disturbing them like this for a week, insisting that they give up believing in Almighty God. And he even tried to send the gospel preachers to the local police station, but did not succeed after being forcibly stopped by others. In April 2001, Wang suddenly had a cerebral congestion. He spent more than 6,000 yuan, but was not cured. On April 29, he went to Hades.

83. Zhang XX, male, aged 34, from Funan County, a preacher of the Three-Self sect. In March 1999, as soon as his parents and younger sister accepted God’s end-time work, he disturbed them and caused them to turn back. Then he openly resisted and condemned God’s end-time work in the meetinghouse, saying, “That’s a heresy. You can’t listen.” He also went everywhere to seal the meeting places, not allowing the people to accept Almighty God. Moreover, he often spied on the meetings of the brothers and sisters who had accepted Almighty God, and also informed against those who believed in Almighty God. On the morning of November 22, 1999, when Zhang was cooking breakfast, he was attacked by an unknown acute disease and collapsed behind the kitchen stove. It was not until his wife came back from collecting firewood that he was found dead. He was really a servant of satan, and it was God’s work that revealed him!

84. Fang XX, female, aged 63, from Salipu Town in Tongcheng City, a singing teacher of the Three-Self sect. In March 1999, someone preached God’s end-time work to her, but before making an investigation, she recklessly condemned and blasphemed God. She also went everywhere to seal the meeting places, and said, “Where is God? Why haven’t I seen him? Follow me and you can never be wrong. I can stake my life on it!” In the evening of August 9, 2000, Fang felt as if her whole body was bound by a rope, and she was very uncomfortable. She asked her neighbor to fetch a sister to pray for her, and she said, “I don’t want to die. There are still many things left to do.…” But as she spoke, she could not say anything. She was immediately sent to the hospital for emergency treatment, but the rescue measures failed, and she gave up the ghost the next morning. She could not even save her own life but wanted to guarantee others’. It is true that the wicked know no shame!

85. Liu XX, female, aged 54, from Tongling City, a steward of the True Jesus Church. One day in November 1998, after she heard the testimony of God’s end-time work, she said nothing but turned and went to report this to the senior leader of her church. Later, she pretended to hear the testimony with other sisters, and after she went back, she again reported those who heard the testimony to her leader. She totally acted as a spy. When several sisters who believed in Almighty God learned this, they exhorted her many times not to do things offending God, but she always remained silent with a clouded face. On the night of February 12, 2000 (during the Spring Festival), when Liu’s husband woke up, he found Liu lying before the bed and unable to think clearly or speak. He sent her to the hospital for emergency treatment, but though she stayed there for ten days, she still failed to have her life saved. If it had not been God’s watching over the church, who could have seen through this crafty devil? She was struck down by God before her scheme succeeded.

86. Zhang XX, male, aged 59, from Anping Township in Tongling County, a committee member of the Three-Self sect. In March 1999, when he learned that a sister had accepted God’s end-time work, he blasphemed and condemned it, saying, “‘the Eastern Lightning’ is false and a heresy.” He also went to the local police station and reported the sister. The police went to the sister’s home and questioned and threatened her. Because of this, her husband began to persecute her, so that even now the sister is unable to attend the meetings regularly. In addition, Zhang dragged a brother who had newly accepted Almighty God back into his sect. In February 2000, he felt unwell (Zhang used to be healthy and strong). He went to the hospital for examination, and was diagnosed with cardiac cancer. Afterward, his condition worsened, and he suffered unbearable pain. On February 8, 2001 (in the first month of the Chinese New Year), he died.

87. Qian XX, male, aged 63, from Zongyang County, a steward of the True Jesus Church. In mid-March 2000, after he heard the testimony of God’s end-time work, he denied the true way, and he said to the gospel preacher, “Ours is the true way. I’d rather die than accept another way.” He also warned others not to go elsewhere or to hear the testimony. One day in September of the same year, while pumping water by his field, Qian was electrocuted then and there.

88. Chen XX, male, aged 56, from Houfang Township in Zongyang County, a preacher of the True Jesus Church. Since March 1999, he had begun to blaspheme and slander God’s end-time work and to go everywhere sealing the meeting places. And whenever he learned that anyone had accepted Almighty God, he would desperately disturb him and hinder him from accepting the true way. Once, he went to the home of a sister who had accepted Almighty God and said to her, “You’ve gone astray, and you’re deceived by them. You mustn’t believe in it. I can give an account of my words both before man and before God. If you don’t turn back, I’ll answer for nothing if anything happens to your family in the future, and you are not allowed to turn to the church for help!” On November 16, 1999, Chen took a bus to gather people to his home for a meeting. When he got off the bus, he suddenly fell from it and had his head severely injured. He was sent to the hospital for emergency treatment, but his hour had come. The rescue measures failed, and he went to Hades to “give his account.”

89. Liu XX, male, aged 57, from Zongyang County, a steward of the Justification by Faith Church. In late August 1998, he accepted Almighty God together with his wife and daughter. But several days later, he believed others’ rumors and went back to his former church. He even tried to force his wife and daughter to go back, but they refused to listen to him. So he said with rage, “You can’t believe in it! It’s false; it’s a cult. I am the head of the family. You must obey me!” Then he abused God. In June 1999, Liu felt sore all over. His wife exhorted him not to blaspheme God any more, but he kept on blaspheming and abusing. In June 2000, Liu suddenly had an incessant cough. Upon examination, he was found to have tuberculosis. He received medical treatment but did not get any better. Later, he also suffered a relapse of his diabetes, and he shouted and screamed with pain all day long. In June 2001, he died from the pain. This devil was cut off, and his wife and daughter got released.

90. Jiang XX, male, aged 42, from Shitai County, a mid-level leader of the Justification by Faith Church. In the fall of 1998, someone preached God’s end-time work to him, but he refused to accept it and even maliciously cursed God, “If I saw the female Christ you preach, and if I had a gun, I would.…” Moreover, he went everywhere to seal the meeting places, fabricating rumors and speaking slanderous words, saying, “‘the Eastern Lightning’ is a cult.” He also intimidated the believers led by him, not allowing them to hear the testimony. In November 1998, Jiang got nephritis, and in March 1999, he also got leukemia. The treatment was ineffective, and he died in October 1999. This malicious scum, who even dared to curse God and be against God, received his just punishment.

91. Hu XX, male, aged 73, from Guichi City, a committee member of the Three-Self sect. In July 1999, someone went to the meetinghouse to preach God’s end-time gospel, and seven people accepted it. After Hu learned of that, he forced all of them to return. Even so, he still did not stop. He then took some core members of the Three-Self sect to the homes of two brothers, who had accepted Almighty God only two months, to disturb them. The two brothers ignored him, so he became enraged and went to the local police station and reported them. Moreover, he wildly fabricated lies in the meetinghouse to blaspheme God, deceiving the brothers and sisters led by him, so that they did not dare to accept the true way. He really did enough evil things! In September 2000, Hu felt some difficulty in walking, so he went to the hospital and received treatment, but did not get any better. In October, he became paralyzed and was confined to bed. On the afternoon of November 2, his family helped him sit up to have a bowel movement, but he failed to support himself on the bedpan and fell to the floor, and died that night. This evildoer finally received his just punishment!

92. Yang XX, female, aged 35, from Shili Township in Anqing City, a believer of the Three-Self sect. In June 1998, her elder sister accepted God’s end-time work. After she learned of that, she desperately disturbed her and condemned God’s work. And she told her sister not to believe in it but to turn back quickly. Her sister listened to her lies and gave up believing in Almighty God. She also told her mother, “‘the Eastern Lightning’ is all false and deceiving. Don’t accept it no matter who preaches to you. Just hold on to the Bible.” Her mother held her words fast and refused to accept Almighty God. After Yang did evil, a disaster followed. On May 27, 2001, while Yang was doing chores in a stone quarry, a huge stone rolled down from the mountaintop. All the others ran away, but Yang failed, for her trouser leg got caught on a trolley. As a result, she was badly crushed by the stone with the bones of her legs exposed and a hole left in her waist. She was sent to the hospital for emergency treatment, but still failed to escape death. When she died, she was only 35 years old. Jehovah cuts short the years of the wicked, so how could Yang who resisted God escape?

93. Wang XX, female, aged 52, from Jingde County, a preacher of the Justification by Faith Church. In the spring of 1999, someone preached Almighty God’s end-time work to her, but she refused to accept. Later, someone else went to preach to her many times, but she still resisted it. In the fall of 2000, when a gospel preacher went to her home to preach God’s end-time work to her once again, she not only refused to accept it, but fiercely drove the gospel preacher out of the door and said, “You believer of ‘the Eastern Lightning!’ You cheaters, I’ll never listen to your gospel.” After that, she joined with her co-workers and went to every meeting place to delude others and seal the meeting places. She also blasphemed and condemned God’s work, saying, “Now, there are people preaching ‘the Eastern Lightning’ everywhere. You must be careful. The spirit of ‘the Eastern Lightning’ is deadly poisonous. Once you touch it, you’ll become very sick.…” One day in July 2001, it was raining heavily and the wind was strong. When Wang was crossing a street on her way home, she was hit by a speeding car and flung by it onto its top and then was thrown down onto the street, and a hole was knocked in the back of her head. Instantly after that, she was run over by an oncoming tour bus on the chest, and she died outright. When she died, her eyes were wide open, and her face looked ferocious and very horrible. Truly, misfortune pursues the sinner!

94. Nie XX, female, aged 43, from Jinchang Smeltery in Tongling City, a preacher of the Three Grades of Servants Church. In May 1998, she heard the testimony of God’s end-time work and read the book of God’s word, but she denied God’s word and condemned it, saying, “This is false; it is all written by man.” She not only did not want to accept God’s end-time work herself, but she went to disturb a sister who had accepted it, and she said to the sister, “Don’t believe in it. Turn back quickly. If you don’t, just have a try, and then you’ll know you are wrong.” The sister fellowshipped with her patiently, but she still said, “This is false. It’s not God’s word but something done by man. I’d rather die than believe in it.” In the winter of that year, Nie suddenly suffered pains in her heart and felt sick all over, and her whole body became swollen. After a doctor’s examination, Nie was found to have high blood pressure, kidney disease, and heart disease. In April 1999, which might be the time for her to have a try, Nie died of bleeding from her mouth, nose, eyes, and ears.

95. Zhang XX, female, aged 38, from Funan County, a worker of the Local Church. In the winter of 1999, Zhang learned that there were brothers and sisters in Yeji Town of Huoqiu County who had accepted Almighty God’s end-time work. On February 6, 2000 (during the Spring Festival), she arrived at a brother’s home and said, “Don’t have any contact with XX. She has accepted ‘the Eastern Lightning.’ ‘The Eastern Lightning’ is a cult.…” She also said that it was because she was afraid the people would be deceived into accepting “the Eastern Lightning” that she came this time to each place to have a look. On the next morning, Zhang took a bus from Yeji to a fair in Yaoli Township. Unexpectedly, as soon as she got off the bus, she was hit on the head by a vehicle coming from behind, and she fell to the ground with blood streaming out profusely. After a short while, she went to Hades. This wicked servant was cut off by God before she had time to seal the churches.

96. Fang XX, male, aged 62, from Xiangyu Town in Dongzhi County, a preacher of the Justification by Faith Church. In the spring of 1999, some people preached God’s end-time gospel to him many times, but he refused to accept, and he even vehemently resisted and blasphemed God. Once, two people went to his home to preach God’s end-time work to him, but he swore at them, “You’re greatly wrong to leave the Bible. You devils will go to hell and the lake of fire and brimstone forever. You don’t deserve to go to Heaven. Only we who don’t leave the Bible deserve to go to Heaven.” After saying this, he roared with laughter madly. In the winter of 1999, Fang had cirrhotic ascites. On January 13, 2001, he died. The dream of this man who “deserved to go to heaven” was shattered.

97. Tang XX, female, aged 80, from Yinghe Township in Yingshang County, a believer of the Three-Self sect. In April 1999, her daughter-in-law and several people in her village accepted Almighty God’s end-time work. After she knew this, she tried hard to disturb them. Every time her daughter-in-law went to the meeting, she would stand on the top of her flat-roofed house and shouted and cried wildly, disturbing the brothers and sisters from having the meeting. Besides this, she watched a host family whenever it was visited. Later, her daughter-in-law gave up believing in Almighty God because of her disturbance, yet she continued to watch that host family. On November 11, 2001, a little past five in the morning, Tang was run over and killed by a car on the way to the meeting of the Three-Self sect. The car dragged her for over a dozen meters. Her face was deformed, her arm was broken, and her foot was crushed off. The scene looked very horrible.

98. Kang XX, male, aged 46, from Yingshang County, a core member of the Hua Xuehe sect. Between September 1999 and January 2000, a brother acquainted with him preached Almighty God’s end-time salvation to him many times, yet he not only refused to accept, but also resisted it. On January 26, 2000, the brother invited someone to preach to him once again. After listening, he said, “This is the work God does; I accept.” However, on the third day when the brother went to his home to see him, he had changed his mind, and said, “I’d rather die than believe in it. And you should stop running about or believing blindly. The God you believe in is a female. That’s false and a heresy.” He also went everywhere to seal the meeting places. On February 10, 2000 (the sixth day of the Chinese New Year), Kang got pancreatic cancer, and he suffered pains in his abdomen for over two months. Unable to bear the pain, he killed himself by poison on May 2, 2000.

99. Liu XX, female, aged 49, from Yangliu Township in Suixi County, a mid-level leader of the Pentecostal Church. In October 1999, when someone preached Almighty God’s end-time gospel to her, she not only refused to accept it herself, but also hindered others. In August 2001, someone else gave her a book of Almighty God’s word, but she said, “Someone gave me such a book before, and I burned it without reading it.” After saying this, she drove the gospel preacher away. Two months later, the purple blisters on her hands began to spread and covered her whole body, and the blisters were without fluid or blood. Moreover, her eyes bulged out of their sockets, which looked like an ox’s. The strange disease left her lying in bed and unable to take care of herself. She spent over 20,000 yuan on the treatment, but to no avail. On the night of February 9, 2002 (the 28th of the twelfth month of the lunar year), she died. But it was strange that several days before her death, she began to rot, and her whole body oozed stinking fluid. When she was carried to be cremated after her death, three fingers of her right hand had already rotted away. The worldly people all said that it was retribution from Heaven!

100. Zhu XX, male, aged 47, from Dangshan County, a senior leader of the Hua Xuehe sect. In 1997, someone preached Almighty God’s end-time gospel to him, but he did not accept. In September 2001, when two sisters went to preach it to him again, he said, “Don’t come to steal my sheep. Someone has come before.…” After that, he went to every meeting place to seal and control them. He also betrayed the brothers and sisters in the neighboring village who had accepted Almighty God, and this caused several believers in Almighty God to be put into prison. One morning in December 2001, when Zhu went to the bathroom, he suddenly fell to his knees in it. He was sent to the hospital for an examination, and was found to have a sudden cerebral hemorrhage. The doctor refused to give him treatment, and that afternoon, he breathed his last. This devil was finally cursed to death!

101. Hu XX, male, aged 62, from Yinhui Town in Guichi City, an elder of the Head Covering sect. In November 1998, someone testified to him God’s end-time work, but before he finished listening, he condemned it, and hurried back to seal the meeting places. He also dragged back a sister who had just accepted Almighty God. In March 2000, a brother went to preach to him again, but he said stubbornly, “What you believe in is false and a heresy. I’d rather die than accept it.” While speaking, he got a rope and tried to bind the brother. Seeing this, the brother had no choice but to leave. Not long afterward, Hu got liver cancer. But instead of examining himself, he continued doing evil. He intimidated the brothers and sisters, “Do not hear ‘the Eastern Lightning.’ Once you do, you will be deceived.” In April 2001, Hu’s cancer worsened, and he died from pain. This wicked servant was thus cut off!

102. Gao XX, female, aged 53, from Luling Town in Suzhou City, a leader of the Pentecostal Church. In September 2001, the brothers and sisters who believed in Almighty God preached God’s end-time work to her, but she condemned it at once and said, “Don’t talk about it any more. It is a heresy. I will never accept.” One of the gospel preachers said, “Man cannot condemn at will. You can make an investigation. Otherwise, it will be too late to regret.” “I will never regret!” she said. After that, she went to every meeting place to seal them, and she also dragged over a dozen people who had accepted God’s end-time work back into her church. On December 27, 2001, Gao got sick. And on January 1, 2002, she left the world. This ended her sinful deeds of resisting God!

103. Zhao XX, male, aged 33, from Heita Town in Sixian County, an elder of the Local Church. In February 1999, Almighty God’s end-time work was spread to Heita. When Zhao learned of that, he began to do evil to resist God. He called his co-workers together and discussed plans with them, and he also said, “No matter who comes to preach Almighty God or ‘the Eastern Lightning,’ drive him away. They are all false and an evil cult. No one is allowed to accept.” In March 1999, when Zhao learned that more than ten brothers and sisters had accepted the work of Almighty God, he frantically took a large group of people to disturb them. He intimidated them and hurled abuse at the gospel preachers, and then dragged those brothers and sisters back into the Local Church. On December 8 of the same year, Zhao drove his wife and children to the home of his wife’s parents in his walking tractor. At a three-way intersection, the tractor was caught by a vehicle, and Zhao was thrown under its wheels and crushed to pieces on the spot. Dying without a full corpse—this is the end of his resisting Almighty God!

104. Wang XX, male, aged 43, from Qiaodong Town in Bozhou City, a junior leader of the Hua Xuehe sect. In November 1998, someone preached Almighty God’s end-time salvation to him. After listening, he did not believe and said, “God has come? Where is he? What’s his name?…” And he also spoke some blasphemous words against God. On July 27, 1999, Wang rode in his son’s motor tricycle to sell watermelons. On the way, his leg stuck in a corner of the tricycle and he fell from it, and he was dragged for over 100 meters. It was not until someone yelled at his son that a man had fallen from the back of the tricycle that his son stopped. When his son got off to see what was happening, the tricycle reversed itself and rolled over on Wang’s ribs. At that time the skin of Wang’s back had been scraped off, and Wang was grimacing with pain. He was sent to a hospital in Bozhou, but while he was being operated on, the electricity suddenly went off for half an hour. He suffered so much that he kicked and scratched, and in a while, he kicked the bucket.

105. Zhang XX, male, aged 37, from Linquan County, a leader of the Spiritual Church. In 1999, after someone testified to him God’s end-time work, he resisted and condemned it, and he also sealed the church. Soon after, while riding in someone’s farm tricycle, Zhang fell from it and broke his leg. Later, he acknowledged that it was deserved retribution for his doing evil. This man woke up early and had his life saved.

106. Li XX, male, aged 58, from Yingshang County, an elder of the Three-Self sect. In March 1999, after he heard the testimony about God’s end-time work, he refused to accept and even wanted to tear the book of God’s word. Moreover, he went everywhere to seal the meetinghouses, threatened to report the gospel preachers, and spoke many words blaspheming the name of God. He also went around disturbing those who had accepted Almighty God. In November 13, 1999, Li’s son and daughter-in-law, who worked away from home, suffered gas poisoning. His son died, and his daughter-in-law, failing to be cured after spending 30,000 yuan, became a wreck and had to be fed by others. Li himself admitted, “This is God’s punishment on me. Judgment begins with the family of God.” He was certainly an elder! When one of his family members died, he could realize that it was a punishment. Now, Li never dares to resist!

Previous: Typical Cases of People from Christian Denominations and Sects and Catholic Churches in Henan Province Who Were Punished for Resisting Almighty God

Next: Typical Cases of People from Christian Denominations and Sects and Catholic Churches in Shandong Province Who Were Punished for Resisting Almighty God

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