Chapter 8
When My revelations reach their climax, and when My judgment draws to an end, it will be the time when all My people are revealed and made complete. I journey to all corners of the universe world in perpetual search of those who align with My intentions and are fit for My use. Who can rise up and cooperate with Me? Humans’ love of Me is minuscule, and their faith in Me is also pitifully small. If I did not direct the brunt of My words at people’s weaknesses, they would boast and exaggerate, pontificating and coming up with bombastic theories, as if they were omniscient and all-knowing with regard to earthly matters. Of those who were “loyal” to Me in the past, and of those who today “stand fast” before Me, who still dares to speak boastfully? Who is not secretly delighted for their own prospects? When I did not expose people directly, they had nowhere to hide and were tormented by shame. How much more would that be so if I spoke in a different manner? People would have an even greater sense of indebtedness, believe that nothing could cure them, and would all be tightly bound by their negativity. When people lose hope, the kingdom’s salute formally rings out, which is, as people have said, “the time when the sevenfold intensified Spirit begins to work.” In other words, this is when the life of the kingdom officially begins on earth; it is when My divinity comes forth to act directly (without any mental “processing”). All people rush busily about, as though they had been revived or roused from a dream, and, on awakening, are astonished to find themselves in such circumstances. In the past, I said much about the building of the church; I revealed many mysteries, but when that work reached its peak, it came to an abrupt end. The building of the kingdom, however, is different. Only when the war in the spiritual realm reaches its final stage do I begin My work anew on earth. That is to say, it is only when all humans are on the verge of retreat that I formally begin and raise up My new work. The difference between the building of the kingdom and the building of the church is that in building the church, I worked through a humanity that was governed by divinity; I directly pruned humans’ old nature, revealing directly their ugly selves and exposing their substance. As a result, they came to know themselves on this basis, and so were convinced in their hearts and in their words. In building the kingdom, I act directly through My divinity, and allow all people to know what I have and am on the foundation of their knowledge of My words, ultimately allowing them to attain knowledge of Me as flesh incarnate. Thus ends all humankind’s pursuit of the vague God, and thus do they cease holding a place in their hearts for the God in heaven; that is, I let humanity know the deeds I do while I am flesh incarnate, and so shall conclude My time on earth.
The building of the kingdom is aimed directly at the spiritual realm. That is, the state of battle of the spiritual realm is made plain directly among all My people, and this suffices to show that not only within the church, but also and more so in the Age of Kingdom, every person is constantly at war. Despite their physical bodies, the spiritual realm is revealed directly, and they come in contact with the life of the spiritual realm. Thus, when you begin to be faithful, you must prepare properly for the next part of My work. You should give over the entirety of your heart; only then can you satisfy My heart. I care nothing for what happened previously in the church; today, it is in the kingdom. In My plan, Satan has, all along, been stalking behind each step and, as the foil of My wisdom, has always been trying to find ways and means to disrupt My original plan. Yet could I succumb to its deceitful schemes? All things in heaven and on earth act as My service objects; could the deceitful schemes of Satan be any different? This is precisely where My wisdom intersects; it is precisely that which is wondrous about My deeds, and it is the principle of operation for My entire management plan. During the era of the building of the kingdom, still I do not avoid the deceitful schemes of Satan, but continue to do the work I must. Among the universe and all things, I have chosen the deeds of Satan as My foil. Is this not a manifestation of My wisdom? Is this not precisely that which is wondrous about My work? On the occasion of entry into the Age of Kingdom, all things in heaven and on earth are utterly transformed, and they celebrate and rejoice. Are you any different? In whose heart is there not the sweetness of honey? Whose heart is not bursting for joy? Whose hands and feet do not dance with delight? Whose mouth does not speak words of praise?
Do you grasp the aims and origin of all I have talked of and discussed above, or do you not? If I did not ask this, most people would believe I were merely prattling on, and would be unable to fathom the source of My words. If you ponder them carefully, you will know their importance. You would do well to read them closely: Which of My words are not of benefit to you? Which are not meant to cause your life to grow? Which do not speak of the reality of the spiritual realm? Most people believe there is no rhyme or reason to My words, that they lack explanation and interpretation. Are My words really so abstract and inscrutable? Do you truly submit to My words? Do you truly accept My words? Do you not treat them as toys? Do you not use them as clothing to cover your ugly appearance? In this vast world, who has personally accepted My examination? Who has personally heard the words of My Spirit? So many people grope and search in the darkness; so many pray amid adversity; so many, hungry and cold, seek reliance; and so many are bound by Satan; yet so many know not where to turn, so many betray Me in the midst of their happiness, so many are ungrateful, and so many are loyal to the deceitful schemes of Satan. Who among you is Job? Who is Peter? Why have I repeatedly mentioned Job? Why have I referred to Peter so many times? Have you ever grasped what My hopes for you are? You should spend more time pondering such things.
Peter was loyal to Me for many years, yet he never grumbled nor had any complaint; even Job was not his equal, and, throughout the ages, the saints have all fallen far short of Peter. He not only sought to know Me, but also came to know Me during a time when Satan was enacting its deceitful schemes. This led Peter to serve Me for many years, always in line with My intentions, and for this reason, he was never exploited by Satan. Peter drew lessons from the faith of Job, yet also clearly perceived Job’s shortcomings. Although Job had been of great faith, he lacked knowledge of matters in the spiritual realm, so he said many words that did not correspond to reality; this shows that Job’s knowledge was shallow and incapable of perfection. Therefore, Peter focused always on gaining a sense of the spirit, and always paid attention to observing the dynamics of the spiritual realm. As a result, he not only was able to ascertain something of My intentions, but also had a modicum of knowledge of the deceitful schemes of Satan. Because of this, his knowledge of Me grew to be greater than anyone else’s throughout the ages.
From Peter’s experience, it is not hard to see that if humans wish to know Me, they must focus on giving careful consideration within their spirits. I do not ask that you “dedicate” a certain amount to Me externally; this is of secondary concern. If you do not know Me, then all the faith, love, and loyalty of which you speak are but illusions; they are froth, and you are sure to become someone who makes great boasts before Me but does not know himself. As such, you will once more be ensnared by Satan and unable to extricate yourself; you will become a son of perdition and an object of destruction. However, if you are cold and uncaring toward My words, then you undoubtedly oppose Me. This is fact, and you would do well to look through the gate of the spiritual realm at the many and varied spirits that have been chastised by Me. Which of them, faced with My words, was not negative, uncaring, and unaccepting? Which of them was not cynical about My words? Which of them did not try to find fault with My words? Which of them did not use My words as “defensive weapons” with which to “protect” themselves? They did not use the contents of My words as a way to know Me, but merely as toys to play with. In this, were they not resisting Me directly? Who are My words? Who is My Spirit? I have asked you such questions so many times, yet have you ever gotten any higher and clear insights about them? Have you ever truly experienced them? I remind you once again: If you do not know My words, nor accept them, nor put them into practice, then you will inevitably become objects of My chastisement! You will surely become victims of Satan!
February 29, 1992