4. How to approach false leaders

Words of Almighty God of the Last Days

What is the attitude that people should have in terms of how to treat a leader or worker? If what a leader or worker does is right and in line with the truth, then you can obey them; if what they do is wrong and not in line with the truth, then you should not obey them and you can expose them, oppose them and raise a different opinion. If they are unable to do actual work or do evil deeds that cause a disturbance to church work, and are revealed to be a false leader, a false worker, or an antichrist, then you can discern, expose and report them. However, some of God’s chosen people do not understand the truth and are particularly cowardly; they fear being suppressed and tormented by false leaders and antichrists, so they don’t dare uphold principles. They say, “If the leader kicks me out, I’m finished; if he has everyone expose or forsake me, then I will no longer be able to believe in God. If I’m expelled from the church, then God will not want me and will not save me. And won’t my faith have been for nothing?” Is such thinking not ridiculous? Do such people have true faith in God? Would a false leader or antichrist be representing God when they expel you? When a false leader or antichrist torments and expels you, this is the work of Satan, and has nothing to do with God; when people are cleared out or expelled from the church, this is only in line with God’s intentions when there is a joint decision between the church and all of God’s chosen people, and when the clearing out or expulsion is wholly in line with the work arrangements of God’s house and the truth principles of God’s words. How could being expelled by a false leader or antichrist mean you cannot be saved? This is the persecution of Satan and the antichrist, and does not mean that you will not be saved by God. Whether or not you can be saved depends on God. No human being is qualified to decide whether you can be saved by God. You must be clear about this. And to treat your expulsion by a false leader or antichrist as being expelled by God—is this not misinterpreting God? It is. And this is not only misinterpreting God, but also rebelling against God. It is also kind of blasphemous against God. And is misinterpreting God in this way not ignorant and foolish? When a false leader or antichrist expels you, why do you not seek the truth? Why don’t you seek out somebody who understands the truth in order to gain some discernment? And why do you not report this to the higher-ups? This proves that you do not believe that the truth reigns supreme in the house of God, it shows that you do not have true faith in God, that you are not someone who truly believes in God. If you trust in the almightiness of God, why do you fear the retaliation of a false leader or antichrist? Can they determine your fate? If you are capable of discernment, and detect that their actions are at odds with the truth, why not fellowship with God’s chosen people who understand the truth? You have a mouth, so why do you dare not speak up? Why are you so afraid of a false leader or antichrist? This proves that you are a coward, a good-for-nothing, a lackey of Satan. If, when threatened by a false leader or antichrist, you dare not report them to the higher-ups, this shows that you have already been bound by Satan and that you are of one heart with them; is this not following Satan? How could someone like this be one of God’s chosen people? They are scum, pure and simple. All who are of one heart with false leaders and antichrists could never be anything good; they are evildoers. Such people are born to be the devil’s minions—they’re Satan’s lackeys, and they’re beyond redemption. … I have heard that in the past two years, God’s chosen people in some pastoral areas in mainland China united to remove false leaders and antichrists from office; some false leaders and antichrists were even the head of decision-making groups, and yet they were removed by God’s chosen people just the same. God’s chosen people didn’t have to wait for approval from the Above; based on the truth principles, they were able to identify these false leaders and antichrists—who did not do real work, and were always tormenting the brothers and sisters, who were acting wildly and disturbing the work of God’s house—and promptly dealt with them. Some were pushed out of decision-making groups, some were cleared out of the church—which is great! This shows that God’s chosen people have already set foot on the right track of belief in God. Some of God’s chosen people have already understood the truth and are now possessed of a little stature, they are no longer controlled and fooled by Satan, they dare to stand up and do battle with the evil forces of Satan. This also shows that the forces of false leaders and antichrists in the church no longer have the upper hand. So they no longer dare to be so flagrant in their words and actions. As soon as they give their game away, someone will be there to oversee them, discern them, and reject them. That is to say that in the hearts of those who genuinely understand the truth, man’s status, reputation, and power don’t have dominant status. Such people don’t put stock in those things. When someone can proactively seek the truth and fellowship on it, and when they begin to reassess and reflect on the path people who believe in God should walk and how they should treat leaders and workers, and they begin to ponder who it is that people should follow, which behaviors are those of following man and which are those of following God, and then, having groped around for these truths and experienced them over several years, when they have come, without knowing it, to understand some truths and to be discerning—they will then have gained a bit of stature. To be able to seek the truth in all things is to have entered the correct track of belief in God.

—The Word, Vol. 4. Exposing Antichrists. Item Three: They Exclude and Attack Those Who Pursue the Truth

Some false leaders are gluttonous and lazy, preferring comfort to hard work. They neither want to work nor worry, shirking effort and responsibility, only wanting to indulge in ease. They like to eat, play, and are especially lazy. In the morning, they get up only after everyone has finished eating, and at night, they are still watching TV dramas while everyone else has gone to rest. A brother responsible for cooking couldn’t stand it anymore and criticized them. Do you think they would listen to a cook? (No.) Suppose a leader or worker reprimands them, saying, “You need to be more diligent; the work that needs to be done must be done. As a leader, you must fulfill your responsibilities no matter what the work is; you must ensure that there are no problems with it. Now that a problem has been found, and you are not present to resolve it, this affects the work. If you consistently work this way, isn’t this delaying the church’s work? Can you bear this responsibility?” Would they listen to this? Not necessarily. For such false leaders, the decision-making group should promptly replace them and make other work arrangements for them, letting them do whatever they are capable of doing. If they are good-for-nothings, wanting to freeload wherever they go, unable to do anything, then send them away without letting them do any duty. They are not worthy of doing duty; they are not human, they lack the conscience and reason of normal humanity, they are shameless. For such false leaders, who amount to hoodlums, once seen through, they should be directly replaced; there’s no need to try to exhort them, and they should not be afforded any opportunities to undergo observation, nor is it necessary to fellowship the truth with them. Haven’t they heard enough truths? If they were pruned, could they change? They could not. If someone has poor caliber, sometimes holds absurd views, or fails to see the full picture out of ignorance, but they are diligent, carry a burden, and are not lazy, such a person, despite deviations in doing their duty, can repent when faced with being pruned. At the very least, they know the responsibilities of leadership and know what they should do, they have a conscience and a sense of responsibility, and they have a heart. However, those who are lazy, prefer ease over hard work, and are unburdened, cannot change; if there’s no burden in their heart, no matter who prunes them, it’s useless.

—The Word, Vol. 5. The Responsibilities of Leaders and Workers. The Responsibilities of Leaders and Workers (4)

If antichrists are allowed to be willful and arbitrary in a church, to shout any slogans and arguments they wish to control and threaten, or mislead and misguide the brothers and sisters, and the leaders and workers ignore this and do not act, and do not dare to expose or restrict the antichrists for fear of offending them, and this causes the brothers and sisters of that church to be arbitrarily toyed with and disturbed by the antichrists, then the leaders of that church are people pleasers, they are trash who should be eliminated. If the leaders of a church have discernment of antichrists and evil people, and they enable God’s chosen people to stand up and expose them, and clear out the devils to protect the work of God’s house, then this will shame the devils and Satan, and it will also satisfy God’s intention. The leaders of this church are qualified leaders that possess the truth reality. If a church is suffering from the disturbance of an antichrist, and after being identified and rejected by the brothers and sisters, the antichrist frantically retaliates against, oppresses, and condemns the brothers and sisters, if the church leaders do nothing, turn a blind eye, and try not to offend anyone, then those leaders are false leaders. They are trash and should be eliminated. As a church leader, if one is not able to use the truth to solve problems, if they are not able to identify, limit, and sort out the antichrists, if they give the antichrists free rein to do as they wish in the church, to run amok, and if they are unable to protect God’s chosen ones from being misled, are unable to protect God’s chosen ones so that they can normally do their duty—and, moreover, are unable to maintain the normal progress of church work—then that leader is trash and should be eliminated. If the leaders of a church are afraid to expose, prune, limit, and take action against an antichrist because the antichrist is ferocious and cruel, and thus allow them to run wild in the church, becoming a tyrant, doing whatever they want, and paralyzing much of the work of the church, bringing it to a standstill, then the leaders of this church are also trash and should be eliminated. If, because they fear retaliation, the leaders of a church never have the courage to expose an antichrist, and never try to curb the antichrist’s evil deeds, leading to major obstruction, disturbance, and damage to the church life and to the life entry of the brothers and sisters, then the leaders of this church are also trash and should be eliminated. Would you endorse the continued leadership of such people? (No.) So, what should you do when you encounter leaders such as this? You should ask them, “The antichrists commit such great evil, they run wild in the church, they’re trying to take over—are you able to hold them in check? Do you have the courage to expose them? If you don’t dare to take action against them, you should resign. You should waste no time in stepping down. If you protect your own fleshly interests and hand the brothers and sisters over to the antichrists and evil people out of fear of the antichrists, then you should be cursed. You are not fit to be a leader—you are trash, you are a dead person!” Such false leaders should be exposed and dismissed. They do not do real work; faced with evil people, they do not protect the brothers and sisters, but bend their knees to evil people, and make concessions to them, and beg for mercy, dragging out an ignoble existence. Such leaders are trash. They are traitors, and they should be rejected.

—The Word, Vol. 4. Exposing Antichrists. Item Nine (Part Eight)

You write a letter to report problems with a false leader, and the false leader wants to bully you, saying, “If you don’t behave yourself, if you continue reporting my problems to the higher-ups, snitching on me, or writing something negative in my evaluations, I’ll kill you! I have the power to expel you. Aren’t you afraid?” How would you handle this situation? They’re threatening you; to put it specifically, they’re bullying you. They have the power, and you’re an ordinary believer, so they arbitrarily torment you without any principles or baseline. They treat you the way Satan treats people. To put this in concrete terms, aren’t they bullying you? Aren’t they trying to torment you? (Yes.) So, how would you handle this? Would you compromise or stand by the principles? (Stand by the principles.) In theory, people should stand by the principles and not be afraid of this false leader. What’s the basis for this? Why shouldn’t you be afraid of them? If they really expel you, will you be frightened? Because they really can expel you, you might not dare to stand by the principles, and you might be scared. Where does this matter get stuck? How can you be scared? (Because I don’t believe that the house of God is under the rule of the truth.) That’s one aspect of it. You need to have this faith and say, “You’re an evil person. Don’t think that just because you’re a leader now you have the power to expel me. Expelling me would be wrong. This matter will be exposed sooner or later. The house of God is not under your sole authority. If you expel me today, you’ll be punished eventually. If you don’t believe it, just wait and see. The house of God is ruled by the truth, by God. People can’t punish you, but God can reveal you and eliminate you. When your wrongdoings are exposed, that’s when you’ll face your punishment.” Do you have this faith? (Yes.) You do? Then why can’t you say this? It seems like you’ll be in danger if you encounter such situations; you lack courage and genuine faith. When you really face these matters, when you encounter evil people and antichrists who are this fierce, whose methods of tormenting people are comparable to those of the great red dragon, what will you do then? You’ll start crying, saying, “Oh, I’m small in stature, I’m timid, I’ve always been afraid of trouble, I’m even afraid of a falling leaf hitting my head. I really hope that I don’t have to face such people. What would I do if they bullied me?” Are they bullying you? They’re not bullying you; that’s Satan tormenting you. Looking at it from a human perspective, you would say, “This person is formidable, has status, and bullies guileless people with no status.” Is that what’s happening? From the standpoint of the truth, that’s not bullying; it’s Satan making people suffer, tormenting them, fooling them, corrupting them, and trampling on them. How should you deal with and handle these actions from Satan? Should you be afraid? (I shouldn’t; I should report them and expose them.) In your heart, you shouldn’t be afraid of them. If reporting their issues and contending against them isn’t appropriate at the moment, you should temporarily endure them and find a suitable time to report them later. If there are discerning individuals like you among your brothers and sisters, you should unite to report and expose their evil deeds. If no one else has discernment, and when you step forward to report them, everyone rejects you, exercise patience for the time being. When the higher-level leaders come to your church to check and follow up on the work, find an appropriate time to report their issues to those leaders, clearly stating their evil deeds in full detail and letting the leaders remove them. Is this wise? (Yes.) In one respect, you must have faith and not fear evil people, antichrists, or Satan. In another, you shouldn’t see their actions toward you as one person bullying another; you should see the essence of this as Satan fooling, tormenting, and trampling over people. Then, depending on the situation, you should exercise wisdom to deal with their tormenting, find the right time to expose and report them, and safeguard the interests of the house of God and the church’s work. This is the testimony in which you should stand firm and the duty and obligation you should fulfill as a person.

—The Word, Vol. 6. On the Pursuit of the Truth I. How to Pursue the Truth (14)

Whether these people are dismissed because they are incapable of doing real work and are classed as false leaders, or because they follow the path of antichrists and are classed as the kind of people who are antichrists, it is necessary to reasonably allocate these people to other work, and make reasonable arrangements for them. If they are antichrists who have done many evil things, then of course they should be expelled; if they haven’t done many evil things, but have the essence of an antichrist and are determined to be an antichrist, then as long as they can still render service in some small way without causing disruption or disturbance, they don’t need to be expelled—let them keep rendering service and give them a chance to repent. In the case of false leaders who have been dismissed, reassign them to different work based on their strengths and the duties they are suited to do, but they are no longer allowed to serve as church leaders; in the case of leaders and workers who have been dismissed because their caliber is exceedingly poor and they are incapable of doing any work, also reassign them to different work based on their strengths and the duties they are suited to do, but they can no longer be promoted as a leader or worker. Why can’t they? They have already been tried out. They were revealed, and it is already clear to see that such people’s caliber and work capability make them unfit to be leaders. If they are unfit to be leaders, are they unable to do other duties? Not necessarily. Their poor caliber makes them unfit to be leaders, but they can do other duties. After such people are dismissed, they can do whatever they are suited to doing. They shouldn’t be stripped of the right to do a duty; they can still be used again once their stature has grown in the future. Some are dismissed because they are young and don’t have any experience of life, and also lack work experience, so they are incapable of undertaking the work and are ultimately dismissed. In dismissing this kind of people, there is some leeway. If their humanity is up to standard and their caliber is sufficient, they can be used after being demoted, or they can be put to other work suitable for them. Once their understanding of the truth is clear, and they have a bit of exposure to and experience of the church’s work, such people can still be promoted and cultivated again based on their caliber. If their humanity is up to standard but their caliber is exceedingly poor, then there is no value whatsoever in cultivating them, and they absolutely cannot be cultivated or retained.

Among those who have been dismissed, there are two kinds of people who absolutely cannot be promoted and cultivated again. One is antichrists, and the other is those whose caliber is too low. Then there are some people who are not considered antichrists, but are only of poor humanity, selfish and deceitful, and some of these people are lazy, crave fleshly comfort and are unable to endure hardship. Even if such people are of good caliber, they cannot be promoted again. If they possess a bit of caliber, then let them do whatever they are able to do, as long as suitable arrangements are made for that; in short, don’t promote them to be a leader or worker again. Beyond having caliber and the ability to work, leaders and workers need to understand the truth, have a burden for the church, be able to work hard and bear suffering, and they must be diligent and not lazy. On top of this, they must be relatively honest and upright. You absolutely cannot select people who are deceitful. Those who are too crooked and deceitful always scheme against the brothers and sisters, their higher-ups, and the house of God. They spend their days thinking only devious thoughts. When dealing with someone like this, you must always guess at what they are truly thinking, you must keep inquiring as to what exactly they have been doing recently, and you must always keep an eye on them. Putting them to use is too exhausting and too worrisome. If this kind of person is promoted to do duties, even if they understand a little doctrine, they will not practice it, and they will expect benefits and advantages for every bit of work they do. Using such people is too worrisome and too much trouble, so such people cannot be promoted. Therefore, when it comes to antichrists, those of excessively poor caliber, those of bad humanity, those who are lazy, covet fleshly comforts and cannot bear hardship, and those who are extremely crooked and deceitful—once these kinds of people have been revealed and dismissed after being put to use, do not promote them a second time; do not put them to incorrect use again after they have been seen through.

—The Word, Vol. 5. The Responsibilities of Leaders and Workers. The Responsibilities of Leaders and Workers (6)

Related Experiential Testimonies

Reporting a False Leader: A Personal Struggle

Previous: 3. How to discern false leaders

Next: 5. How to discern antichrists

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