1055 Man’s Destination and Outcome Are Arranged and Ruled by the Creator


A person’s outcome or destination is not determined by their own will,

nor by their own inclinations or imaginings.

The Creator, God, has the final say.

In such matters, people have but one path that they are able to choose:

Only if they seek the truth, understand the truth, obey God’s words,

achieve submission to God, and attain salvation

will they ultimately have a good end and a good destiny,

have a good end and a good destiny.

It’s not hard to imagine people’s prospects and destiny

if they do the opposite.

It’s not hard to imagine people’s prospects and destiny

if they do the opposite.


Do not focus on what God has promised man,

what God says about mankind’s outcome,

what God has prepared for mankind.

These have nothing to do with you,

they are God’s business, they cannot be snatched,

cannot be begged for, or bartered for by you.

As a created being, you should do your duty, you should do your duty,

doing what you ought to with all your heart, mind, and strength.

The remaining things regarding one’s prospects and destiny,

and mankind’s destination—

these are not something you can decide, they are in the hands of God;

all of this falls under the sovereignty of the Creator, it is arranged by Him

and has nothing to do with any created being,

has nothing to do with any created being.


You must acknowledge one fact:

No matter what kind of promise it is,

be it good or ordinary, be it pleasing or uninteresting,

all is encompassed within the sovereignty, arrangements,

and determinations of the Creator.

All is encompassed within the sovereignty, arrangements,

and determinations of the Creator.

Only following and engaging in pursuit

according to the correct direction and path indicated by the Creator

is the duty and obligation of a created being.

As for what you ultimately gain,

and the share of which of God’s promises you receive,

this is all based on your pursuit, on the path that you take,

and on the Creator’s sovereignty.

from The Word, Vol. 4. Exposing Antichrists. Item Nine (Part Nine)

Previous: 1052 Almighty God Is the Support Behind Man

Next: 1073 Pursuing the Truth Requires Resolution

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