The Proper Fulfillment of Duty Requires Harmonious Cooperation

Harmonious cooperation is required for the proper fulfillment of duty. Because all people have corrupt dispositions and none possess the truth, it is only through harmonious cooperation that they can fulfill their duties properly. Harmonious cooperation is not only beneficial to people’s life entry, but also to the proper fulfillment of their duties, and the work of the church. Those who cooperate harmoniously are people of relatively good humanity and honesty, but if someone’s humanity is not good, if they are too arrogant and self-righteous, or too crooked and deceitful, then they have no way of cooperating harmoniously with others. Some people don’t engage in honest work, are not conscientious when performing their duty, and are always up to no good. People like this cannot cooperate with others, and cannot find harmony or get along with anyone. Such people have no humanity, and are beasts and devils and Satans. All obedient and submissive people of good humanity will assuredly have results when performing their duty, and easily cooperate with others. As for those who do not attend honestly to performing their duty, who act out, or who even disturb other people’s performance of their duties—if they are incorrigible after multiple exhortations, and are never of the mind to repent, always causing disruptions and disturbances in their duties, and the quality of their humanity is vile, then they should be cleared out without delay, so as to avoid bringing trouble or calamity upon the work of the church. This is a problem that leaders and workers must solve.

Some people are irresponsible when performing their duty, resulting in work always having to be redone. This seriously affects the work’s effectiveness. Apart from a person being deficient in specialist knowledge and lacking experience, are there any other reasons for the appearance of this problem? (When a person is comparatively arrogant and self-righteous, acts in an arbitrary, unilateral manner, and does not perform their duty according to principle.) Specialist knowledge and experience can be learned and accumulated bit by bit, but if there is a problem with a person’s disposition, do you think it is easy to solve? (No, it is not easy.) Then, how should it be solved? (The person must experience chastisement, judgment, and pruning.) They need to experience judgment, chastisement, and pruning—these words are correct, but can only be achieved by those who pursue the truth. Can those who do not love the truth accept being pruned? No, they cannot. When work always has to be redone as people perform their duty, the biggest problem is not a deficiency in specialist knowledge or lack of experience, but because they are too self-righteous and arrogant, because they do not work harmoniously, but act in an arbitrary, unilateral manner—with the result that they make a mess of the work, and nothing is achieved, and all the effort is wasted. And the most grievous problem in this is people’s corrupt dispositions. When people’s corrupt dispositions are too grievous, they are not good people, they are evil people. The dispositions of evil people are much more severe than ordinary corrupt dispositions. Evil people are liable to commit evil deeds, they are liable to disrupt and disturb the work of the church. All that evil people are capable of when they perform a duty is to do things badly and mess things up; their laboring is more trouble than it’s worth. Some people are not evil, but they perform their duty according to their own corrupt dispositions—and they, likewise, are incapable of performing their duty properly. In sum, corrupt dispositions are extremely obstructive to people performing their duty properly. Which aspect of people’s corrupt dispositions, would you say, has the greatest impact on the effectiveness with which they perform their duty? (Arrogance and self-righteousness.) And what are the chief manifestations of arrogance and self-righteousness? Acting in an arbitrary, unilateral manner, going your own way, not listening to other people’s suggestions, not consulting with others, not cooperating harmoniously, and always trying to have the final say on things. Even though a good few brothers and sisters may be cooperating to perform a particular duty, each of them attending to their own task, certain group leaders or supervisors always want to have the final say; whatever they are doing, they never cooperate harmoniously with others, and they do not engage in fellowship, and they rashly do things without reaching consensus with others. They make everyone listen only to them, and herein is the problem. Moreover, when the others see the problem, yet do not come forth to stop the person in charge, it ultimately results in a situation where people are not effective in their duties, a complete mess is made of the work, and everyone involved has to redo their work, tiring themselves out in the process. Who is responsible for causing such a severe result? (The person in charge.) Are the other people involved also responsible? (Yes.) The person in charge acted in an arbitrary, unilateral manner, insisting on doing things their way, and the others saw the problem, but did nothing to stop them, and, what is more serious, they even follow along; does this not make them accomplices? If you do not constrain, block, or expose this person, but instead follow them and allow them to manipulate you, are you not giving free rein to Satan to disturb the work of the church? This is certainly your problem. When you see a problem yet do nothing to stop it, do not fellowship about it, do not try to limit it, and moreover you do not report it to those above you, but play the part of people pleaser, is this a sign of disloyalty? Are people pleasers loyal to God? Not even a little. Such a person is not just disloyal to God—they are acting as Satan’s accomplice, its attendant and follower. They are disloyal in their duty and responsibility, but to Satan, they are quite loyal. Herein lies the essence of the problem. As to professional inadequacy, it is possible to constantly learn and draw together your experiences while performing your duty. Such problems can be easily resolved. The most difficult thing to resolve is man’s corrupt disposition. If you do not pursue the truth or resolve your corrupt disposition, but are always playing the people pleaser, and not pruning or helping those whom you have seen violate the principles, nor exposing or revealing them, but always shrinking back, not taking responsibility, then such performance of duty as yours will only compromise and delay the work of the church. Treating the performance of your duty as a trifle without taking an iota of responsibility doesn’t just affect the work’s effectiveness, but also leads to repeated delays in the church’s work. When you perform your duty this way, are you not just being perfunctory and being deceptive toward God? Does it show any loyalty to God? If you are constantly being perfunctory while performing your duty, and are steadfastly unrepentant, then you will inevitably be eliminated.

How should you handle difficulties you encounter while performing your duty? The best way is for everyone to seek the truth together to solve a problem and reach a consensus. As long as you understand the principles, you’ll know what to do. This is the optimal way to solve problems. If you do not seek the truth to solve a problem, and instead act only on your personal notions and imagination, then you are not performing your duty. What difference is there between this and working in the society of nonbelievers or Satan’s world? God’s house is ruled by the truth, and by God. No matter what problem appears, the truth must be sought to solve it. Regardless of how many different opinions there are or how much they differ, all of them should be brought up and fellowshipped on. Then, after a consensus is reached, action should be taken in accordance with principles. In this way, not only can you solve the problem, but you can also practice the truth and properly fulfill your duty. You can also achieve harmonious cooperation during the process of solving the problem. If those who do their duty all love the truth, then it is easy for them to accept and submit to the truth; but if they are arrogant and self-righteous, then it is not easy for them to accept the truth, even when people fellowship on it. There are people who do not understand the truth, yet always want others to listen to them. People like this only disturb others’ performance of their duty. This is the root of the issue, and it must be resolved before one’s duty can be properly performed. If, in doing one’s duty, one is always arrogant and willful, always acting in an arbitrary, unilateral manner, doing everything recklessly and as one pleases, without cooperating or discussing things with other people, and without seeking the truth principles—what sort of attitude is this toward one’s duty? Can one’s duty be properly fulfilled this way? If this kind of person never accepts being pruned, doesn’t accept the truth at all, and still continues to do things their own way, rashly and as they please, without repenting or changing—then it is not just an attitude problem, but a problem with their humanity and character. This is someone with no humanity. Can someone with no humanity fulfill their duty properly? Of course not. If, while doing their duty, a person even commits all kinds of outrageous acts and disturbs the work of the church, then they are an evil person. People like that are not fit to do their duty. Their performance of duty results only in disturbance and damage, and they do more harm than good, so they should be disqualified from performing their duty and cleansed away from the church. That is why the ability to perform one’s duty well is not solely dependent on a person’s caliber, but principally on their attitude toward their duty, their character, whether their humanity is good or bad, and whether they are able to accept the truth. These are the root issues. Whether your heart is in your duty, whether you’re doing your best and acting wholeheartedly, whether you have a serious and conscientious attitude toward performing your duty, whether you are earnest and work hard: these are the things God looks at, and God scrutinizes everyone. Can people’s duties be properly fulfilled if most of them are irresponsible and no one is earnest, and despite knowing in their hearts what is the right thing to do, they do not strive toward the principles, and no one takes it seriously? In this kind of situation, leaders and workers must follow up, inspect, and offer guidance, or find a responsible person to be the group leader or the person in charge. This way, most of the people can be spurred into action, and a good result can be achieved when they perform their duties. If there appears an individual who disturbs and damages, then let them be directly cleansed away, as with the root problem solved it will be easy for people to be effective in their duty. Some people may have a little caliber, but are irresponsible in performing their duties. They may have technical skills or professional knowledge, but do not teach it to other people. Leaders and workers must solve this problem. They should fellowship with them, and encourage them to teach their skills to others, so that others learn the skills as quickly as possible, and master the professional knowledge. As someone well-versed in professional knowledge, you must not put on airs or flaunt your qualifications; you should proactively teach your skills and knowledge to novices, so that everyone can perform their duties well together. It may be that you are the most knowledgeable about your profession and lead in terms of skill, but this is a gift that God has given you, and you should use it to perform your duty and make use of your strengths. No matter how skilled or talented you are, you cannot undertake the work alone; a duty is performed more effectively if everyone is able to grasp the skills and knowledge of a profession. As the saying goes, an able man needs the support of three other people. No matter how capable an individual is, without the help of everyone else, it’s not enough. Therefore, none should be arrogant and none should wish to act in an arbitrary, unilateral manner. People should rebel against the flesh, put aside their own ideas and opinions, and work in harmony with everyone else. Whoever has professional knowledge should lovingly help others, so that they may also master these skills and knowledge. This is of benefit to the performance of duty. If having a skill is always viewed and treated as a meal ticket, and you fear teaching it to others will result in your own starvation—this is the view of nonbelievers. It is a selfish and base practice, and will not fly in God’s house. If you are never able to accept the truth, and are never willing to labor, then you will only be eliminated. If you are considerate of God’s intentions and are willing to be loyal to the work of His house, you should offer up all your strengths and skills, so that others may learn and grasp them, and perform their duties better. This is what accords with God’s intentions; only such people have humanity, and they are loved and blessed by God.

What must one do to perform their duty well? One must come to perform it with all their heart and all their energy. Using all one’s heart and energy means keeping all one’s thoughts on performing their duty and not letting other things occupy them, and then applying the energy that one has, exerting the entirety of one’s power, and bringing one’s caliber, gifts, strengths, and the things they have understood to bear on the task. If you have the comprehension and understanding ability, and have a good idea, you must communicate with others about it. This is what it means to cooperate in harmony. This is how you will perform your duty well, how you will achieve satisfactory performance of your duty. If you wish always to take on everything yourself, if you always want to do great things alone, if you always want the focus to be on you and not others, are you performing your duty? What you are doing is called autocracy; it is putting on a show. It is satanic behavior, not the performance of duty. No one, no matter their strengths, gifts, or special talents, can take on all the work themselves; they must learn to cooperate in harmony if they are to do the church’s work well. That is why harmonious cooperation is a principle of the practice of performing one’s duty. As long as you apply all your heart and all your energy and all your loyalty, and offer up everything you can do, you are performing your duty well. If you have a thought or idea, tell it to others; do not hold it back or keep it tucked away—if you have suggestions, offer them; whoever’s idea is in accordance with the truth is to be accepted and obeyed. Do this, and you will have achieved cooperation in harmony. This is what it means to perform one’s duty loyally. In performing your duty, you are not required to take on everything yourself, nor are you required to work yourself to death, or to be “the only flower in blossom” or maverick; rather, you are required to learn how to cooperate with others in harmony, and to do all you can, to fulfill your responsibilities, to exert all your energy. That is what it means to perform your duty. To perform your duty is to brandish all the power and light that you have in order to achieve a result. That is enough. Do not try always to show off, always to say high-sounding things, to do things by yourself. You should learn how to work with others, and you should focus more on listening to others’ suggestions and discovering their strengths. In this way, cooperating in harmony becomes easy. If you try always to show off and have what you say go, you are not cooperating in harmony. What are you doing? You are causing a disturbance and undermining others. To cause a disturbance and undermine others is to play the role of Satan; it is not the performance of duty. If you always do things that cause a disturbance and undermine others, then no matter how much effort you expend or care you take, God will not remember. You may be of little strength, but if you are capable of working with others, and are able to accept suitable suggestions, and if you have the right motivations, and can protect the work of God’s house, then you are a right person. Sometimes, with a single sentence, you can solve a problem and benefit everyone; sometimes, after you fellowship on a single statement of the truth, everyone has a path to practice, and is able to work harmoniously together, and all strive toward a common goal, and share the same views and opinions, and so work is particularly effective. Although no one might remember that you played this role, and you might not feel as if you made much effort, God will see that you are a person who practices the truth, a person who acts according to the principles. God will remember your having done so. This is called performing your duty loyally. No matter the difficulties you have in performing your duty, they can in fact all be easily solved. So long as you are an honest person with a heart inclined to God, and are able to seek truth, then there is no problem that cannot be solved. If you do not understand the truth, then you must learn to obey. If there is anyone who understands the truth or speaks in accordance with the truth, then you must accept it and obey. By no means should you do things that disturb or undermine, and do not act in an arbitrary, unilateral manner. This way, you will do no evil. You must remember: Performing your duty is not a matter of engaging in your own enterprise or your own management. This is not your personal work, it is the work of the church, and you only contribute the strengths you have. What you do in God’s management work is but a small part of man’s cooperation. Yours is just a minor role in some corner. That is the responsibility you bear. In your heart, you should have this reason. And so, no matter how many people are performing their duties together, or what difficulties they face, the first thing everyone should do is pray to God and fellowship together, seek the truth, and then determine what the principles of practice are. When they perform their duties in this way, they will have a path to practice. Some people are always trying to show off, and when given responsibility for a job, they always want to have the final say. What kind of behavior is this? This is acting in an arbitrary and unilateral manner. They plan what they do on their own, without informing others, and do not discuss their opinions with anyone; they neither share them with anyone nor open them up but keep them hidden in their hearts. When the time comes to act, they always want to amaze others with their brilliant feats, to give everyone a big surprise, so that others will think highly of them. Is that performing their duty? They are trying to show off; and when they have status and renown, they will begin to run their own operation. Are such people not possessed of wild ambitions? Why would you not tell anyone what you are doing? As this work is not yours alone, why would you act without discussing it with anyone and make decisions on your own? Why would you act in secret, operating in a black box, so that no one knows about it? Why would you always try to make people heed you alone? Clearly you view this work as your own personal work. You are the boss, and everyone else is a worker—they all work for you. When you constantly have this mindset, is this not trouble? Is what this kind of person reveals not the very disposition of Satan? When people like this perform a duty, sooner or later they will be eliminated.

It is necessary to learn how to handle it when people have problems cooperating with others during their duty. What is the principle for handling them? What effect should be achieved? Learn to work in harmony with everyone, and interact with others by the truth, God’s word, and principles, not by feelings or impetuousness. In this way, won’t the truth reign in the church? As long as the truth reigns, won’t things be handled in a fair and reasonable manner? Don’t you think harmonious cooperation is beneficial for everyone? (Yes, it is.) Doing things this way is very beneficial for you. First of all, it is positively edifying and valuable for you as you perform your duties. On top of that, it prevents you from making mistakes, causing disruptions and disturbances, and taking the path of antichrists. Are you afraid of walking the path of antichrists? (Yes.) Is fear useful on its own? No—fear alone cannot fix the problem. It is normal to be afraid of walking the path of antichrists. It shows one to be a lover of the truth, someone who is willing to strive toward the truth and who is willing to pursue it. If you are fearful at heart, then you should seek the truth and find the path of practice. You must begin by learning to cooperate with others in harmony. If there is a problem, resolve it with fellowship and discussion, so that everyone may know the principles, as well as the specific reasoning and program regarding the resolution. Does this not keep you from acting in an arbitrary and unilateral manner? Additionally, if you have a God-fearing heart, then you will naturally be capable of receiving God’s scrutiny, but you must also learn to accept the supervision of God’s chosen people, which requires you to have tolerance and acceptance. If you see someone supervising you, inspecting your work, or checking up on you without your knowledge, and if you grow hot-headed, treat this person like an enemy and despise them, and even attack them and deal with them as a traitor, longing for them to disappear, then this is trouble. Is it not extremely vile? What is the difference between this and a devil king? Is this treating people fairly? If you walk the right path and act the right way, what do you have to fear from people checking up on you? If you are scared, it shows there is something lurking in your heart. If you know in your heart that you have a problem, then you should accept the judgment and chastisement of God. This is reasonable. If you know you have a problem, but you don’t allow anyone to supervise you, inspect your work, or investigate your problem, then you are being highly unreasonable, you are rebelling against and resisting God, and in this case, your problem is even more serious. If God’s chosen people discern that you are an evil person or a disbeliever, then the consequences will be even more troublesome. Thus, those who are able to accept the supervision, examination, and inspection of others are the most reasonable of all, they have tolerance and normal humanity. When you discover you are doing something wrong or have the revelation of a corrupt disposition, if you are able to open up to and communicate with people, this will help those around you to keep an eye on you. It is certainly necessary to accept supervision, but the main thing is to pray to God and rely on Him, subjecting yourself to constant examination. Especially when you have gone the wrong way or done something wrong, or when you are about to act in an arbitrary and unilateral manner, and someone nearby mentions it and alerts you, you need to accept that and hasten to reflect on yourself, and admit to your mistake, and correct it. This can keep you from setting foot on the path of antichrists. If there is someone helping and alerting you in this way, are you not being protected without knowing it? You are—that is your protection. You should not, therefore, always guard yourself against your brothers and sisters, or people around you. Do not always disguise yourself and shroud yourself, not allowing others to understand you or see who you are. If your heart is always guarding itself against others, it will affect your search for truth, and it will be easy for you to lose out on the Holy Spirit’s work, as well as many opportunities to be made perfect. If you always guard yourself against others, you will have secrets in your heart, and you will not be able to cooperate with people. It will be easy for you to do the wrong things and walk the wrong path, and you will be dumbstruck when you make mistakes. What will you think at that time? “If only I had known, I would have collaborated with my brothers and sisters to perform my duty right from the start, and surely wouldn’t have any problems. But because I was always afraid of others seeing through me, I guarded myself against others. But ultimately, no one else made a mistake—it was me who made the first mistake. What an embarrassing and foolish thing!” If you can focus on seeking the truth, and open up in fellowship with your brothers and sisters when you have difficulties, your brothers and sisters can help you, and enable you to understand the correct path of practice, and principles of practice. It can safeguard you from walking the wrong path when performing your duty, so you will not fail or fall, or be spurned and eliminated by God. Instead, you will receive protection, perform your duty properly, and gain God’s approval. How vast the benefits people gain from harmonious cooperation!

The words “harmonious cooperation” are easy to understand literally, but they are difficult to put into practice. It is no easy thing to live out the practical side of these words. Why is it not easy? (People have corrupt dispositions.) That is right. Man has corrupt dispositions of arrogance, wickedness, intransigence, and so on, and these obstruct their practice of the truth. When you cooperate with others, you reveal all manner of corrupt dispositions. For instance, you think: “You’d have me cooperate with that person, but are they up to it? Won’t people look down on me if I cooperate with someone who has no caliber?” And sometimes, you may even think, “That person is so mindless, and they don’t understand what I say!” or “What I have to say is thoughtful and insightful. If I told them and let them take it for themselves, would I still stand out? My proposal is the best. If I just said it and let them run with it, who would know it was my contribution?” Such thoughts and opinions—such devilish words—are commonly heard and seen. If you have such thoughts and opinions, are you willing to cooperate with others? Are you able to achieve harmonious cooperation? It is not easy; there is a measure of challenge to it! The words “harmonious cooperation” are easy to say—just open your mouth and they come right out. But when it comes time to practice them, the obstructions inside you loom large. Your thoughts go this way and that. Sometimes, when you are in a good mood, it may yet be that you are able to fellowship a bit with others; but if your mood is bad and you are obstructed by a corrupt disposition, you will not be able to practice it at all. Some people, as leaders, cannot cooperate with anyone. They are always looking down on others, always being choosy with others, and when they catch sight of others’ shortcomings, they judge and attack those people. This makes rotten apples of such leaders, and they are replaced. Do they not understand what the words “harmonious cooperation” mean? They understand them quite well, in fact, but are simply unable to put them into practice. Why can they not put them into practice? Because they cherish status too much, and their disposition is too arrogant. They want to show off, and when they have taken hold of status, they will not let it go, for fear of its falling into another’s hand and being left themselves with no real power. They are afraid of being left out by others and not being held in high regard, afraid of their words bearing no power or authority. That is what they fear. How far does their arrogance go? They lose their reason and take arbitrary, rash action. And what comes of that? Not only do they perform their duty poorly, but their actions also constitute a disruption and disturbance, and they are repositioned and replaced. Tell Me, is there anywhere that such a person, with such a disposition, is fit to perform a duty? I am afraid that wherever they are placed, they will not perform their duty properly. They cannot cooperate with others—well, does that then mean they will be able to perform a duty well on their own? Certainly not. If they perform a duty on their own, they will be even less restrained, even more capable of arbitrary, rash action. Whether you can perform your duty well is not a matter of your aptitudes, the greatness of your caliber, your humanity, your abilities, or your skills; it comes down to whether you are someone who accepts the truth and whether you are able to put the truth into practice. If you are able to put the truth into practice and treat others fairly, you can achieve harmonious cooperation with others. The key in whether a person can perform their duty well and achieve harmonious cooperation with others, lies in whether they can accept and submit to the truth. People’s caliber, gifts, aptitude, age, etc. are not the main thing, they are all secondary. The most important thing is to look at whether a person loves the truth, and whether they can practice the truth. After listening to a sermon, those who love the truth and can practice the truth will admit it is right. In real life, when they encounter people, events, and things, they will apply these truths to themselves. They will put the truth into practice, it will become their own reality, and a part of their own life. It will become the criteria and principles by which they conduct themselves and do things; it will become that which they live out and reveal. When listening to a sermon, those who do not love the truth will also admit it is right, and think they understand it all. They have recorded the doctrines in their heart, but what are the principles and criteria they use to consider something when doing it? They always consider things according to their own interests; they do not consider things using truth. They are afraid that practicing the truth will cause them to lose out, and are afraid of being judged and looked down on by others—of losing face. They go back and forth in their considerations, then finally think, “I will just protect my status, reputation, and interests, this is the main thing. When these things are satisfied, I will be content. If these things are not satisfied, I will not be happy to practice the truth, nor find it enjoyable.” Is this a person who loves the truth? Absolutely not. Some people are very serious when listening to sermons, and even make notes. Every time they hear a key word or important phrase, they record it in a notebook, but do not use or apply it afterward. No real change is visible no matter how much time has gone by. Does this seem like someone who loves the truth? Those who love the truth can—provided they understand it—put it into practice, while those who do not love the truth cannot put it into practice even if they do understand it. The greatest indicator of whether someone loves the truth is if they can put it into practice. Do you think that someone who does not love the truth can tell right from wrong? (They cannot.) Actually, they can. For example, if they were gracious to someone in the past, but then that person offends their interests, they would say, “That person is unconscionable. I helped them before, and now they treat me like this!” You see, they talk about conscience, but what standard do they use to measure a person’s conscience, or right and wrong? Whoever is useful to them, and whichever words or deeds benefit them—these things are positive, while whatever is not beneficial to them is negative. This is how selfish their perspective is. Do you think that this sort of person can gain the truth? (No, they cannot.) Why not? (They cannot gain the truth because their actions are unprincipled, and they do not practice according to the truth. Instead, they act for their own benefit, and schemes for themselves in all respects.) Exactly. They cannot gain the truth. For what kind of person is the truth prepared? It is prepared for people who love the truth, and are able to forsake everything for it. These are the people who can gain the truth, and to whom the truth ultimately belongs and is given. It means being able to put the truth into practice, and live out the truth at all costs, even if it means sacrificing one’s own personal interests, or the things one loves the most, and offering them all up. In this way the truth can be gained.

What do you think people treasure the most? Is it human life? (It is.) Actually, it is not. Suppose you were asked to lay down your life for God. Could you give it up? Suppose you were asked to offer yourself up to God, and die immediately, could you do it? There are some who can do this. Life, therefore, is not the most important thing to people, as indeed some are prepared to offer themselves up to God, or lay down their lives for God, anytime and anywhere. But when their own personal interests or reputation and status are at stake, especially when it involves their future and destiny, can they put the truth into practice and rebel against their own flesh? This is the most difficult thing to do. What is the most important thing for a person in this situation? (Their interests, future, and destiny.) Correct. It’s not life, but their interests, status, future, and destiny—these are the things which people value and cherish the most. Someone who can lay down their life for God is not necessarily a person who loves the truth and puts the truth into practice. Being able to lay down one’s life for God may just be a slogan. You say you can offer your life up to God, but are you able to let go of the benefits of status? Let go of pride? Which is easier to sacrifice? (It is easier to sacrifice one’s life.) Yes. When some people are faced with the choice, although they can sacrifice their own lives, they are unable to give up the benefits of status, or renounce their own mistaken path. Say you were to choose between two roads. One is the road of being an honest person, of telling the truth and saying what is in your heart, of sharing your heart with others, or of admitting to your mistakes and telling the facts as they are, showing others your corrupt ugliness and bringing shame onto your person. The other is the road of giving your life in martyrdom for God and entering the kingdom of heaven when you die. Which do you choose? Some may say, “I choose to give up my life for God. I am willing to die for Him; after death I’ll have my reward, and enter the kingdom of heaven.” Laying down one’s life for God can be accomplished in a single, vigorous push, by those with resolve. But can practicing the truth and being an honest person be accomplished in such a push? It cannot, even in two pushes. If you have the will when doing something, you can do it well in a single push; but a single instance of telling the truth without a lie does not make you an honest person once and for all. Being an honest person involves changing your disposition, and this requires ten or twenty years of experience. You must cast off your deceitful disposition of lies and duplicity before you can meet the basic standard of being an honest person. Is this not difficult for everyone? It is an enormous challenge. God now wants to perfect and gain a group of people, and all who pursue the truth must accept judgment and chastisement, trials and refinement, the purpose of which is to resolve their deceitful dispositions and make them into honest people, people who submit to God. This is not something that can be achieved in a single push; it calls for true faith, and one must suffer many trials and much refinement before they can achieve it. If God asked you now to be an honest person and speak the truth, something that involves the facts, and your future and your fate, the consequences of which might not be to your advantage, with others no longer thinking highly of you, and feeling yourself that your reputation was destroyed—in such circumstances, could you be frank, and speak the truth? Could you still be honest? This is the hardest thing to do, much harder than giving up your life. You might say, “Having me tell the truth won’t do. I’d rather die for God than tell the truth. I don’t want to be an honest person at all. I’d rather die than have everyone look down on me and think I am an ordinary person.” What does this show people cherish most? What people cherish most is their status and reputation—things that are controlled by their satanic dispositions. Life is secondary. If the situation forced them to, they would summon the strength to give their life, but status and reputation are not easy to give up. For people who believe in God, giving their life is not of the utmost importance; God requires people to accept the truth, and truly be honest people who say whatever is in their hearts, opening up and laying themselves bare to everyone. Is this easy to do? (No, it isn’t.) God does not, in fact, ask you to give up your life. Was your life not given to you by God? What use would your life be to God? God does not want it. He wants you to speak honestly, to say who you are and what you think in your heart. Can you say these things? Here, the task becomes difficult, and you may say, “Have me work hard, and I’d have the strength to do it. Have me sacrifice all of my property, and I could do it. I could easily abandon my parents and children, my marriage and career. But saying what is in my heart, speaking honestly—that’s the one thing I cannot do.” What is the reason you cannot do it? It is that once you do, anyone who knows you or is familiar with you will see you differently. They will no longer look up to you. You will have lost face and been utterly humiliated, and your integrity and dignity will be no more. Your lofty status and prestige in the hearts of others will be no more. This is why in such circumstances, no matter what, you will not speak the truth. When people encounter this, there is a battle in their hearts, and when that battle is over, some ultimately break through their difficulties while others do not, and remain controlled by their corrupt satanic dispositions and their own status, reputation, and so-called dignity. This is a difficulty, is it not? Merely speaking honestly and telling the truth is not some great matter, yet so many brave heroes, so many people who have sworn to dedicate themselves, expend themselves, and spend their lives for God, and so many who have said grandiose things to God find it impossible to do. What do I mean by this? When God requires that people fulfill their duty well, He is not asking them to complete a certain number of tasks or accomplish any great endeavors, nor to perform any great undertakings. What God wants is for people to be able to do all they can in a down-to-earth way, and live in accordance with His words. God does not need you to be great or noble, or bring about any miracles, nor does He want to see any pleasant surprises in you. He does not need such things. All God needs is for you to steadfastly practice according to His words. When you listen to God’s words, do what you have understood, carry out what you have comprehended, remember well what you have heard, and then, when the time comes to practice, do so according to God’s words. Let them become your life, your realities, and what you live out. Thus, God will be satisfied. You always pursue greatness, nobility, and status; you always pursue being superior to others. How does God feel when He sees this? He loathes it, and He will distance Himself from you. The more you pursue things like greatness, nobility, and being superior to others, distinguished, outstanding, and noteworthy, the more disgusting God finds you. If you do not reflect upon yourself and repent, then God will loathe you and forsake you. Avoid becoming someone whom God finds disgusting; be a person that God loves. So, how can one attain God’s love? By accepting the truth obediently, standing in the position of a created being, acting by God’s words with one’s feet on the ground, properly performing one’s duties, being an honest person, and living out a human likeness. This is enough, God will be satisfied. People must be sure not to hold ambition or entertain idle dreams, not to seek fame, gain, and status or to stand out from the crowd. Even more, they must not try to be a person of greatness or superhuman, superior among men and making others worship them. That is the desire of corrupt humanity, and it is the path of Satan; God does not save such people. If people incessantly pursue fame, gain, and status without repenting, then there is no cure for them, and only one outcome: to be eliminated. Today, if you are quick to repent, there is still time; but when the day comes that God completes His work, and disasters grow ever greater, then you will no longer have the chance. When that time comes, those who pursue fame, gain, and status, yet stubbornly refuse to repent, shall be eliminated. You must all be clear about what kind of people God’s work saves, and what the meaning of His salvation is. God asks people to come before Him, listen to His words, accept the truth, cast off their corrupt disposition, and practice as God says and commands. This means living according to His words, as opposed to their own notions, imaginings, and satanic philosophies, or pursuing human “happiness.” Whoever does not listen to God’s words or accept the truth, but still lives, unrepentant, by the philosophies of Satan and with a satanic disposition, this kind of person cannot be saved by God. You follow God, but of course this is also because God has chosen you—but what is the meaning of God choosing you? It is to change you into someone who trusts in God, who truly follows God, who can forsake everything for God, and who is able to follow the way of God; someone who has cast off their satanic disposition, no longer following Satan or living under its power. If you follow God and perform your duty in His house, yet violate the truth in every regard, and do not practice or experience according to His words, maybe even opposing Him, could you be accepted by God? Absolutely not. What do I mean by this? Performing your duty isn’t actually difficult, nor is it hard to do so loyally, and to an acceptable standard. You don’t have to sacrifice your life or do anything special or difficult, you merely have to follow the words and instructions of God honestly and steadfastly, not adding your own ideas or running your own operation, but walking the path of pursuing the truth. If people can do this, they will basically have a human semblance. When they have true submission to God, and have become an honest person, they will possess the likeness of a true human being.

June 25, 2019

Previous: The Attitude Man Should Have Toward God

Next: To Perform One’s Duty Well, One Must at Least Be Possessed of a Conscience and Reason

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