385 The Purpose of God Arranging People, Events, and Things for Man


If you believe in God’s sovereignty,

then you have to believe that everyday occurrences, be they good or bad,

do not happen at random, do not happen at random.

It is not that someone is deliberately being hard on you or targeting you;

this was all arranged and orchestrated by God.

Why does God orchestrate all these things?

It is not to expose you for who you are or to reveal and eliminate you;

revealing you is not the end goal.

The goal is to perfect you and save you.


How does God perfect you? And how does He save you?

He starts by making you aware of your own corrupt disposition,

and by making you know your nature essence,

your shortcomings, and what you lack.

Only by knowing these things and understanding them clearly

can you pursue the truth and gradually cast off your corrupt disposition.

This is God providing you with an opportunity. This is God’s mercy.

You have to know how to seize this opportunity.

You should not oppose God, butt heads with God, or misunderstand Him.

In particular, when faced with the people, events, and things

that God arranges around you,

don’t constantly feel that things are not as you wish them to be,

don’t constantly feel that things are not as you wish them to be;

don’t constantly wish to escape them

or always complain about and misunderstand God.

If you are constantly doing those things,

then you are not experiencing God’s work,

and that will make it very difficult for you to enter the truth reality.


Whatever you encounter that you can’t fully understand,

when a difficulty arises, you must learn to submit.

You should begin by coming before God and praying to Him more.

That way, before you know it, a shift will occur in your internal state,

and you will be able to seek the truth to resolve your problem.

As such, you will be able to experience God’s work.

As this happens, the truth reality will be wrought within you,

this is how you’ll progress and undergo a transformation of your state.

Once you have undergone this change and possess this truth reality,

you will also possess stature, and with stature comes life.

from The Word, Vol. 3. The Discourses of Christ of the Last Days. To Gain the Truth, One Must Learn From the People, Events, and Things Nearby

Previous: 382 What Will Be Your End?

Next: 387 The Key to Faith Is Accepting God’s Words as the Life Reality

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