Daily Words of God: Knowing God

Daily Words of God: Knowing God
Listen to God’s words, know His work, disposition, and essence, and set foot on the path of fearing God and shunning evil.
Daily Words of God: A Christian Life

Daily Words of God: A Christian Life
By listening to God’s words, you can be personally shepherded and watered by God, understand more truths, and step onto the path to dispositional transformation and attaining God’s full salvation.
- The Three Stages of Work
- God’s Appearance and Work
- Judgment in the Last Days
- The Incarnation
- Knowing God’s Work
- God’s Disposition and What He Has and Is
- Mysteries About the Bible
- Exposing Religious Notions
- Exposing Mankind’s Corruption
- Entry Into Life
- Destinations and Outcomes
The Word, Volume 1: The Appearance and Work of God (Selections)

The Word, Volume 1: The Appearance and Work of God (Selections)
Listen to Almighty God’s words to understand the inside story of God’s salvation of mankind, the mystery of God’s incarnations, the essence of Christ, what God has and is, mankind’s outcome and destination, and other aspects of the truth.
The Word, Volume 2: On Knowing God (Full Chapters)

The Word, Volume 2: On Knowing God (Full Chapters)
Listen to the readings of Almighty God’s words and from His work and words and the dispositions He expresses, you will know God’s identity, God’s status, and God’s essence. Then you will believe that Christ of the last days—Almighty God—is the One who rules all things.
The Word, Volume 3: The Discourses of Christ of the Last Days (Full Chapters)

The Word, Volume 3: The Discourses of Christ of the Last Days (Full Chapters)
Listen to the readings of Almighty God’s words, which can solve various situations and practical difficulties we encounter in the process of believing in God and pursuing the truth, and guide and lead us to understand the truth and grow in life.
The Word, Volume 4: Exposing Antichrists (Full Chapters)

The Word, Volume 4: Exposing Antichrists (Full Chapters)
Who is an antichrist? What are the specific manifestations of an antichrist? Listen to the readings of Almighty God’s words, and they will help you discern antichrists and avoid being misled by them.
The Word, Volume 5: The Responsibilities of Leaders and Workers (Full Chapters)

The Word, Volume 5: The Responsibilities of Leaders and Workers (Full Chapters)
Listen to the readings of Almighty God’s words, and you will learn the primary responsibilities of church leaders and workers, and how to discern the various manifestations of false shepherds.
The Word, Volume 6: On the Pursuit of the Truth (Full Chapters)

The Word, Volume 6: On the Pursuit of the Truth (Full Chapters)
Listen to the readings of Almighty God’s words to understand what it means to pursue the truth, the significance of pursuing the truth, and how to pursue the truth, so you may walk on the path of pursuing the truth and obtaining salvation.