Item Ten: They Despise the Truth, Brazenly Flout Principles, and Ignore the Arrangements of God’s House (Part Two)

Today, we continue the fellowship on item ten of the various manifestations of antichrists: They despise the truth, brazenly flout principles, and ignore the arrangements of God’s house. Last time, we conducted some specific fellowship directed at despising the truth, so let’s review this first. What was your explanation of “despising” last time? (We explained it as not attaching importance to the truth, as looking down upon, scorning, and slighting the truth, and as showing disdain for the truth.) Have you clearly explained the essence of this word using practical terms? (Our explanation only amounted to synonyms of despising; it was superficial and did not clarify the details of despising the truth, nor our attitude and manifestations in our treatment of the truth. We failed to explain the essence of it.) What is the nature of such an explanation? Which category does it fall under? (Words and doctrines.) Anything else? Does it belong to knowledge? (Yes.) How was this knowledge acquired? It was acquired from schools, from teachers, and also from dictionaries and books. So, what’s the difference between My explanation and yours? (God’s fellowship is about each person’s attitude toward the truth—that is, from the depths of their hearts, people resist the truth, feel repulsed and disgusted by it, do not accept it, and even go so far as to condemn it and maliciously judge and slander it. God’s explanation comes from the essence of people’s attitude toward the truth.) I explain the essence of the word “despising” from the perspective of various essential behaviors, practices, attitudes, and viewpoints. Which explanation is actually the truth? (God’s explanation is the truth.) So where does your explanation fall short? (We don’t understand the truth. We only look at the surface of things and interpret them literally, relying on knowledge and doctrines to view issues.) You interpret this word based on the knowledge you have grasped and according to your understanding of the literal meaning, but you do not know at all how this word is connected to a person’s nature essence and corrupt disposition. This is the difference between knowledge and doctrines, and the truth. Do you usually also use this method and perspective when reading God’s words and fellowshipping the truth? (Yes.) No wonder most people, no matter how they read God’s words, can’t understand what the truth in them actually is. So, many people have believed in God for many years without understanding or entering into the truth reality. This is why it is always said, “People do not understand the truth and do not possess the ability to comprehend it.”

We’ll continue to fellowship on item ten of the manifestations of antichrists: They despise the truth, brazenly flout principles, and ignore the arrangements of God’s house. At the last gathering, we divided despising the truth into three items. What were those three? (First, despising God’s identity and essence; second, despising the flesh in which God is incarnate; third, despising the words of God.) Let’s dissect the topic of “antichrists despising the truth, brazenly flouting principles, and ignoring the arrangements of God’s house” based on these three items. Last time, we basically more or less covered the first item, but didn’t fellowship in too much detail about the holiness and uniqueness of God’s essence, which was meant to leave you some room for contemplation and to have you fellowship more specifically based on the aspects of God’s righteousness and almightiness that I fellowshipped. Today, we will fellowship on the second item, which covers how antichrists treat the flesh in which God is incarnate, to dissect the theme of how antichrists despise the truth, brazenly flout principles, and ignore the arrangements of God’s house.

II. Despising the Flesh in Which God Is Incarnate

The antichrists’ perspectives and viewpoints on, and their relationship with, the God incarnate—that is, with Christ—also have some specific manifestations and essential revelations. If we were to simply lay out in a flat manner some of people’s specific manifestations or the specific practices of certain people, you might find the presentation a bit indistinct. Let’s instead divide it into several items, to understand from these what exactly is the attitude of antichrists toward the flesh in which God is incarnate, and to verify and dissect how antichrists despise the truth. The first item is fawning, flattery, and fair-sounding words; the second is scrutiny and analysis, along with curiosity; the third is how they treat Christ depends on their mood; the fourth is merely listening to that which Christ says, but neither obeying nor submitting. Judging from each of these items’ expressions, as well as the views and manifestations that you can understand from their literal meanings, is each of them positive? Is there any item that seems more affirmative or positive? What do “affirmative” and “positive” refer to? At the very least, they refer to having humanity and reason. This does not need to be elevated to the level of having submission or the attitude and stance which a created being should have. Just using the measure of human reason, which of these is up to par?

First, let’s look at the first item: fawning, flattery, and fair-sounding words. Are these three terms considered commendatory, positive, or affirmative in human language? (No.) Typically, which type of people’s speech and behavior do these words describe? (Deceitful people, traitors, vile people, sycophants.) Traitors, vile people, and renegades; the type of people linked with deceitfulness, baseness, and wickedness. The actions of such people are seen in the eyes of others as mostly despicable and base, insincere toward people, and not kind-hearted. They often fawn, flatter, and speak fair-sounding words, fawning and flattering those who wield influence or are of high status. This type of person is despised by others and usually seen as a negative figure.

Let’s look at the second item: scrutiny and analysis, along with curiosity. Are these words considered commendatory or derogatory? (Derogatory.) Derogatory? Explain to Me, why would you categorize them as derogatory? Without context, these words are neutral and cannot be called commendatory or derogatory. For instance, adopting scrutiny toward a scientific project, analyzing the essence of a problem, being curious about certain things—these manifestations basically cannot be called positive or negative and are fairly neutral. However, there is a context here: The object of people’s scrutiny, analysis, and curiosity is not some topic appropriate for human research, but is rather the flesh in which God is incarnate. So, clearly, with this added context, based on these things done by this type of people, as well as their manifestations and behaviors, these words become derogatory here. Which type of people usually scrutinize and analyze the flesh in which God is incarnate? Is it those who pursue the truth, or those who don’t? Is it those who truly believe in Christ from their hearts, or those who hold a skeptical attitude toward Christ? Obviously, it’s those who hold a skeptical attitude. They don’t have genuine faith in Christ, and apart from scrutinizing and analyzing, they are also particularly curious. What exactly are they curious about? We will specifically fellowship on the details of these manifestations and essences shortly.

Next, let’s look at the third item: How they treat Christ depends on their mood. This item doesn’t have specific words to analyze for their commendatory or derogatory meaning. What fact is revealed by this kind of manifestation and specific practice of such people? What kind of disposition does a person who does such things and exhibits such manifestations have? Firstly, are they impartial in their treatment of others? (No.) From which phrase can this be inferred? (“Depends on their mood.”) This phrase means that these kinds of people act and treat other people or matters without principles, without a bottom line, and especially without any conscience or reason—they are entirely guided by their mood. If someone treats an ordinary person based on their mood, it might not be a major issue; it won’t violate administrative decrees or offend God’s disposition, and merely illustrates that this person is willful, doesn’t pursue truth, acts without principles, and does whatever they please based on their mood and preferences, only considering their own fleshly desires and feelings and not the feelings of others, and showing no respect to others. This is an explanation based on their treatment of an ordinary person—but who is the recipient of their mood-based treatment here? It’s not an ordinary person, but the flesh in which God is incarnate—Christ. If you treat Christ based on your mood, this is a serious problem, the extent of which we will not discuss now.

Now, let’s look at the fourth item: merely listening to that which Christ says, but neither obeying nor submitting. There are no specific terms here to define exactly what this is; it’s a kind of manifestation, a habitual state and specific attitude in how people treat things, but it involves a person’s disposition. What is the disposition of such people? They listen, but neither obey nor submit. On the surface, they can still listen, but is what they show outwardly the same as what they think or their true attitude inside? (No.) Outwardly, they may appear well-behaved and seem to be listening, but on the inside, it’s not like this. Internally, there is a mood and attitude of disobedience, along with a mood and attitude of resistance. They think: “I do not obey you in my heart; how can I make it apparent to you that I do not obey? I merely listen to the words you say with my ears, but I don’t take them to heart at all or implement them. I will set myself against you and oppose you!” This is what it means to neither obey nor submit. If such people come into contact and interact with ordinary individuals, treating what ordinary people say with this kind of state, viewpoint, and attitude, regardless of whether it is a manifestation that is obvious or detectable, what is the disposition of such people? Are they considered what others call good people with humanity and rationality? Are they seen as positive figures? Clearly not. Just judging from the phrase “merely listening, and neither obeying nor submitting,” these people are arrogant. How arrogant are they? Extremely so, to the point of losing rationality, being utterly crazed, obeying no one and not giving anyone the time of day. Their attitude when interacting with others is: “I can talk to you, I can associate with you, but no one’s words can enter my heart, nor can anyone’s words become the principles and guidance for my actions.” They only have their own thoughts in mind, only heeding the voice within themselves. They neither listen to nor accept any correct, affirmative, or positive statements and principles, instead resisting them in their hearts. Are there such people among the masses? In a group, are such people considered rational or irrational? Are they seen as positive or negative figures? (Negative figures.) So, how do most people in a group usually view and treat them? What kind of methods do they use in their treatment of them? Are most people willing to come into contact and interact with such individuals? (No.) In the church, most people can’t get along with such individuals—what is the reason? Why does everyone dislike and feel repulsed by such people? Two sentences can explain this issue. First, these people don’t cooperate with anyone, they want to have the final say, and they listen to no one; getting them to heed someone else’s words is extremely difficult, and it’s impossible for them to seek others’ opinions and ideas, or to listen to what others say. Second, they are unable to cooperate with anyone. Aren’t these two sentences the most specific manifestations of this type of person? Aren’t they such a person’s essence? (Yes.) Firstly, considering their disposition, they listen to no one and submit to no one. They want to have the final say, don’t want to listen to others, and are uncooperative with them. In their hearts, there is no place for others, nor for the truth or the church’s principles—such is the antichrist disposition of these kinds of people. Moreover, they are unable to cooperate or get along with anyone, and even if they feel reluctantly willing in their hearts, they still aren’t able to cooperate with others when the time comes. What is going on here? Isn’t there a certain state involved? They look down on others, don’t listen to them, and no matter how aligned with the principles the words of others are, they don’t accept them. When it comes to cooperating with others, it can only be done their way. Is this harmonious cooperation? This is not cooperation; it’s taking arbitrary action, where one person calls the shots. This is the kind of disposition such people have in their interactions with others, and they treat Christ in the same way. Is this worth dissecting? The issue here is serious and deserves dissection! Next, let’s talk about the specific manifestations and practices of antichrists in each item, and through these specific manifestations and practices come to understand the antichrists’ essence—despising the truth, brazenly flouting principles, and ignoring the arrangements of God’s house. Let’s start dissecting from the first item.

A. Fawning, Flattery, and Fair-Sounding Words

Fawning, flattery, and fair-sounding words—on the surface, everyone should know what these terms mean, and individuals who embody them are commonplace. Engaging in fawning, flattery, and speaking fair-sounding words are most often ways of speaking adopted to gain favor, praise, or some kind of benefit from others. This is the most common mode of speech for those who engage in flattery and sycophancy. It can be said that all corrupt humans, to some degree, exhibit this manifestation, which is a manner of speaking that belongs to satanic philosophy. So, do people exhibit the same manifestations and practices in front of the incarnate God, perhaps also to gain some benefits? Of course, it’s not that simple. When people engage in fawning and flattery toward the flesh in which God is incarnate, what kind of viewpoint or thought about Christ within their hearts causes such behavior? Such behavior is usually what people exhibit toward other people. If people also behave this way toward the incarnate God, it implicitly reveals a problem: They regard the incarnate God, Christ, as just an ordinary person among corrupt humankind. From an external perspective, Christ has bones and flesh and bears the appearance of a human. This gives people an illusion, leading them to believe that Christ is merely human, allowing them to brazenly treat Christ based on the logic and thinking of treating humans. According to the logic and thinking of treating humans, usually in treating someone of status and renown, the best strategy for leaving a good impression, in order to smoothly gain benefits or future promotion, is to make one’s words sound pleasing and tactful, ensuring that the listener feels comfortable and happy. One must maintain a gentle facial expression, and not show a fierce or grim face, and in language, there should be no intense, malicious, or harsh words, or words that can wound one’s pride. Only with such manifestations and words can one leave a good impression in such a person’s presence and not repulse them. It seems that speaking pleasingly, engaging in flattery and sycophancy, is considered the truest form of respect toward others. Similarly, people believe that to show respect to Christ, and to maintain harmony, they must go to great lengths to exhibit such behavior, ensuring their words contain no hurtful language or content, and certainly nothing offensive. People think this is the best way to interact and converse with Christ. They treat the flesh in which God is incarnate as a most ordinary human with a normal, corrupt disposition, thinking there is no better way to behave or treat Him otherwise. Therefore, when an antichrist comes before Christ, what they harbor in their heart is not fear, respect, or genuine sincerity, but rather a desire to use pleasing and tactful language, even resorting to illusions to openly engage in fawning and flattery toward the flesh in which God is incarnate. They believe that all humans are susceptible to this approach, and since the flesh in which God is incarnate is also human, He too would respond to this approach and favor it. Hence, in treating Christ, the flesh in which God is incarnate, in their hearts, antichrists do not accept the fact that Christ possesses the essence of God. Instead, they employ some human tactics, human philosophies for worldly dealings, and the common human tricks of treating and manipulating others to treat the flesh in which God is incarnate. Does the essence of these behaviors demonstrate the fact that antichrists despise the flesh in which God is incarnate? (Yes.)

Antichrists treat Christ in the same way they treat corrupt humans, only speaking words of fawning and flattery upon seeing Christ, and then observing Christ’s reactions and trying to cater to His preferences. Some people, upon seeing Christ, say: “I spotted you from afar. You stand out in the crowd. Unlike others, who don’t have halos, you have one over your head. I knew right away that you’re no ordinary person. Who else in god’s house isn’t ordinary but christ? The moment I saw you, I could tell, it’s unmistakably true. The flesh in which god is incarnate is indeed different from others.” Isn’t this blatant nonsense? My appearance is ordinary, common. If I don’t do anything or say anything in any crowd, there might still not be anyone that recognizes who I am even after one or two years. In any group, I am just an ordinary member; nobody can see anything special about Me. Now, I am working in the church, and because of God’s testimony, you listen when I speak among you. But without God’s testimony, how many would listen to Me or pay attention? That remains a question, an unknown. Some people say: “He looks just like god to me. I’ve always felt he is out of the ordinary, different from others.” How am I different? Do I have three heads and six arms? How can you tell the difference? God once said: I deliberately do not let people perceive even a hint of divinity in Me. If God doesn’t let people perceive His divinity, how can you see it? Isn’t what these people say problematic? It is clearly nothing but the nonsensical talk of despicable sycophants, whose words lack all substance. The external appearance of the incarnate God is that of an ordinary person. How can human eyes discern Christ’s divinity? If Christ did not work and speak, no one could recognize Him or know His identity and essence. This is a fact. Then what about those who say, “I could tell at first glance that you are the flesh in which god is incarnate, distinct from others,” or “As soon as I saw you, I knew you could do great things”? What are these statements? They are utter nonsense! When God had not given His testimony, how could you not discern it no matter how many times you looked? After God’s testimony, when I began My work, how could you suddenly see it at first glance? These are clearly deceptive words, sheer madness.

Some people, when they meet or interact with Me, want to showcase themselves. They think: “It’s not often one gets to meet the incarnate god; this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. I must perform well, conveying the results of my years of believing in god, and the good achievements I have made since accepting god’s current stage of work, to let god know.” What do they mean by letting Me know? They hope for a chance to be promoted. If it were in the church, they might never have the chance to stand out or be promoted in their lifetime; no one would elect them. They think the opportunity has now come, so they ponder how to speak in a way that doesn’t reveal any issues and doesn’t show how they are trying to showcase themselves. They have to be more tactful and skillful, employing some schemes and tricks, resorting to petty ruses. They say: “God, we have certainly benefited a lot from believing in you over these years! Our entire family believes, all having forsaken everything to expend ourselves for god. But that’s not the most important thing. The most important is that your words are so great, and you have done so much work. We are all willing to do our duties and expend ourselves for god.” To which I say: “But there’s not really any benefit in this.” “There is—the grace god has given is plentiful. In god’s words, we have gained a lot of new light, insights, and understandings. The brothers and sisters are all so energized, all willing to expend themselves for god.” “Are there any who are weak and negative? Any who cause disruptions and disturbances?” “No, our church life is very good. The brothers and sisters all pursue loving god, forsaking everything to spread the gospel. Everything god says is good. We are all motivated, and can no longer believe as before, seeking grace and seeking to eat our fill of loaves. We must forsake everything for god, offer ourselves to god, and expend ourselves for god.” “Then, over these past few years, have you gained any understanding of God’s words?” “Yes, we have. Your words, god, are so great, each sentence hitting right at our key issues, exposing our nature essence! We have received great light in understanding ourselves and in your words. God, you are the lifesaver for our entire family, our whole church. Without you, we would have perished in who-knows-where long ago. Without you, we wouldn’t know how to continue. Everyone in our church longs to see you, praying every day to meet you in their dreams, hoping to be with you every day!” In their speech, are there any essentially heartfelt or genuine words spoken? (No.) What are these words then? They are hypocritical, empty, and useless. When I ask them to talk about self-knowledge, they say, “Since accepting god’s work, I feel that I am a devil and a Satan, lacking humanity.” “How do you lack humanity?” “I act without principles.” “In what actions do you lack principles?” “I can’t cooperate harmoniously with others, my interactions with others lack principles, my dealings with people lack principles. I am a devil and a Satan, I originate from Satan, I am deeply corrupted by Satan. I resist god at every turn, constantly opposing and confronting god.” These words sound good on the surface. When I ask them, “How is so-and-so in your church now?” they say, “Now, he’s doing well. He was replaced from church leadership before, but then repented, and the brothers and sisters elected him again.” “Is that person someone who pursues the truth?” “If god says he pursues the truth, then he does; if god says he doesn’t, then he doesn’t.” “This person appears enthusiastic, but his caliber is quite poor, isn’t it?” “Poor? Yes, a bit. Otherwise, why would the brothers and sisters have replaced him last time?” “If his caliber is poor, can he do concrete work? Can he fulfill the obligation of church leadership?” Hearing My words, they interpret them as suggesting that someone of poor caliber can’t fulfill the obligation, and say, “Then he can’t fulfill it. The brothers and sisters chose him as the best of the worst; there wasn’t anyone better, so they picked him. The brothers and sisters all say his caliber is average, but he can still lead us. If his caliber is poor, I think the brothers and sisters might not choose him next time. God, should I work on influencing the brothers and sisters?” “This matter depends on the stature of your church’s brothers and sisters. They choose someone who they think is good based on principles—this process is correct, but some people are foolish and cannot see through people or matters, and sometimes they choose the wrong person.” What did I mean by saying this? I was simply stating a fact, not intentionally aiming to replace this person. But how did the antichrist comprehend this after hearing it? They didn’t say it out loud, but thought to themselves, “Is this a hint from god to replace this person? Well then, I should probe further into what god really means. If this person is replaced, who else can lead the church, who can do this work?” The antichrists are blind to God, He has no place in their hearts. When they encounter Christ, they treat Him no different from an ordinary person, constantly taking their cues from His expression and tone, changing their tune as befits the situation, never saying what’s really going on, never saying anything sincere, only speaking empty words and doctrine, trying to deceive and hoodwink the practical God standing before their eyes. They don’t have a God-fearing heart at all. They aren’t even capable of speaking to God from the heart, of saying anything real. They talk as a snake slithers, the course sinuous and indirect. The manner and direction of their words are like a melon vine climbing its way up a pole. For example, when you say someone is of good caliber and could be promoted, they immediately talk about how good they are, and what is manifested and revealed in them; and if you say someone is bad, they are quick to talk about how bad and evil they are, about how they cause disturbances and disruptions in the church. When you inquire about some actual situations, they have nothing to say; they prevaricate, waiting for you to make a conclusion, listening out for the meaning in your words, so as to align their words with your thoughts. Everything they say is pleasant-sounding words, flattery, and obsequiousness; not a sincere word comes out of their mouths. This is how they interact with people and how they treat God—they are just that deceitful. This is the disposition of an antichrist.

Some people come into contact with Me, not knowing what kind of words or matters I like to hear; yet, even without knowing, they find a way. They pick certain topics to discuss with Me, thinking, “These topics might interest you, might be what you want to know or hear but are too polite to ask about, so I will take the initiative to tell you.” When we meet, they say, “Recently, there have been torrential rains in our area, flooding the entire city. Public order is also deteriorating; there are so many thieves now. When one goes out, there’s the risk of being stolen from or robbed. I heard that in some places, many children have been abducted, and people are in a state of panic. The nonbelievers say that society has become too chaotic, completely abnormal. People in religion are still clutching the Bible and preaching the gospel, saying that the last days have come, that god is about to descend, and great disasters and calamities are upon us.” And there are some people who, upon meeting Me, immediately say, “A few days ago, three moons appeared in the sky in one place, and many people took photos. Some folk diviners say that great visions are about to appear in the sky, that the true lord has appeared.” They say such things as these—they are particularly interested in and collect information about the occurrence of such societal chaos, disasters, and various unusual events and astronomical phenomena. When they meet Me, they use this as a topic of conversation to build a closer relationship with Me. Some believe, “God incarnate is an ordinary person. The difference between him and others lies in the fact that he does god’s work and represents god. Thus, while most people hope for world peace, for humans to live in harmony and contentment, the christ in the flesh is unlike normal people. He hopes for great chaos in the world, for visions and great disasters to come, for god’s great work to be swiftly accomplished, and for god’s management work to be quickly concluded, to fulfill his spoken words. These are the topics he cares about and is interested in. So, when meeting him, I shall talk about these things, and he will be particularly pleased. With this pleasure, perhaps I might be promoted, and there might be a chance to spend more days by his side.” Are there such people? I once met a young girl who had a sweet mouth; she was eloquent, quick-witted, and knew exactly what to say to whom, adept at playing to the gallery and shining in all directions, especially skilled at interacting with those in power and with status. When she interacted with Me, upon meeting, she would immediately say: “In such and such a place, the underworld is rampant; even the local police have gang members. There was a gang leader who did many bad things locally. One day, he encountered a high-ranking official, a big demon, on the road. His car overtook the big demon’s car, and the big demon said to his bodyguard, ‘Whose car is that? I don’t want to see him again!’ The next day, he was taken out.” Are there such things in society? (Yes.) Such things do exist, but is it useful to make them the main topic of conversation upon meeting Me? These are not the topics I care about or wish to hear, but she didn’t know that. She thought I liked to hear these thrilling stories. Tell Me, are disasters, visions, natural and man-made calamities the topics I care about, the ones I wish to hear? (No.) It’s fine to listen to these things to pass the time, but if you think I really like to hear them, then you are mistaken. I’m not interested in these things, I don’t care to hear about them. Some people ask, “Do you listen when people talk about these things?” I don’t oppose listening, but that doesn’t mean I like to listen, nor does it mean I wish to collect this information, these stories. What does this mean? It means that deep in My heart, I have no curiosity about these matters, no interest whatsoever. Even some people think, “In your heart, don’t you particularly hate the great red dragon? If you hate the great red dragon, I’ll tell you about a punishment that befell the great red dragon: There was infighting among high officials within the great red dragon, several factions fighting each other, almost killing a certain head demon. These head demons have survived several assassination attempts, it’s really dangerous! Would you be happy to hear this?” Would you all be happy to hear about such things? If you would be happy, then be happy; if you don’t like to hear it, then don’t listen—it’s unrelated to Me. In short, regarding these matters, whether it’s an epidemic in some country, how the epidemic came about, how many people died, which country encountered a major disaster, the state of some country’s government, how brutal the internal struggles are in the upper echelons of some country, or social upheavals, I might listen if I happen to hear about them, but I won’t make an effort to look up specific details about these events, listen to news, read newspapers, or search online for content related to these events just because I don’t know about them. I absolutely will not, and I never do such things. I’m not interested in these matters. Some people say: “All of this is under Your control, it’s all Your doing; that’s why You’re not interested.” Is this statement correct? It’s right in terms of doctrine, but in essence, that’s not the case. God holds sovereignty over human destiny, every race, every group of people, every age. It’s quite normal for some disasters and unusual events to occur in each age—all of this is in God’s hands. Regardless of the age, whether significant or minor events occur, when the time comes for an age to change, even if there is no alteration in a single blade of grass or tree, that age must pass. This is a matter of God’s sovereignty. If an age is not meant to end, then even if there are major changes in celestial phenomena or in all things on earth, it should not end. All of these are God’s affairs, beyond human intervention or assistance. What people should do most is not to concern themselves with these matters, not to collect evidence and information about these events to satisfy their curiosity. Regarding the things God does, you should understand as much as you can, and not force understanding where it’s not possible. Among corrupt humankind, these matters are all too normal, all too commonplace. All these matters—the changing of ages, the transformation of the world order, the fate of a race, the governance and status of a regime, and so on—are all in God’s hands, all under His sovereignty. People need only to believe, accept, and submit; that is sufficient. Do not harbor the thought of understanding more mysteries, thinking that the more mysteries you understand, the more fashionable it seems, as if by believing in God you have great stature and spirituality. Holding such a mindset means your view of believing in God is incorrect. These matters are not significant. The real significant matter, what people should most concern themselves with, is the core of God’s management plan—the salvation of humanity, enabling humankind to be saved within the work of God’s management plan. This is the greatest and most central matter. If you understand the truths and visions related to this matter, then accept what God does in you and the truth He provides to you, and accept every instance of being pruned, judged, and chastised, if you accept all of these, then this is more valuable than researching celestial phenomena, mysteries, disasters, or politics.

Some people learn a bit of history, understand some politics, and, in one sense, they like to show off; in another, they think, “The god incarnate possesses god’s essence and truth. He knows the fact that god holds sovereignty over all things and understands the details within. So, if I understand politics and history, can I cater to his needs? Can I cater to his curiosity about all these things?” I tell you, you are wrong! What I am most repulsed by is firstly politics, and secondly, history. If you talk about history, sharing humorous, story-like anecdotes, or casual chitchat to pass the time, that’s okay. But if you treat these words, these matters, as something serious to discuss with Me, to fawn, to build a relationship, then you are mistaken; I have no desire to listen to these things. Some people mistakenly think, “You fellowship the truth and hold gatherings for people because you must; deep down, what you love most is great chaos in the world. You fear the world not being chaotic enough. Whenever there’s a disaster, who knows how happy you might be behind the scenes, maybe even setting off fireworks to celebrate!” I tell you, that’s not the case. Even if the great red dragon perishes and collapses, I will remain as I am. Some people ask, “Wouldn’t You be happy if the great red dragon collapsed? When the great red dragon is destroyed and punished, shouldn’t You set off fireworks? Shouldn’t You hold a grand feast and celebrate with God’s chosen people?” Tell Me, is this what I should do? Is it right or wrong to do so? Does this conform to the truth? Some say: “The great red dragon has persecuted God’s chosen people so much, spread rumors about God and slandered His name, blasphemed and judged God. Shouldn’t we celebrate a bit when it receives its retribution?” If you celebrate, I permit it, because you have your moods. If you’re all joyous, staying awake for three days and nights, gathering together to read God’s words, sing hymns and dance to praise God’s righteousness, rejoicing that God has finally destroyed and trampled the great red dragon, the enemy, underfoot, and God’s chosen people will no longer suffer its persecution and torture, no longer be unable to return to their homes, and can finally return to their families, everyone’s mood is understandable. If you wish to celebrate and relax in this way, I consent. But as for Me, I will do what I ought to do; I do not engage in these activities. Some people ask: “Why do You have such an attitude? Doesn’t this dampen people’s spirits? Why don’t You show some passion? If You’re not present at the most critical moment, how can we celebrate?” Celebrating is not wrong, but there is one thing we need to fellowship clearly: Let’s say the great red dragon is punished, God has eliminated it; this demon king, once serving to perfect God’s chosen people, is destroyed and eradicated—so, what about the stature of God’s chosen people? How much truth have you understood? If all of you can do your duties adequately, are all qualified created beings, able to fear God and shun evil, each person possessing the stature of Job and Peter, and are all already saved, then indeed it is a joyous moment, something worthy of celebration. However, if one day the great red dragon falls and your stature does not reach the level of loyally doing your duties, if there is still no fear of God in you, and you are unable to shun evil, extremely far from the stature of Job and Peter, unable to truly submit to God’s sovereignty, and can’t be considered as qualified created beings, then what is there for you to be happy about? Isn’t this just reveling in vain joy? Such celebration would be meaningless and valueless. Some people say: “The great red dragon persecutes us so much; surely it’s okay for us to hate it? To recognize its essence should be alright, right? It has persecuted us so much; why can’t we be happy when it is eliminated?” It’s okay to be happy, to express your emotions. However, if you think that the destruction of the great red dragon signifies the conclusion of God’s management plan, that humankind has been saved, equating the destruction of the great red dragon with the completion of God’s management plan, as well as your own salvation and perfection, isn’t this understanding wrong? (Yes.) So, what do you understand now? Regarding God’s enemy, the great red dragon, its destiny and how it is are God’s affairs, and they have no relation to your pursuit of a change in disposition or salvation. The great red dragon is just a foil, a service object, subjected to God’s orchestrations. What it does and how God uses it to render service are God’s business, unrelated to people. Therefore, if you are too concerned about its fate, letting it distract your heart, then there is trouble, there is a problem. God holds sovereignty over all things, including the great red dragon, all devils, and Satans, so whatever devils and Satans do, however they are, has no relation to your life entry or dispositional change. What does concern you? You need to recognize the wicked and vicious essence of its resistance to God, its essence of being hostile to and an enemy of God—this is what you need to understand. As for the rest, what disasters God brings upon it, how God orchestrates its fate, that has nothing to do with you, and knowing it is of no use. Why is it of no use? Because even if you know, you cannot understand why God acts in such a way. Even if you see it, you won’t know why God chooses to act that way, you can’t thoroughly perceive the truth behind it. I’ll conclude this topic here with just these brief remarks.

The manifestations of antichrists using fawning, flattery, and fair-sounding words are, of course, also found in ordinary corrupt people, but what differentiates antichrists from ordinary corrupt people? In their fawning, flattery, and fair-sounding words, there is no respect, no sincerity. Instead, they aim to toy with, test, and use the God incarnate, thus giving rise to these practices; they have their own objectives. They seek to toy with the ordinary person they see before them through fawning, flattery, and fair-sounding words, to dupe Christ, making Christ unable to see through who they really are, what kind of corrupt dispositions they have, what kind of integrity, what kind of essence they possess, and to which category of person they belong. They want to dupe and deceive, right? (Yes.) In their fawning, flattery, and fair-sounding words, is there a single sincere word? Not one. The intent and purpose of antichrists are to deceive, dupe, and toy with. Aren’t these practices the essence of antichrists despising the truth? (Yes.) They think that ordinary people all like to hear pleasant words, enjoy flattery, and like others to grovel before them, which gives them a sense of importance and makes their status appear more respected and grander than the average person. On the contrary, if someone behaves in an overly servile manner in front of Christ, lacking integrity and dignity, speaking evasively, always trying to deceive, and always trying to cover up facts, treating Christ with pretense and falsehood, not only will Christ not buy any of this, but He will be annoyed with you in His heart. To what extent? God would say that this person is disgusting, not uttering a single truth, just thinking about how to lick boots, is not anything good, is not a positive character—such a person is unreliable and untrustworthy. Unreliable and untrustworthy; this is the definition given to such people. On the surface, it’s just these two phrases, but in actuality, such a person does not love the truth, cannot obtain the truth, and is unlikely to be saved. What is the significance and value of such a person believing in God if they cannot gain the truth and are unlikely to be saved? If they don’t cause disruptions or disturbances, they can only play the role of a foil or service object in God’s house, just like the great red dragon. What does it mean to play the role of something? It means temporarily, going as far as they can, like pulling a cart, continuing as long as they don’t overturn it. Why are they made to play a role? Because such people don’t pursue the truth. They so despise and scorn the truth in their hearts, so mock and toy with the truth, that their ultimate end is guaranteed to be like Paul’s, unable to reach the end. Therefore, this type of person can only play the role of a temporary service-doer in God’s house. In one regard, they allow those who truly pursue the truth to grow in discernment and understanding. In another, they do whatever they are capable of in God’s house, rendering service as much as they can, because such people cannot make it to the end of the path.

One day, when I went out, I ran into an acquaintance. Before I could speak, she asked Me first, “It’s been such a long time since we last met. I’ve been waiting for you here every day, missing you so much that I can’t stay at home. I just keep looking for you among the crowds that come and go here!” I thought to Myself, this person might be a bit mentally unwell. Did I make an appointment with you? Why would you wait here for Me every day? Since we’ve run into each other, let’s talk about something substantial. I asked her, “How have you been recently?” She replied, “Oh, don’t get me started. Since our last meeting, I’ve been so preoccupied with thoughts of you that I can’t eat or sleep. I’ve just been hoping to see you one day.” I said, “Let’s talk about something substantial. How has your state been during this period?” “Pretty good. It’s been okay.” “Has your church held elections? Is it still the same leader?” “No, they elected so-and-so.” “How is he?” “He’s okay.” “Then why was the previous church leader replaced?” “Not sure; he was okay.” “Be more specific, don’t just keep saying ‘okay.’ Is it that he couldn’t perform concrete work?” “I thought he was okay.” “What about the newly elected leader’s humanity? How is his comprehension of the truth? Can he perform concrete work?” “He’s okay.” No matter what I asked her, her response was always “okay,” which made it impossible to have a conversation. So, I left. What do you think about this story? What should this story be titled? (“Okay.”) This story is “Okay.” In My interactions with many people, few speak from a place of human reason, let alone in accordance with the truth principles. Most people’s mouths are full of lies, nonsense, fallacies, and presumptuous words; there’s not a single truthful statement. I don’t even demand that every sentence you speak conforms to the truth or has truth reality, but at the very least, you should be able to speak like a human, show some sincerity, show some true feeling. Without these, can there be a dialogue? There can’t be. You always speak empty words and tell lies; when confronted with situations, nonsense, fallacies, insulting words, and presumptuous words all come out, and words of justification and defense all appear, which makes it impossible to get along or communicate, right? (Right.)

Many people eat and drink God’s words, believing these words are only related to the God in heaven, only to God’s Spirit, and only to the God who is invisible and intangible. Since that God is so remote, His words are thus deemed profound enough to be called the truth. However, this ordinary person before them, a person visible and audible when speaking, is thought to have little connection with the truth, with God, or with God’s essence. This is because He is visible and very close to people, He doesn’t impact their hearts or eyes in any way, and He doesn’t bring any sense of enigmatic curiosity to them. People feel that this ordinary, tangible, and speaking person is too easy to figure out, too transparent. They even think they can penetrate and see right through Him at a glance. As a result, people unconsciously treat Christ in the same way they would treat a human, the same way they would treat any person of status or power. Is this in line with the truth principles? How can Christ be equated with corrupt humans of status and power? When people fawn over and flatter corrupt individuals of status and power, they gain benefits and their appreciation. The corrupt enjoy this; they desire others’ fawning, flattery, and bootlicking, as it makes them appear more noble and superior, further emphasizing their own status and power. However, Christ, who has God’s essence, is exactly the opposite. When a person has status and fame, it is not because they possess a noble essence or character; so, they must avail of all sorts of means to get others to idolize and flatter them so as to display their fame and status. In contrast, Christ, who has God’s essence, inherently possesses the identity and status of God, which are higher than any created being’s essence and status. His identity and essence exist objectively, not needing any created being’s adulation for validation; nor does He need any created being’s fawning or flattery to demonstrate His identity, essence, or His noble status. This is because it is an inherent fact that Christ possesses the essence of God; it is not granted to Him by any person, much less is it earned through years of experience among humankind. That is to say, without all created beings, the identity and essence of God remain as they are; without any created being worshiping or following God, God’s essence remains unchanged—this is a fact which does not change. Antichrists mistakenly believe that whatever Christ says or does, people must use fair-sounding words, must cheer, must follow along, and must fawn to cater to His preferences and not go against His intentions, thinking that this might make Christ feel the existence of His identity and status. This is a grave error! How does anyone among corrupt humankind with fame, power, and status gain their fame and power? (By fawning and bootlicking.) This is one aspect. Additionally, it is mainly through their struggles and efforts among people, even through manipulation, and by earning or seizing it through various means. That is merely a reputation, a high position or ranking among people. This high reputation, high ranking, and high status make one stand out among the crowd, become a leader, a decision-maker with the right to call the shots. But what is the essence of this person with status and fame, who stands above others among people? Is there any difference between them and others? Their identity and essence are exactly the same as that of any ordinary corrupt human; they are an ordinary created being corrupted under Satan’s power, capable of betraying the truth and positive things, of inverting right and wrong, going against the facts, committing evil, resisting God, and defying and cursing Heaven. Their true identity and essence are that of a person corrupted by Satan, one who can resist God, making their fame and status mere empty titles. Those who are ruthless, brutal, and malicious enough, who would kill or harm others for status and fame, acquire high positions. Those who can scheme, who have methods and can devise plots, become leaders over others. These individuals are more malicious, brutal, and wicked than ordinary corrupt people. They like to be treated with nothing but fair-sounding words, bootlicking, fawning, and flattery. If you speak the truth to them, you risk your life. Antichrists bring these worldly rules of the game and philosophies for worldly dealings into God’s house, applying them in their interactions with Christ. They assume that if Christ wants to establish Himself firmly, He must also like being fawned upon, flattered, and spoken to with fair-sounding words. By doing this, they subtly treat the flesh in which God is incarnate as just a member of corrupt humankind, which is the approach of antichrists. Therefore, the disposition exhibited by antichrists in their interactions with Christ is undoubtedly wicked. They are of a wicked disposition, like to speculate and ponder over people’s thoughts, like gauging other people’s words and expressions, and like to use certain means, some rules of the game used by secular people in treating Christ and in matters concerning their interactions with Him. What is the most serious mistake they commit? Why can they act this way? Where does the root lie? God says that the incarnate God is an ordinary person. Antichrists, upon hearing this, are delighted, saying: “Well, then I’ll treat you as an ordinary person; now I have a basis for how to treat you.” When God says the flesh in which God is incarnate has God’s essence, antichrists respond: “God’s essence? How come I don’t see it? Where is it? How is it manifested? What does he reveal to prove he has god’s essence? I only know to fawn upon and flatter those with status. I can never go wrong with fawning and flattering people; it’s always the way to go. At any rate, it’s better than speaking the truth.” This is the wickedness of antichrists. This is how antichrists do not believe in or accept the truth, living solely by Satan’s philosophy.

Some people say: “Everyone likes those who can fawn, flatter, and speak pleasant words; God alone does not like such people. So, what kind of person does God actually like? How should one interact with God to be liked by Him?” Do you know? (God likes honest people, people who speak their hearts to God, people who open their hearts and fellowship with God without deceit.) Anything else? (Those who have a God-fearing heart, who are able to listen to and accept God’s words.) (Those who have a heart turned toward God’s house, who are of one heart with God.) You all have mentioned several aspects of being an honest person that should be practiced. Being an honest person is a requirement God has of man. It is a truth that man must practice. What, then, are the principles man should observe in their dealings with God? Be sincere: This is the principle that should be followed when interacting with God. Do not engage in the nonbelievers’ practice of fawning or flattery; God has no need of man’s fawning and flattery. It’s enough to be sincere. And what does it mean to be sincere? How should this be put into practice? (Simply opening up to God, without putting up a front or hiding anything or keeping any secrets, interacting with God with an honest heart, and being straightforward, without any ill intentions or trickery.) That’s right. To be sincere, you must first put aside your personal desires. Instead of focusing on how God treats you, you should bare yourself to God and say whatever is in your heart. Do not ponder or consider what the consequences of your words will be; say whatever you are thinking, put aside your motivations, and do not say things just to achieve some objective. You have too many personal intentions and adulterations; you are always calculated in the way you speak, considering, “I should talk about this, and not that, I must be careful about what I say. I will put it in a way that benefits me, and which covers up my shortcomings, and will leave a good impression on god.” Isn’t this harboring motives? Before you open your mouth, your mind is filled with devious thoughts, you emend what you want to say several times, so that when the words come out of your mouth, they are no longer so pure, and are not in the slightest bit genuine, and contain your own motives and the schemes of Satan. This is not what it is to be sincere; this is having sinister motives and ill intentions. What’s more, when you talk, you always take your cues from people’s facial expressions and the look in their eyes: If they have a positive expression on their face, you keep talking; if not, you hold it in and say nothing; if the look in their eyes is bad, and it seems as if they don’t like what they are hearing, you think it over and say to yourself, “Well, I’ll say something that interests you, that makes you happy, that you will like, and which makes you well-disposed toward me.” Is this being sincere? It is not. Some people do not report it when they see someone doing evil and causing a disturbance in the church. They think, “If I were the first to report this, I’d offend that person, and if I happened to be mistaken, I’d have to be pruned. I’ll wait for others to report it, and I’ll join in with them. Even if we’re wrong, it’s no big deal—you can’t convict a crowd, after all. As the saying goes, ‘The bird that sticks its neck out is the one that gets shot.’ I won’t be that bird; you’d have to be a fool to insist on sticking out.” Is this being sincere? It certainly is not. Such a person is wily, indeed; if they became a leader in the church, a person in charge, would they not incur a loss to the work of the church? They certainly would. Such a person absolutely must not be used. Can you discern this sort of person? Say, for instance, there is a leader who has done some bad things and disturbed the work of the church, yet no one understands what is actually going on with this person, nor does the Above know what they are like—only you know what is actually going on with them. Would you honestly convey the issue to the Above in such circumstances? This issue is what reveals man the most. If you hid the matter and said nothing to anyone, not even to God, waiting until the day came when that leader has done so much evil as to make a mess of the work of the church, and everyone has already exposed and handled them, to stand up and say, “I’ve known all along that they aren’t a good person. It’s just that some people thought they were; if I’d said anything, no one would have believed me. So, I didn’t speak up. Now that they’ve done some bad things and everyone can tell who they are, I can speak up about what’s really going on with them,” is that being sincere? (No.) If you, every time someone’s problems are exposed, or a problem is being reported, follow the crowd and are the last to stand up and expose them or report the problem, are you being sincere? None of this is being sincere. If you take a dislike to someone, or someone has offended you, and you know that they are not an evil person, but you, being petty, come to hate them and wish to take revenge on them, to make a fool of them, you may think of ways and seek out opportunities to say some bad things about them to the Above. You may just be stating facts, not condemning that person, but when stating those facts, your intent has been revealed: You wish to avail yourself of the hand of the Above or have God say something in order to handle them. By reporting problems to the Above, you are trying to achieve your goal. This is obviously adulterated with personal intentions, and it certainly is not being sincere. If they are an evil person who is disturbing the work of the church, and you report it to the Above in order to safeguard that work, and beyond that, the problems you report are completely factual, that is different from handling things by means of satanic philosophies. It is borne of a sense of justice and responsibility, and it is the fulfillment of your loyalty; that is how being sincere manifests.

God does not like people who fawn, flatter, or speak fair-sounding words. So, what kind of person does God like? How does God like people to interact and fellowship with Him? God likes honest people, people who are sincere with Him. You don’t need to consider His tone of voice and expression or ingratiate yourself with Him; you just need to be sincere, have a sincere heart, have a heart with no concealment, screen, or disguise, and let your external appearance match your heart. That is, when you treat and interact with Christ, you don’t need to make any effort, do any “homework,” or prepare or do anything in advance; none of this is necessary. God likes sincerity: heart-to-heart, normal, natural conversation and interaction. Even if you say something wrong or use inappropriate words, it’s not a problem. For instance, let’s say I go to some place and the cook asks, “Do you have any dietary restrictions? What are the foods you do and do not eat? What should I prepare?” I say: “Not too salty, no spicy food, and also, not too oily and no fried foods. For staple foods, either rice or noodles are fine.” Are these instructions profound? (No.) Anyone who knows how to cook would understand immediately, without the need for speculating, pondering, or specific guidance or explanation. Just cook according to your experience, it’s a simple matter. But even the simplest thing is unachievable for people because they have corrupt dispositions and selfishness. I say not too oily, but then during cooking, they use a big spoonful of oil for a small dish of vegetables, basically frying it, giving it a very greasy taste. I say not too salty, and they put just a tiny bit of salt, so it’s almost tasteless. With so much oil and such a bland taste, could it still be appetizing? The cook can’t even do this little thing right, and even says, “God’s intentions are hard to grasp. Every word god says is the truth; it’s hard for people to put into practice!” What does “hard to put into practice” mean? It’s not that it’s hard to practice, but that you don’t practice it. Your selfishness is too great; you always have your own intentions and personal adulterations. You always want to do things according to your own will, doing everything according to your own taste. I say: “Don’t make spicy dishes when cooking. If you all like spicy food, make some non-spicy dishes for Me.” But when cooking, they insist on making it spicy; they dig in and think it’s great. I say: “I told you not to make it spicy. Why did you?” “This dish needs to be spicy. It’s not flavorful without the spice, it loses its taste without it.” What kind of person is this? Do they have good intentions? Some people like to eat meat; I say, “If you like meat, make a meat-heavy dish for yourself. Put less meat in the dishes you cook for Me, or just make a vegetable dish for Me.” They readily agree, but when cooking, they disregard My request, adding big chunks of meat to the pot, even adding chili peppers. The meat is already greasy, and they still fry it, making everything to their own strong taste. If I don’t let them do this, it’s not acceptable to them; they even say: “You’re too hard to please. This is delicious! Everyone else eats it, why don’t you? Aren’t I cooking this for you? Eating more is good for your health, it gives you energy. If you’re healthy, can’t you preach more sermons? I’m considering both for you and for the brothers and sisters in the church.” Isn’t this person awfully troublesome? They have strong desires in everything, their own opinions and ideas in everything. Not to mention whether they possess any truth or not, they don’t even have the most basic humanity. Is this being sincere? (No.) At first, when this person asked Me, it felt like they were decent, like they should be able to cook pretty well. But once the meal is served, I know—they speak nicely, they seem to be good to Me, but in fact, they are just a selfish and despicable fellow.

There’s someone like this who I see often; she’s naturally calculating and quick-witted. When she interacts with Me, as soon as I take My medicine, she’s already bringing water over; when I’m about to go out, she immediately grabs My bag, and seeing it’s cold outside, she brings over a scarf and gloves too. I’m thinking: She’s quick, but why does it feel awkward? Whether I’m going in or out, putting on clothes, shoes, or a hat, there’s always someone quicker than Me. What do you think My feeling is? Should I be happy or annoyed? (Annoyed.) Would you be annoyed by this kind of behavior? (Yes.) If you would all be annoyed, do you think I am annoyed? (Yes.) Some people, after doing all this for Me, feel quite pleased and proud of themselves, saying: “When I was working, my boss liked me. Everywhere I go, people like me because I’m quick-thinking.” The implication is that they know how to bootlick, fawn, and flatter; they are not dull, slow, or foolish; they’re quick in action and sharp in mind, so they’re liked wherever they go. They say everyone likes them, meaning I should like them too. Do I like them? I’m thoroughly annoyed by them! I avoid such people whenever I see them. There are others who, seeing how bodyguards and sycophantic lackeys of underworld bosses and big villains open car doors and shield their bosses’ heads in the world, do the same to Me. Before I even get in the car, they’re reaching out to open the door, then shielding My head with their hand, treating Me like how nonbelievers treat a leading cadre. I feel disgusted by these people. These people, who do not pursue the truth in the slightest, have a humanity that is selfish, despicable, and sordid, and they lack any sense of shame. When you interact with others, fawning and flattering those with status and fame, and incessantly bootlicking, even some upright people find it repulsive and look down on such people. If you do this with Me, I find it even more repugnant. Don’t ever act this way with Me; I don’t need it, it disgusts Me. What I need is not your fawning, flattering, or bootlicking. I need you to be sincere with Me, to speak heart-to-heart when we meet, to talk about your understanding, experiences, and shortcomings, to discuss the corruption you reveal in the process of doing your duty, and things you feel you fall short of in your experiences. You can engage in seeking and fellowshipping in regard to all of these things, and you can explore them too. No matter what topic we fellowship or converse about, you need to be sincere, and have this kind of heart and attitude. Don’t think that by fawning, bootlicking, flattering, or ingratiating yourself you can leave a good impression—it’s utterly useless. On the contrary, such behavior not only fails to bring any benefit but might also cause you great embarrassment and expose your folly.

Those who cannot even be sincere with Christ, what kind of people are they? If you are sincere in your treatment of others, you fear they might know your true situation and harm you, you fear they might trick, exploit, ridicule, or despise you. However, what are you afraid of in being sincere with Christ? If there are these misgivings in your heart, that is a problem. If you cannot be sincere, that is also your problem; it is an area where you should pursue the truth and strive for change. If you truly believe and acknowledge that the person before you is the God you believe in, the God you follow, then you’d better not interact with Him by fawning, flattering, and speaking fair-sounding words. Instead, be sincere, speak your heart and say factual words. Do not say things that serve to dissemble, nor utter lies or words of concealment, nor engage in trickery or scheming. This is the best way to interact with Christ. Can you achieve this? Which is positive: being sincere, or fawning and flattering? (Being sincere.) Being sincere is positive, while fawning and flattering are negative. If people cannot achieve such a positive thing as being sincere, it indicates a problem in them, a corrupt disposition. Is this requirement of Mine excessive? If you think it is excessive, if you think I do not deserve such treatment, do not deserve for you to interact with Me in such a sincere manner and with such a sincere attitude, then do you have a better method, a better way? (No.) Then practice this approach. Let’s end our fellowship of this item on this point.

B. Scrutiny and Analysis, Along With Curiosity

Next we come to the second item—scrutiny and analysis, along with curiosity. Is this item easy to understand? With regard to the actions and words of God incarnate, as well as the personality or disposition revealed in His every word and deed, or even His preferences, normal people should treat these correctly. Those who truly follow God and pursue the truth regard these outward revelations of Christ as the normal side of His flesh. Regarding the words that Christ speaks, they can listen to and grasp them with an attitude of treating them as the truth, from these words understanding God’s intentions, understanding the principles of practice, and finding a path of practice to enter into the truth reality. But antichrists behave differently. When they observe Christ speaking and acting, what is contained within their hearts is not acceptance or submission, but scrutiny: “Where do these words come from? How are they spoken? One sentence after another—are they premeditated or inspired by the holy spirit? Are these words learned or prepared in advance? Why don’t I know? Some of these words sound quite ordinary, just plain talk. This doesn’t seem like god; does god really speak so normally, so commonly? I can’t figure it out through scrutinizing, so I’ll observe what he does in the background. Does he read newspapers? Has he read any famous books? Does he study grammar? What kinds of people does he usually interact with?” They do not hold an attitude of submission or acceptance of the truth, but rather scrutinize Christ with the attitude of a scholar conducting scientific research or studying academic subjects. They scrutinize the content of Christ’s words and His manner of speaking, the listeners Christ addresses, as well as Christ’s attitude and purpose each time He speaks. Whenever Christ speaks or acts, everything that reaches their ears, everything they can see, and everything they hear about becomes an object of their scrutiny. They scrutinize every word and sentence spoken by Christ, every action He takes, every individual He handles, His way of treating people, His speech and demeanor, gaze and facial expressions, even His living habits and routines, and His way of interacting with and attitudes toward others—they scrutinize all of these. Through this scrutiny, the antichrists conclude: However I look at christ, he appears to possess normal humanity; he is quite ordinary, with nothing particularly special about him except for the ability to express the truth. Could this really be god incarnate? No matter how much they scrutinize, they cannot arrive at a definite conclusion; no matter how much they scrutinize, they cannot ascertain if Christ is the god they acknowledge in their hearts. They are those who scrutinize Christ, not those who experience God’s work—how can they attain a knowledge of God?

Antichrists, in their scrutiny of Christ, are unable to see God’s grandeur, unable to see God’s righteousness, almightiness, and authoritativeness. No matter how they scrutinize, they cannot come to the conclusion that Christ possesses the essence of God; they are unable to see through and understand this. Some people say: “Where you cannot see through or understand, there is truth to be sought.” To which an antichrist would respond: “I don’t see any truth to be sought here; there are only suspicious details worth deeply scrutinizing.” After their scrutiny and analysis, they conclude: This Christ can only speak some words and, beyond that, has nothing different from ordinary people. He lacks special gifts, has no unique abilities, and does not even possess the supernatural powers to perform signs and wonders like Jesus did. Everything He says is the words of a mortal. So, is He really Christ? This result awaits further analysis and scrutiny. No matter how they look, they cannot see the essence of God in Christ; no matter how they scrutinize, they cannot conclude that Christ has the identity of God. In the eyes of an antichrist, the flesh in which god is incarnate should possess extraordinary powers, special gifts, the ability to display miracles, and the essence and capability to manifest and exercise god’s authority. However, this ordinary person before them lacks all these qualities, and His speech is not highly eloquent; even when describing many things, He uses colloquial language that does not fit with human notions, not even reaching the level of a university professor. No matter how antichrists scrutinize Christ’s speech, how they scrutinize Christ’s actions, as well as His attitude and manner in doing things, they cannot see that Christ—this ordinary person—possesses the essence of God. Therefore, in the antichrists’ hearts, what makes this ordinary person most worthy of following are the many things, words, and phenomena they cannot see through—this is what is worthy of their scrutiny and analysis, it is their greatest motivation for following this person. What content and topics are worth their scrutiny and analysis? It is these words about life entry spoken by Christ; ordinary people really can’t say such things, they truly don’t have them, and such words are indeed not found in a second person among humankind—it’s unknown where they come from. Antichrists scrutinize over and over, but can never reach a conclusion about this. For example, when I speak about how someone is, what their essence and disposition are, ordinary people will meticulously match these details to the actual person and verify the matter. When antichrists hear these words, they do not adopt an attitude of acceptance to match and understand the matter, but to analyze. What do they analyze? “How do you know about this person’s situation? How do you know they have such a disposition? What is your basis for defining it? You haven’t had much contact with them, so how do you understand them? We’ve been in contact with them for so long, why can’t we see through or understand them? I need to observe and not just take your word for it. What you say might not be accurate or correct.” Over the course of some people’s interactions with Me, I may guide them in a certain job or profession. If the manner and method of this guidance aligns with the technical knowledge they possess and satisfies them, they will reluctantly execute it. But if it doesn’t satisfy them, they will resist in their hearts and ponder, “Why do you do it this way? Isn’t this contrary to this field? Why should I listen to you? If what you say is wrong, I can’t listen to you; I have to follow my own way. If you are right, I need to understand how you are right, how you came to know this. Did you study it? If you didn’t study, how could you possibly know? If you didn’t study it, you shouldn’t understand it; if you do understand it, that’s abnormal. How do you understand it? Who told you, or did you learn it secretly on your own?” They inwardly analyze and scrutinize. Every sentence I speak, every matter I handle, must pass through the antichrists’ filter, undergo their audit. Only if it passes their audit will they accept it; if it doesn’t, they will criticize, form judgments, and generate resistance.

The flesh in which God is incarnate is the greatest mystery to all people. No one can comprehend what’s really happening in this regard, nor can anyone understand how God’s essence is realized in this flesh—how God has become a person, how this person can speak the words from God’s mouth and perform God’s work, and how exactly God’s Spirit guides and directs this person. In all this work, people have neither seen grand visions nor observed any significant movements from this flesh—there doesn’t appear to be anything special going on; everything seems normal. Imperceptibly, God has brought the glory that was in Israel to the East. Through this person’s speaking and working, a new age has thus begun, and the old one has ended, without anyone realizing how it happened. However, those who truly believe in God, who are simple and open-hearted, who possess humanity and reason, do not scrutinize these matters. If they don’t scrutinize, what do they do? Merely wait passively? No—they see that these words are the truth, believe that the source of all these words is God, and thus acknowledge the fact that this ordinary person is Christ, accepting Him as their Lord and God, without considering anything else. Antichrists, on the other hand, cannot see that all these words and all this work come from God, that the source of all this speaking and working is God, and therefore do not accept this ordinary person as their Lord and God. Instead, they intensify their scrutiny and resist in their hearts. What do they resist? “No matter how much you speak, no matter how great the work you do, no matter who your source is, as long as you are an ordinary person, as long as your way of speaking doesn’t align with my notions, as long as your appearance isn’t grand enough to catch my eye or earn my respect, I will scrutinize and analyze you. You are the object of my scrutiny; I cannot accept you as my lord, as my god.” In the process of their scrutiny and analysis, antichrists not only fail to resolve their notions, rebelliousness, and corrupt dispositions, but their notions grow by the day and become increasingly serious. For instance, when a church leader is revealed as an antichrist, causing disturbances and destruction in that church, the first reaction of antichrists, when such an event occurs, is to ask: “Does christ know about this? Who appointed this church leader? What is christ’s reaction to this? How is he handling it? Does christ know this person? Has christ previously said this person is an antichrist, or prophesied this event? Now that such a major issue has arisen in this church, was christ the first to know?” I say I didn’t know, I’ve just learned about it too. “That’s not right—you are god, you are christ; why don’t you know? You should know.” It is precisely because I am Christ, an ordinary person, that I am not required to know. The church has its administrative decrees and principles for handling people. When antichrists appear, they can be cleared out and expelled according to the church’s principles. This reflects God holding power, it reflects the truth holding power. I don’t need to know everything. If the church fails to handle matters according to its administrative decrees and principles for handling people, then I will intervene. However, if the brothers and sisters understand the principles of God’s house in clearing out and expelling people, I don’t need to get involved. Where the truth holds power, I don’t need to intervene. Isn’t this very normal? (Yes.) But antichrists can create issues and develop notions on this matter, even using these notions to deny Christ and condemn the fact that Christ possesses the essence of God. This is just what antichrists do. Because something doesn’t match their notions, imaginings, or expectations, they can deny the essence of Christ. Their scrutiny of each and every aspect of Christ leads to this conclusion: They do not see the essence of God in Christ; thus, they cannot define this person as having the essence and identity of God. This leads to a situation where, when nothing happens, it’s fine, but as soon as something occurs, antichrists are the first to jump out and deny Christ’s identity and condemn Christ. So just what is the purpose of antichrists’ scrutiny? Their scrutiny and analysis are not to better understand the truth but to find evidence and seize leverage, to deny the fact of God incarnating in the flesh, to deny the fact that the flesh in which God is incarnate is Christ, is God. This is the motive and goal behind antichrists scrutinizing and analyzing Christ.

Antichrists, while following Christ and posing as followers, carry an attitude of scrutiny and analysis, and ultimately fail to understand the truth or ascertain the fact that Christ is the Lord, is God. But why do they still follow so reluctantly, so unwillingly, and reside within God’s house? One point we’ve discussed before is that they harbor the intention of receiving blessings; they are ambitious. Another point is that antichrists possess a curiosity not found in ordinary people. What kind of curiosity? It is their fascination with strange and unusual occurrences. Antichrists are especially curious about all the strange and unusual occurrences, all the events that transcend the laws of nature, in the world. They have a desire to delve into many things and get to the bottom of them. What is the essence of this probing? It is sheer arrogance, wanting to understand everything, to know the truth behind everything, lest they appear incompetent. Regardless of the matter, they want to be the first to know, to be the most informed and most knowledgeable about the ins and outs of this matter—they want to become the “most” in every regard. So, they don’t pass over or miss out on the matter of God incarnating in the flesh either. They say, “The incarnation of god is the greatest mystery in the human world. What exactly is going on with this greatest mystery, this most wonderful thing? Since it exceeds ordinary expectations and this flesh is different from ordinary humans, where does the difference lie? I must see and understand for myself.” What do they mean when they say “see and understand for themselves”? They mean, “I have traveled to various countries in the world, visited famous mountains and historical sites, and interviewed famous and wise individuals; they are all just ordinary people. The only one I haven’t met or learned from is this christ. What exactly is the essence of this christ? I must see and understand for myself.” What exactly do they want to see and understand? “I’ve heard that god can perform signs and wonders. They say Jesus is the lord, is christ; what signs and wonders did he perform to satisfy people’s curiosity? I remember one incident where, after the lord Jesus cursed a fig tree, it withered away. Can this christ now do the same? I must see and understand, and if I get the chance, test him to see if he can perform such acts. It is said that god incarnate possesses god’s authority, enabling the paralyzed to walk, the blind to see, the deaf to hear, and the sick to be healed. These are miraculous and novel events; in the human world, they are considered outstanding abilities that ordinary people don’t have. This is something I have to see for myself.” Additionally, there is another, most significant, matter that preoccupies their mind. They say: “What exactly is the deal with past and present lives, and the cycle of reincarnation in this human world? Ordinary people can’t explain this clearly. Since god has become flesh and god governs everything, does christ know about this? When there’s a chance, I must ask him and inquire about this matter; I’ll have him examine my appearance and see if my destiny is good, what I was in my past life, whether I was an animal or a human. If he knows these things, then I’ll be impressed; that would make him extraordinary, beyond ordinary people, and possibly christ. Also, they say there is god’s throne and dwelling place in heaven, so does this incarnated god know where god’s dwelling and the kingdom of heaven are? It is said that the kingdom of heaven has streets paved with gold, resplendent and splendid; if this incarnated god could take us for a tour, wouldn’t our whole lives have been worthwhile, our faith not in vain? Moreover, we wouldn’t need to farm; when hungry, christ could simply turn stones into food with one sentence. With five loaves and two fish, he fed five thousand people; wouldn’t that be a great advantage for us? And what about when christ speaks? They say he provides living water, but where is this living water? How does it get supplied, how does it flow? These are all matters worth exploring, each one quite novel. If I could witness just one of these with my own eyes, then I would become a person of insight in this lifetime, not just an ordinary person.” Isn’t this curiosity getting the better of them? (Yes.)

Some people come to believe in God, to accept Christ, and to follow Christ, not to obtain the truth, but with other ideas in mind. Some people, as soon as they meet Me, ask, “What do the seven plagues and seven bowls in Revelation mean? What does the white horse signify? Has the three-and-a-half-year calamity arrived yet?” I respond, “What are you asking about? What is Revelation?” They retort, “You don’t even know about Revelation? They say you are god, but I’m not so sure!” Others ask, “During the process of spreading the gospel, we encounter people asking about mystical matters. What should we do?” I don’t even wait for them to finish and say, “Anyone who always asks about mysteries instead of seeking the truth is not someone who accepts the truth; they cannot be saved in the future. Those who always seek mysteries are no good; don’t spread the gospel to such people.” Why do I say this? Who, after all, is asking these questions? It’s not someone else; it’s themselves. They want to ask these questions and know the answers to them, and they think I don’t know who’s asking, as if I can’t see through them! After I say this, they hear it and think, “God said I am no good, so I won’t ask anymore.” How about My approach? Did it not effectively shut them up? If I had answered them, wouldn’t that have played right into their scheme? They would then take an inch and want a mile, asking questions endlessly. Do I have the obligation to explain these things to them? What could you even do with this knowledge? Even if I know, I won’t tell you. Why should I tell you? Am I an interpreter of scriptures? Have you come here for theological studies? You come to scrutinize Me, and should I just open up My heart for your scrutiny? Is that appropriate? You come to test Me, and should I allow you to test Me? Is that appropriate? You are not here to accept the truth; you come asking questions with an attitude of hostility, doubt, and inquiry. I wouldn’t possibly give you answers. Some people say, “Isn’t it necessary to answer any question?” That depends on the matter. When it comes to the truth and church work, I still have to consider the situation. If I have already told you before and you still pretend not to know, pretending to inquire humbly, then I won’t respond to you. I will prune you, and after that, you will understand. From the perspective of how antichrists scrutinize and analyze Christ, and their curiosity about the essence of Christ and God, what exactly are antichrists scrutinizing? They are scrutinizing the truth. They treat everything God does as objects of their scrutiny and analysis, using this as a way to pass time. They follow God as if they were scholars studying a certain field or a certain body of knowledge, just like disbelievers attending a theological school. Can such people receive God’s enlightenment? Can they receive light? Can they understand the truth? (No.)

In the church, there are some tasks that have never been encountered before, and some involve professional work. When I guide such work, some people listen earnestly and humbly, grasping the principles that should be observed in doing these duties, and the truth reality that should be practiced and entered into. However, some people rack their brains scrutinizing in their hearts; they think, “You haven’t studied these fields. Besides, can you really learn so many fields? Who can understand and know everything? On what basis do you guide us? Why should we listen to you? Although sometimes what you say when guiding us really makes sense, how do you know this? If I don’t study something, I won’t know about it. I need to ponder, strive to learn more, see more, hear more, and try to get to the point where I don’t need your guidance and can do it myself. It seems you are also learning as you go, mastering it bit by bit.” They just look at external appearances, not seeing that, in one regard, no matter what this person says or does, there are principles—regardless of which work is being guided, it is being done according to principle, and this principle is related to the actual needs of people and the desired results of the actual work. In another regard, and most importantly, this person hasn’t learned anything; His knowledge, learning, insight, and experience are not remarkable. But there is one thing people should not forget: Regardless of whether or not His insight, knowledge, experience, and expertise are rich or noteworthy, the source responsible for performing the current work is not this external flesh, but the essence of this flesh—God Himself. Therefore, if you judge based on the appearance of this flesh—His height and looks, the tone, intonation, and way of speaking—you will not be able to explain or fathom why He can undertake and be competent in these tasks, you will not be able to see through it. Does not being able to see through it mean it’s an unresolvable matter? No, it can be resolved. You don’t need to see through it; you just need to know, remember, and acknowledge one thing: Christ is the flesh in which God is incarnate. The principles, stance, and attitude people should have toward Christ are not to scrutinize, analyze, or satisfy their curiosity, but to acknowledge, accept, listen, and submit. If you scrutinize and analyze, will that ultimately allow you to see the essence of God? It will not. God does not allow anyone to analyze or scrutinize Him; the more you scrutinize and analyze, the more God will hide from you. What do people feel when God hides? It is that the concept of God in their heart becomes vague, their concept of the truth becomes unclear, and everything about the path they should follow is blurred. It’s like there’s a wall blocking your view; you can’t see the direction ahead, it’s all hazy. Where is God? Who is God? Does God really exist? These questions are like a black wall standing in front of you, which is God hiding His face from you, making it so you can’t see Him. All these visions become vague for you, they become lost, and darkness fills your heart. When your heart is darkened, do you still have a path ahead? Do you still know what to do? You don’t. No matter how clear your original direction and goals were, when you scrutinize and analyze God, they will become vague and dark. When people fall into such a situation, such a state, they are in danger; this is what happens for those who focus on scrutinizing God. Antichrists are always in such a situation, with pitch blackness ahead, unable to discern what are positive things, what is the truth. No matter what God does, they are unable to confirm that it is indeed God, that it is God Himself; no matter how they look, they only see the incarnation as a person, because they are always scrutinizing and analyzing, so God also continues to blind them. You see them with their eyes wide open, bright and large, but they are still blind. When God hides His face from people, it is like their hearts are calloused, plunged into utter darkness. They only see the superficial phenomena, unable to perceive the path lying within, failing to understand the underlying truth—even more, they cannot see God’s essence or His disposition.

Subjecting God’s appearance and work to analysis and scrutiny will not yield any results. It is vital not to fall into a state of analyzing and scrutinizing; this is a path of negativity. What is the positive path then? It is that once you firmly believe this is God’s work, that this ordinary person is the flesh in which God is incarnate and has God’s essence, then you should accept and submit unconditionally. People feel that this flesh has many aspects that are disagreeable, many aspects that are contrary to human notions and imaginings; that is an issue with people. God operates in this way, and what needs to change are people’s notions, their corrupt dispositions, and their attitudes toward God, not the flesh in which God is incarnate. People need to seek the truth here, seek God’s intentions, and assume their proper perspective and position, rather than acknowledging Him as God and nevertheless still wanting to scrutinize Him, or analyze and discuss what He does and says. That would be a major problem. When your position and your angle of accepting the truth are wrong, the outcome of how you view everything will change, affecting the path and direction of your pursuit. In whatever God does or says, whether it fits with human notions or not is just a temporary issue. The contribution and value of all that God does for humankind, the value it brings to human life, are eternal. They cannot be changed by any person, any academic discipline, any argument or theory, or any trend. This is the value of the truth. It might be that at present, the words and actions of this ordinary person cannot satisfy your curiosity or vanity, nor can they fully convince you or win you over in both heart and speech; however, the contributions of all the words He speaks today and all the work He does in this age and during this period to the whole of humankind, to the entire age, and to God’s overall management plan, are eternally unchangeable—this is a fact. Therefore, one day you will realize: “Twenty or thirty years ago, I scrutinized, misinterpreted, resisted, and even judged and condemned a certain statement made by this ordinary person. Twenty or thirty years later, when I revisit that statement, my heart is filled with indebtedness and self-reproach.” Corrupt humans are lowly and insignificant before God, they are forever infants, not worth mentioning. No matter how much work a person does, compared to the contribution to the whole of humankind of every word spoken by God in any period and under any context, the difference is like that between heaven and earth! So, you must understand that God is not an object for people to scrutinize, analyze, and doubt. The work of God and the flesh in which God is incarnate are not here to satisfy people’s curiosity. He does all this work not to pass time or to while away the days—His intention is to save the people of an age, to save the whole of humankind, and the results of the work He intends to accomplish are to last forever. Antichrists treat Christ as an ordinary person to scrutinize and analyze, to satisfy their curiosity. What is the nature of this? Can it be understood or forgiven? They are unremitting sinners, cursed and eternally unforgivable! If a person has humanity, understands the truth, and possesses the truth reality, even scrutinizing them is quite repulsive. Treating Christ as an ordinary person and inwardly scrutinizing Him, treating everything He does with hostility and slander, and seeking only to satisfy your curiosity about the words He speaks—even some people, upon seeing Me, say, “Fellowship some more truth, fellowship more about the language of the third heaven, say more things we don’t know”—what do they take this person for? Someone to relieve their boredom? How does God define this matter? Isn’t this blasphemy against God? If it’s directed at people, it’s called mockery and ridicule; if it’s directed at God, it’s blasphemy.

Within the content of this manifestation—scrutiny, analysis, and curiosity—the nature essence of antichrists reveals itself as wickedness, as being averse to the truth. They ignore all positive things; they despise them and treat them with a dismissive attitude, not even sparing the flesh in which God is incarnate. They need to satisfy their curiosity in all matters, subjecting everything to their scrutiny, wanting to draw conclusions and get to the bottom of everything, to figure out what’s going on, so that they appear knowledgeable and intelligent. This is the corrupt disposition of humans. Having become accustomed to scrutinizing everything, they now turn their scrutiny to God. And what does this bring them? Perfection and salvation? No, it only brings them perdition and destruction! This is how antichrists are defined. They are cursed and condemnable. In their approach to the flesh in which God is incarnate, they never adopt the position of followers or created beings to accept and view Him; instead, they perceive and regard Him from the angle and standpoint of a scholar, of a know-it-all, of someone brimming with curiosity, and of an arrogant individual who is incapable of comprehending the truth and who despises positive things. It is quite clear that such people cannot be saved.

June 6, 2020

Previous: Item Ten: They Despise the Truth, Brazenly Flout Principles, and Ignore the Arrangements of God’s House (Part One)

Next: Item Ten: They Despise the Truth, Brazenly Flout Principles, and Ignore the Arrangements of God’s House (Part Three)

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