2. How to discern evil people

Words of Almighty God of the Last Days

In the nation of the great red dragon, I have carried out a stage of work unfathomable to human beings, causing them to sway in the wind, after which many quietly drift away with the blowing of the wind. Truly, this is the “threshing floor” I am about to clear; it is what I yearn for and it is also My plan. For many evil ones have crept in while I am at work, but I am in no hurry to drive them away. Rather, I shall disperse them when the time is right. Only after that shall I be the fountain of life, allowing those who truly love Me to receive from Me the fruit of the fig tree and the fragrance of the lily. In the land where Satan sojourns, the land of dust, there remains no pure gold, only sand, and so, meeting with these circumstances, I do such a stage of work. You should know that what I gain is pure, refined gold, not sand. How can the evil remain in My house? How can I allow foxes to be parasites in My paradise? I employ every conceivable method to drive these things away. Before My intentions are revealed, no one is aware of what I am about to do. Taking this opportunity, I drive away those evil ones, and they are forced to leave My presence. This is what I do to the evil, but there will still be a day for them to do service for Me.

—The Word, Vol. 1. The Appearance and Work of God. The Seven Thunders Peal—Prophesying That the Gospel of the Kingdom Shall Spread Throughout the Universe

Now, as soon as possible, I wish to make a group of people who accord with My intentions, a group of people who are able to be considerate of My burdens. However, I cannot refrain from cleansing and purifying My church; the church is My heart. I despise all the evil people who prevent you from eating and drinking of My word. This is because there are some other people who do not truly want Me. These people are full of deceit, they do not get close to Me with their true heart; they are evil, and they are people who obstruct the carrying out of My will; they are not people who put the truth into practice. These people are full of self-righteousness and arrogance, they are wildly ambitious, they love to be condescending, and though the words they speak are pleasant to hear, in secret they do not practice the truth. These evil people shall all be cut off and swept away; they shall languish amid disaster.

—The Word, Vol. 1. The Appearance and Work of God. Utterances of Christ in the Beginning, Chapter 24

It may be that in all your years of faith in God, you have never cursed anyone or committed a bad deed, yet in your association with Christ, you cannot speak the truth, act honestly, or submit to the word of Christ; in that case, I say that you are the most sinister and malicious person in the world. You may be exceptionally amiable and devoted toward your relatives, friends, wife (or husband), sons and daughters, and parents, and never take advantage of others, but if you are incapable of compatibility with Christ, if you are unable to interact in harmony with Him, then even if you expend your all in relief to your neighbors or take meticulous care of your father, mother, and members of your household, I would say that you are still an evil person, and moreover one full of cunning tricks.

—The Word, Vol. 1. The Appearance and Work of God. Those Who Are Incompatible With Christ Are Surely Opponents of God

Those among brothers and sisters who are always giving vent to their negativity are lackeys of Satan, and they disturb the church. Such people must one day be expelled and eliminated. In their belief in God, if people do not have a God-fearing heart, if they do not have a heart of submission to God, then not only will they be unable to do any work for Him, but on the contrary will become those who disturb His work and who defy Him. Believing in God but not submitting to or fearing Him, and instead resisting Him, is the greatest disgrace for a believer. If believers are just as casual and unrestrained in their speech and conduct as nonbelievers are, then they are even more wicked than nonbelievers; they are archetypal demons. Those who give vent to their poisonous, malicious talk within the church, who spread rumors, foment disharmony, and form cliques among the brothers and sisters—they should have been expelled from the church. Yet because now is a different era of God’s work, these people are restricted, for they are decidedly to be eliminated. All who have been corrupted by Satan have corrupt dispositions. Some have nothing more than corrupt dispositions, while others are different: Not only do they have corrupt satanic dispositions, but their nature is also extremely malicious. Not only do their words and actions reveal their corrupt, satanic dispositions; these people are, moreover, the genuine devils and Satans. Their behavior disrupts and disturbs God’s work, it disturbs the brothers’ and sisters’ life entry, and it damages the normal life of the church. Sooner or later, these wolves in sheep’s clothing must be cleansed away; an unsparing attitude, an attitude of rejection, should be adopted toward these lackeys of Satan. Only this is standing on the side of God, and those who fail to do so are wallowing in the mire with Satan.

—The Word, Vol. 1. The Appearance and Work of God. A Warning to Those Who Do Not Practice the Truth

Evil people love wicked, vicious, and venomous things; they love all that is associated with negative things. When you talk to them about positive things, or about how something benefits people and comes from God, they are not pleased and not interested to hear about them—they have no hope of being saved. No matter how well one fellowships the truth to them or how practically they are spoken to, they are simply not interested, and might even express hostility and antagonism. But their eyes light up when they hear somebody talking about fleshly pleasure, and they become full of energy. This is a vicious and wicked disposition, and they are not goodhearted. So, they cannot possibly love positive things. In their heart, how do they regard positive things? They despise and look down upon them, they deride these things. When it comes to being an honest person, they think, “Being honest only puts you at a disadvantage. I’ll pass on that! If you’re honest you’re a fool. Look at you, enduring hardship and working hard to perform your duty without ever considering your own future or your own health. Who’s going to care if you collapse from exhaustion? I can’t tire myself out.” Someone else might say, “Let’s leave an out for ourselves. We can’t be breaking our backs like dopes. We’ve got to prepare our backup plan and then just exert a bit more effort.” Those evil ones will be happy upon hearing this; it hits right home with them. But when it comes to absolute submission to God and loyally expending oneself for one’s duty, they feel repulsion and detestation, and will not take it in. Isn’t someone like this vicious? All people like this have a vicious disposition. All you have to do is fellowship the truth and talk about the principles of practice with them, and they become repulsed and unwilling to listen. They’ll think this injures their pride, wounds their dignity, and they can’t benefit from it. Inwardly they’ll say: “Going on and on about the truth, about the principles of practice. Always talking about being an honest person—can honesty feed you? Can speaking honestly make you money? Cheating is how I’ll profit!” What logic is this? It is the logic of a bandit. Isn’t this a vicious disposition? Is this person kindhearted? (No.) This kind of person cannot attain the truth. What little they do commit, expend, and forsake is all directed at a goal, one they’ve calculated well in advance. They only think it’s a good deal to offer something if they get more back in return. What disposition is this? It is a wicked, vicious disposition.

—The Word, Vol. 3. The Discourses of Christ of the Last Days. Only Self-Knowledge Is of Aid in Pursuing the Truth

Anyone who often disturbs church life and the life entry of God’s chosen people is a disbeliever; they are considered an evil person and must be cleared out from the church. Regardless of who the person is or how they have acted in the past, if they often disturb the work of the church and church life, refuse being pruned, and always defend themselves with flawed reasoning, they must be cleared out from the church. This approach is entirely for the sake of maintaining the normal progression of church work and protecting the interests of God’s chosen people, fully aligning with the truth principles and God’s intentions. The life entry of God’s chosen people and the work of the church should not be affected by the disputes and unreasonable troublemaking of a few evil individuals—it’s not worth it and is also unfair to God’s chosen people.

… Some people have a vicious disposition. If someone says something that hurts or offends them, they will hate that person, and think of ways to attack and retaliate against them. No matter how the truth is fellowshipped to them, or how they are pruned, they do not accept it. They would sooner die than repent, and continue to disturb church life. This proves that they are evil people. We cannot keep tolerating these sorts of evil people. They should be cleared out of the church according to the truth principles. This is the only way to thoroughly resolve this problem. No matter what mistakes they have made or bad things they have done, those people with vicious dispositions will not allow anyone to expose them or prune them. Should someone expose and offend them, they will become enraged, retaliate, and never let the issue drop. They have no patience and tolerance for other people, and do not exercise forbearance toward them. What principle is their conduct based on? “I would rather betray than be betrayed.” In other words, they do not tolerate being offended by anyone. Is this not the logic of evil people? This is exactly the logic of evil people. No one is allowed to offend them. To them, it is unacceptable for anyone to trigger them in even the slightest way, and they hate anyone who does so. They will keep going after that person and never let the matter go—that is how evil people are. You should isolate or clear out evil people as soon as you discover that they have an evil essence, before they can do any great evil. This will minimize the damage they do; it is the wise choice. If leaders and workers wait until an evil person causes some kind of disaster to handle them, they are being too passive. That would prove that the leaders and workers are very foolish, and have no principles to their actions. There are some leaders and workers who are just this foolish and ignorant. They insist on waiting until they have conclusive evidence before handling evil people because they think that is the only way their minds will be at ease. But in fact, you do not need conclusive evidence to be sure someone is evil. You can tell by their everyday words and actions. Once you are sure they are evil, you can start by limiting or isolating them. This will ensure that neither the church’s work nor the life entry of God’s chosen people are harmed. … Tell Me, if a person is identified as evil, is there still a need to fellowship the truth to help them? (No.) There’s no need to give them a chance. Some people have too much “love,” always giving evil ones a chance to repent, but can this achieve any effect? Does this conform to the principles of God’s words? Have you seen any evil person who can truly repent? No one has ever seen that. Hoping for evil people to repent is like pitying poisonous snakes; it is to pity wild beasts. This is because based on the essence of evil people, it can be determined that evil people will never love positive things, will never accept the truth, and will never repent. You will not find the word “repentance” in their dictionary. No matter how you fellowship the truth to them, they will not put aside their own motives and interests, and will find various reasons and excuses to justify themselves, and no one can persuade them. If they suffer a loss, it’s unbearable for them, and they will endlessly pester others about it. How can such people, who are not willing to suffer any loss, truly repent? Extremely selfish people are those who prioritize their own interests above all; they are evil people, and they will never repent.

—The Word, Vol. 5. The Responsibilities of Leaders and Workers. The Responsibilities of Leaders and Workers (14)

What kind of person is someone who has no love at all for the brothers and sisters? Why do they not even have a bit of a normal interpersonal relationship with the brothers and sisters? This kind of person, no matter who they interact with, only links these interactions to interests and transactions; if there are no interests or transactions involved, they will not bother with people. Isn’t this kind of person evil? Some people do not pursue the truth and live only based on feelings; whoever treats them well, they draw close to, and whoever helps them, they think of as good. Such people also do not have normal interpersonal relationships. They live solely based on feelings, so can they treat the brothers and sisters fairly and justly? This is absolutely unattainable. Therefore, anyone who does not have a normal interpersonal relationship with the brothers and sisters, or with those who sincerely believe in God, is someone without conscience and reason, is someone without normal humanity, and is definitely not someone who loves the truth. These individuals are no different from the petty riffraff among the nonbelievers; they interact with whoever is beneficial to them and ignore those who are not. Moreover, when they see someone pursuing the truth or someone who can share experiential testimonies and whom everyone admires and likes, they become jealous and hateful and try everything to gather ammunition with which to judge and condemn these people who pursue the truth. Isn’t this what evil people do? Such people lack conscience and reason—they are worse than beasts. They cannot treat people correctly, cannot get along with others normally, cannot build normal interpersonal relationships with God’s chosen people, and can even hate those who pursue the truth. Such people must feel very solitary and lonely in their hearts, always blaming others and the world. What joy or meaning do they have in living? These people are vicious in disposition, and no matter who they interact with, they can develop hatred over trivial matters, condemning and retaliating against them, bringing disasters upon them. Such evil individuals are out-and-out devils, bringing disaster to the church with each day they remain. If they stay for a long time, the disasters will be unending. Only by clearing them out of the church can disasters be averted.

—The Word, Vol. 5. The Responsibilities of Leaders and Workers. The Responsibilities of Leaders and Workers (14)

People who are unreasonable and willfully troublesome think only of their own interests when they act, doing whatever pleases them. Their words are nothing but preposterous heresies, and they are impervious to reason. Their vicious dispositions are overflowing. No one dares associate with them, and no one is willing to fellowship about the truth with them, for fear of inviting disaster upon themselves. Other people are on tenterhooks whenever they speak their minds to them, afraid that if they say one word that is not to their liking or not in line with their wishes, they will seize upon it and make outrageous accusations. Are such people not evil? Are they not living demons? All those with vicious dispositions and unsound reason are living demons. And when someone interacts with a living demon, they may bring disaster upon themselves with just a moment’s carelessness. Would it not spell big trouble if such living demons were present in the church? (It would.) After these living demons have thrown their tantrums and vented about their anger, they may speak like a human for a while and apologize, but they will not change afterward. Who knows when their mood will sour and they will throw another tantrum, spouting their preposterous arguments. The target of their tantrum and venting is different each time; as is the source and background of their venting. That is, anything can set them off, anything can make them feel dissatisfied, and anything can make them react in a hysterical and unreasonable way. How terrible, how troublesome! These deranged evil people might lose their minds at any time; no one knows what they are capable of doing. I have the greatest hatred for such people. Every one of them should be cleansed away—they must all be cleared out. I do not wish to engage with them. They are muddled in thought and brutish in disposition, they are filled with preposterous arguments and devilish words, and when things befall them, they vent about them in an impetuous way. Some of them cry when they vent, others yell, others stomp their feet, and there are even some who shake their heads and wave their limbs about. Quite simply, they are beasts, not humans. Some cooks throw pots and dishes around once they lose their temper; others, who raise pigs or dogs, kick and hit these animals once they lose their temper, venting all their anger on them. These individuals, no matter what happens, always react with anger; they neither calm themselves to reflect nor accept it from God. They don’t pray or seek the truth, nor do they seek out fellowship with others. When they have no choice, they endure; when they’re unwilling to endure, they go mad, spouting preposterous arguments, accusing and condemning others. They often say things like, “I know you all are educated and look down on me”; “I know your families are wealthy, and you disdain me for being poor”; or, “I know you disdain me because I lack a solid foundation in my faith, and you disdain me because I don’t pursue the truth.” Despite being obviously aware of their own numerous issues, they never seek the truth to resolve them, nor do they discuss knowing themselves in their fellowship with others. When their own problems are mentioned, they deflect and shift the blame, pushing all problems and responsibilities onto others, and even complain that the reason for their behavior is because others mistreat them. It’s as if their tantrums and senseless provocations are caused by others, as if it’s everyone else who’s at fault, and they merely have no other choice but to act this way—they believe they’re legitimately defending themselves. Whenever they are dissatisfied, they start venting their resentment and spouting nonsense, insisting on their preposterous arguments as if everyone else is wrong, portraying others as villains and themselves as the sole good person. No matter how much they throw tantrums or spout preposterous arguments, they demand to be spoken well of. Even when they do wrong, they forbid others from exposing or criticizing them. If you point out even a slight issue of theirs, they’ll entangle you in endless disputes, and you can forget about living peaceably then. What kind of person is this? This is someone who is unreasonable and willfully troublesome, and those who do so are considered evil people.

—The Word, Vol. 5. The Responsibilities of Leaders and Workers. The Responsibilities of Leaders and Workers (26)

The phenomenon of someone being arbitrarily condemned, labeled and tormented often occurs in every church. For example, some people harbor a prejudice against a certain leader or worker and, in order to get revenge, make comments about them behind their back, exposing and dissecting them under the guise of fellowshipping about the truth. The intent and goals behind such actions are wrong. If one is really fellowshipping on the truth to give testimony for God and to benefit others, they should fellowship on their own true experiences, and bring benefit to others by dissecting and knowing themselves. Such practice yields better results, and God’s chosen people will approve of it. If one’s fellowship exposes, attacks, and belittles another person in an attempt to strike at or get revenge on them, then the intent of the fellowship is wrong, it is unjustified, loathed by God and not edifying to the brothers and sisters. If someone’s intent is to condemn others, to torment them, then they are an evil person and they are doing evil. All God’s chosen people should have discernment when it comes to evil people. If someone willfully attacks, exposes, or belittles people, then they should be helped lovingly, fellowshipped with and dissected, or pruned. If they are unable to accept the truth, and stubbornly refuse to mend their ways, then this is a different matter entirely. When it comes to evil people who often arbitrarily condemn, label and torment others, they should be thoroughly exposed, so that everyone may learn to discern them. Then, they should be restricted or expelled from the church. This is essential, as such people disturb the life and work of the church, and they are likely to mislead people and bring chaos upon the church. In particular, some evil people often attack and condemn others, solely to achieve their goal of showing themselves off and making others look up to them. These evil people frequently use the opportunity of fellowshipping on the truth at gatherings to indirectly expose, dissect and suppress others. They even justify this by saying that they’re doing it to help people and to resolve problems present in the church, and use these pretexts as a cover by which to achieve their goals. They are the kind of people who attack and torment others, and they are all clearly evil. All those who attack and condemn people who pursue the truth are extremely vicious, and only those who expose and dissect evil people to safeguard the work of God’s house have a sense of justice and are approved of by God. Evil people are often very cunning in their evildoing; they are all skilled at using doctrine to come up with justifications for themselves and achieve their goal of misleading others. If God’s chosen people do not have discernment of them and are unable to restrict these evil people, church life and the work of the church will be thrown into a complete mess—or even pandemonium. When evil people fellowship and dissect problems, they always have an intent and a goal, and it’s always aimed at somebody. They are not dissecting or knowing themselves, nor opening up and laying themselves bare to resolve their own problems—rather, they are seizing the opportunity to expose, dissect, and attack others. They often take advantage of fellowshipping their self-knowledge to dissect and condemn others, and by means of fellowshipping God’s words and the truth, they expose, belittle, and vilify people. They especially feel disgust and hatred toward those who pursue the truth, those who bear a burden for the work of the church, and those who often do their duties. Evil people will use all sorts of justifications and excuses to strike at these people’s motivation and prevent them from carrying out church work. Part of what they feel toward them is jealousy and hatred; another part is fear that these people, by rising up and doing work, pose a threat to their reputation and status. So, they are anxious to find ways to warn, suppress, and restrict them, even going so far as to gather ammunition with which to frame them and distort the facts in order to condemn them. This reveals completely that the disposition of these evil people is one that hates the truth and positive things. They have special hatred for those who pursue the truth and love positive things, and for those who are rather guileless, decent, and upstanding. They may not say so, but this is the sort of mindset they have. So why do they only target pursuers of the truth, decent and upstanding people, to expose, belittle, suppress, and exclude? This is clearly an attempt on their part to overthrow and strike down good people and those who pursue the truth, to trample them underfoot, so that they can control the church. Some people do not believe that this is so. To them, I ask one question: Why, when fellowshipping on the truth, do these evil people not expose or dissect themselves, and always target and expose others instead? Could it really be that they do not reveal corruption, or that they do not have corrupt dispositions? Certainly not. Why, then, do they target others to expose and dissect? What are they trying to achieve, exactly? This question calls for deep thought. One is doing as they should if they expose the evil deeds of evil people that disturb the church. But instead these people are exposing and tormenting good people, under pretext of fellowshipping about the truth. What is their goal and intent? Are they furious because they see that God saves good people? That is what it really is. God does not save evil people, so evil people naturally hate God and good people. Evil people do not accept or pursue the truth and cannot be saved themselves, yet they torment those good people who pursue the truth and can be saved. What is the problem here? If these people had knowledge of themselves and the truth, they could open up and fellowship, yet they are always targeting and provoking others. They have a tendency to attack others, and they are always setting up those who pursue the truth as their imagined enemies. This is the hallmark of evil people. Those capable of such evil are the authentic devils and Satans, quintessential antichrists who should be restricted, and if they do a great deal of evil, they must be handled at once—expel them from the church. All those who attack and exclude good people are rotten apples. Why do I call them rotten apples? Because they are likely to provoke unnecessary disputes and conflict in the church, causing the state of affairs there to grow graver and graver. They target one person one day and another the next, and they are always taking aim at others, at those who love and pursue the truth. This is liable to disturb church life and have repercussions on the normal eating and drinking of God’s words by God’s chosen people, as well as on their fellowshipping on the truth. These evil people often take advantage of living the church life to attack others in the name of fellowshipping about the truth. There is hostility in everything they say; they make provocative remarks to attack and condemn those who pursue the truth and those who expend themselves for God. What will be the consequences of this? It will disrupt and disturb the life of the church, and cause people to be uneasy in their hearts and unable to be calm before God. In particular, the unscrupulous things these evil people say to condemn, attack, and wound others can provoke resistance. This is not conducive to resolving problems; on the contrary, it foments fear and anxiety in the church and strains relationships between people, leading to tension developing between them and causing them to fall into strife. The behavior of these people not only impacts church life, but also gives rise to conflict in the church. It can even impact the work of the church as a whole and the spreading of the gospel. Therefore, leaders and workers need to warn this sort of person, and also restrict and handle them. Brothers and sisters must put severe restrictions on these evil people that frequently attack and condemn others. Additionally, church leaders should immediately expose and curb those who arbitrarily attack and condemn others, and if they remain incorrigible, clear them out of the church. Evil people must be prevented from disturbing the life of the church in gatherings, and at the same time, muddled people should be restricted from speaking in a way that impacts the church life. If an evil person doing evil is found, they must be exposed. They absolutely must not be allowed to act willfully, doing evil as they wish. This is the only way to maintain normal church life and ensure that God’s chosen people may gather, eat and drink of God’s words, and fellowship about the truth normally, allowing them to fulfill their duties normally. Only then can God’s will be carried out in the church, and only in this way can His chosen people understand the truth, enter reality, and gain God’s blessings.

—The Word, Vol. 5. The Responsibilities of Leaders and Workers. The Responsibilities of Leaders and Workers (15)

Good people say and do things with conscience and reason, while evil people do not have conscience and reason. When evil people do something bad and get exposed, they are not compliant: “Hmph, even if everyone knows, is there anything they can do about it? I’ll do whatever I want! I don’t care who exposes or criticizes me. What can anyone really do to me?” No matter how many bad things an evil person does, they do not feel shame. When an ordinary person does something bad, they want to disguise it and cover it up. If someone ends up exposing them, they are too ashamed to face anyone and even do not want to go on living: “Ah, how could I do something like this? I’m truly shameless!” They are extremely remorseful and even curse themselves, swearing that they will never do something like this again. This type of behavior is proof that they have a sense of shame, that they still have some humanity. Someone who is shameless does not have a conscience and reason, and all evil people are shameless. No matter what kind of bad deed an evil person commits, it will not redden their face or quicken their heartbeat, and they will still unscrupulously defend their actions, twisting negative aspects into positive ones, and speaking of bad deeds as though they were good. Does this kind of person have a sense of shame? (No.) If they have this kind of attitude, then will they truly repent in the future? No, they will only keep acting as they have been. This means they are shameless, and shamelessness means having no conscience and reason. People with conscience and reason are too ashamed to face anyone after they are exposed for doing something bad, and they never do this thing again. Why is this? It is because they feel that this was a shameful thing to do and are too full of shame to face anyone; there is a sense of shame in their humanity. Is this not the minimum standard for normal humanity? (It is.) Can someone who does not even feel shame still be called a human? They cannot. Does someone who does not feel shame have a normal mind? (They do not.) They do not have a normal mind, let alone a love of positive things.

—The Word, Vol. 4. Exposing Antichrists. Item Two: They Attack and Exclude Dissenters

There is a type of person who is loving and tolerant toward everyone, and willing to help anybody. The only thing they are not interested in is the truth. They are always opposed to God and irreconcilable with Him. They are die-hard enemies of God. What kind of person is this? They are disbelievers and devils. Devils are the ones who are averse to the truth the most and hate the truth the most. So long as something involves the truth, or what God says or demands, not only do they not accept it, but they doubt it, they are resistant to it, and they spread their notions about it. They also do many things which are detrimental to the church’s work, even publicly clamoring against God when their personal interests have been hurt. People like this are devils; they are people who hate the truth and hate God. Within every person’s nature is a disposition which hates the truth; therefore, everyone has an essence which hates God. The only difference is the extent of this hate, whether it is mild or severe. Some people are capable of doing evil to oppose God, while others just reveal a corrupt disposition or negative emotions. So why are some people capable of hating God? What role do they play? They are able to hate God because they have a disposition which hates the truth. Having this disposition means that they are a devil and an enemy of God. What is a devil? Devils are all those who hate the truth and hate God. Can devils be saved? Absolutely not. While God saves mankind, many people will rise up and oppose Him and disturb the work of the house of God. People like this are devils. They can also be called living demons. In churches everywhere, anyone who disturbs the work of the church is a devil and a living demon. And anyone who tyrannizes the church and does not accept the truth to any degree is a living demon. Therefore, if you correctly identify which people are living demons, you must act quickly to clear them out. If there are some people whose behavior is typically very good, but on occasion their state is bad, or their stature is too small and they do not understand the truth, and they do something which causes disruptions and disturbances but it is not a habit of theirs and they are not this sort of person by nature, then they can remain. Some people’s humanity is not very good; if someone offends them, they will never let it go. They will argue with that person endlessly, showing no mercy when they feel justified. Yet, these people have one merit, which is that they are willing to labor and endure hardship. People like this can remain for the time being. If these people frequently do evil and disturb the church’s work, then they are of devils and Satan, and they absolutely cannot be saved. That is one hundred percent certain. People of this sort must be cleared out from the church; they absolutely cannot be allowed to stay.

—The Word, Vol. 3. The Discourses of Christ of the Last Days. The Attitude Man Should Have Toward God

Every church has people who cause disturbance for the church or disrupt the work of God. They are all Satans who have infiltrated the house of God in disguise. Such people are good at acting: They come before Me with great reverence, bowing and scraping, living like mangy dogs, and devoting their “all” to achieve their own objectives—but in front of the brothers and sisters, they show their ugly side. When they see people who practice the truth, they strike out at them and shove them aside; when they see people more formidable than themselves, they flatter and fawn upon them. They run wild in the church. It can be said that such “local bullies,” such “lapdogs,” exist in the majority of churches. They act devilishly together, sending each other winks and secret signals, and none of them practices the truth. Whoever has the most venom is the “head demon,” and whoever has the highest prestige leads them, bearing their flag aloft. These people rampage through the church, spreading their negativity, venting death, doing as they please, saying what they please, and no one dares to stop them. They brim with the disposition of Satan. No sooner do they cause a disturbance than an air of death enters the church. Those within the church who practice the truth are spurned, unable to give their all, while those who disturb the church and spread death run rampage within—and, what’s more, most people follow them. Such churches are ruled by Satan, plain and simple; the devil is their king. If the congregants do not rise up and reject the head demons, then they, too, will sooner or later come to ruin. From now on, measures must be taken against such churches. If those who are capable of practicing a little of the truth do not seek to, then that church will be expunged. If a church contains no one who is willing to practice the truth and no one who can stand witness for God, then that church should be completely isolated, and its connections with other churches must be severed. This is called “burying death”; this is what it means to spurn Satan.

—The Word, Vol. 1. The Appearance and Work of God. A Warning to Those Who Do Not Practice the Truth

People who genuinely believe in God are those who are willing to put God’s word into practice and are willing to practice the truth. People who are truly able to stand firm in their testimony to God are also those who are willing to put His word into practice and can genuinely stand on the side of the truth. People who resort to trickery and injustice all lack the truth, and they all bring shame to God. Those who cause disputes in the church are Satan’s lackeys, they are the embodiment of Satan. Such people are so malicious. Those who have no discernment and are incapable of standing on the side of the truth all harbor evil intentions and tarnish the truth. More than that, they are the archetypal representatives of Satan. They are beyond redemption, and shall naturally be eliminated. God’s family does not allow those who do not practice the truth to remain, nor does it allow to remain those who deliberately dismantle the church. However, now is not the time to do the work of expulsion; such people will simply be exposed and eliminated in the end. No more useless work is to be expended on these people; those who belong to Satan cannot stand on the side of the truth, whereas those who seek the truth can. People who do not practice the truth are unworthy of hearing the way of the truth and unworthy of bearing witness to the truth. The truth is simply not for their ears; rather, it is directed at those who practice it. Before every person’s end is revealed, those who disturb the church and disrupt God’s work will first be left aside for now, to be dealt with later. Once the work is complete, these people will each be exposed, and then they will be eliminated. For the time being, while the truth is being provided, they will be ignored. When the whole truth is revealed to humanity, those people should be eliminated; that will be the time when all people will be classed according to their kind. The petty tricks of those without discernment will lead to their destruction at the hands of the evil, they will be lured away by them, never to return. And such treatment is what they deserve, because they do not love the truth, because they are incapable of standing on the side of the truth, because they follow evil people and stand on the side of evil people, and because they collude with evil people and defy God. They know perfectly well that what those evil people radiate is evil, yet they harden their hearts and turn their backs on the truth to follow them. Are these people who do not practice the truth but who do destructive and abominable things not all committing evil? Although there are those among them who style themselves as kings and others who follow them, are their God-defying natures not all the same? What excuse can they have to claim that God does not save them? What excuse can they have to claim that God is not righteous? Is it not their own evil that is destroying them? Is it not their own rebelliousness that is dragging them down into hell? People who practice the truth will, in the end, be saved and made perfect because of the truth. Those who do not practice the truth will, in the end, bring destruction upon themselves because of the truth. These are the ends that await those who practice the truth and those who do not. I advise those who are not planning on practicing the truth to leave the church as soon as possible to avoid committing even more sins. When the time comes, it will be too late for regret. In particular, those who form cliques and create schisms, and those local bullies within the church, must leave even sooner. Such people, who have the nature of evil wolves, are incapable of change. It would be better if they left the church at the earliest opportunity, never again to disturb the normal life of the brothers and sisters, and thereby avoid God’s punishment. Those of you who have gone along with them would do well to make use of this opportunity to reflect upon yourselves. Will you leave the church along with the evil ones, or remain and follow obediently? You must consider this matter carefully. I give you this one more opportunity to choose, and I await your answer.

—The Word, Vol. 1. The Appearance and Work of God. A Warning to Those Who Do Not Practice the Truth

Related Experiential Testimonies

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God Doesn’t Save the Wicked

Whoever Does Not Practice the Truth Will Be Eliminated

Previous: 1. How to discern disbelievers

Next: 3. How to discern false leaders

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